我係晴報嘅酒專欄 - 「威士忌配對晚宴」The Macallan威士忌與香港半島酒店的米芝蓮餐廳Felix攜手推出特別的嚐味菜單「The Macallan Table」,試了四道菜配四杯The Macallan威士忌晚宴,對著無敵維港夜景,每位都只是港幣1600元!只限定於2018年10月18、19、25、26、11月1及2日共六晚舉行,每晚指定一枱,可供4至 6位享用。咁exclusive嘅威士忌配對晚宴,值得一試!
My column in Sky Post newspaper- “The Macallan x Felix Whisky Pairing Dinner”! Tried The Macallan Table pairing 4 courses with 4 glasses of The Macallan whiskies at Felix at Peninsula Hotel with panoramic Victoria Harbour view! It’s just HK$1600/person. It’s limited to 18, 19, 25, 26 Oct and 1, 2 Nov only, one table per night for 4-6 persons. Such an exclusive whisky pairing!
#whisky #themacallantable #themacallanhk #themacallan #whiskypairing #skypost #晴報 #peninsulahotelhk