如果,在2019年中旬的時候和你說 –
美股熔斷N次+ N國降息;
在疫情爆發之前,對於第三次世界大戰有很多預測,台海危機也曾經被當成是導火線的可能性之一,但是大家都沒有想到,這次的疫情在全球擴散,我們的敵人不是不同國家的人,而是看不見的病毒,有很多人用第三次世界大戰來形容這次的病毒危機 -- 147國淪陷、確診超過32萬、死亡破1.3萬、40多國封閉邊境,全球進入大鎖國時代,此次抗疫戰爭不知何時落幕,而最讓人擔憂的是,可能,最糟糕的情況還沒來。
#危機下的轉機 #雲端會議軟體行業正夯
Zoom雲端會議軟體公司股價累計已漲58.52%,創辦人袁征的身家也跟著飆升了57%/20億美元(約604.4億元台幣),達到56億美元(約1692.32億元台幣)。因為隨著疫情蔓延,辦公室關閉、交通中斷發、國際交流大多數轉為線上、各種會面紛紛取消,各行各業對Zoom雲端會議軟體需求激增,辦公室會議、商業會議、大學授課…等,都開始轉向線上視訊。很多其他類似公司,例如Skype, Webex, 也在經歷同樣的大幅成長。
#WorkingfromhomeDay1 #Workingfromhome
#遠距工作已經成為未來工作不可避免的大趨勢 #遠距已經成為MUST
美國超過 8 成的公司引入了遠距辦公制度,超過 3000 萬人用這樣的方式工作;日本電氣公司計劃讓 6 萬名員工遠距工作;在中國大陸,已有近 1000 萬家企業、約 2 億人在家線上辦公。我想,即便在疫情接近尾聲和結束後,我們的工作形態也會持續往遠距工作的方向發展。
✅Tip no. 1 – Life goes on and work goes on繼續投遞簡歷,繼續申請工作
✅Tip no. 2 – Update your CV 更新自己的簡歷
✅Tip no. 3 – Be extra patient 保持耐心,永不放棄
公司就像人一樣,面對突如其來的危機也是無所適從,別驚訝,不是所有公司在疫情當下都有詳細的應對和執行計劃,所以,如果你申請了工作後,沒有很快得到回復,不需要太過焦慮,建議你發一封follow up email去追蹤一下你的工作申請進展。
✅Tip no. 4 – A new way of working – remotely 專注於搜尋遠距工作
既然知道目前的職場情況是往遠距工作發展,那就沖破自己心中的限制,直接找到遠距工作來做!目前在全球範圍內,有很多公司有完善的體系支持遠距員工,有些幾乎完全遠距工作的公司,團隊成員遍布世界各地,薪水待遇非常優。你可以在FlexJobs, We Work Remotely和Remote.co這三個網站去尋找相關工作機會。
👉FlexJobs - https://www.flexjobs.com/
👉We Work Remotely - https://weworkremotely.com/
👉Remote.co - https://remote.co/
✅Tip no. 5 – Get prepared for an online interview 隨時準備好線上面試
✅Tip no. 6 – Carry on with our lives as normal as possible 保持身體健康照顧心情平穩
✅No people, no virus.
✅Less contact, less chance of getting the virus.
⭕️We have to find a way to continue our lives as normal as possible, but with extreme precautions of course.
❗️CODIV-19 is getting out of control globally. To be honest, I really want to go back to my home island, Taiwan at the moment. I think a lot of my relatives in the UK and the US share the same feeling. Unfortunately, we don’t see that leaders of Australia, UK and US tackling this crisis with swift and accurate measures. Taiwan suffered from the SARS crisis back in 2003 and it had forced the island to create better defense system and immediate response mechanism towards outbreak of viruses.
❗️Taiwan has over 23 million people (similar to Australia. The population in Australia is about 24 million.) and it’s a very densely populated place. Geographically, we are very close to mainland China and because of this, a lot of people, including health professionals predicted that Taiwan would soon fall to COVID-19 and it would be very difficult to control it. But so far, the COVID-19 confirmed cases are 153 in Taiwan. Comparing to most European countries, America and Australia, COVID-19 is under control in Taiwan. And strict measures have been taking place continuously to ensure that it stays under control.
🚫So don’t tell me that wearing masks are not working; don’t tell me that working from home and closing schools & non-essential places are not working; don’t tell me about group immunity to an unknown virus when there are patients getting re-infected; don’t tell me that COVID-19 only attacks old people while there are over 50% of server cases that are under the age of 60 in ICU in a hospital in Italy; don’t tell me that COVID-19 doesn’t effect young people as there are 19 year-olds getting infected in Australia, China and South Korea. Some of them are also classified as server cases. In New York, there more than 10,000 confirm cases and 54% of them are young people between the age of 18-49; don’t tell me to get prepared to lose my loved ones while we witness some countries and regions are getting this crisis under control.
⭕️We can control this crisis by religiously practicing social distancing, wearing masks, washing hands, using hand sanitizer, monitoring our own temperature, stopping travels...the list goes on and these measures they do work. It really angers me to see that 4 cruise ships were given special permission to dock in Australia despite the 30-day coronavirus ban. And people are still heading to the beach in large numbers. Viruses do not count to 100 or 500 before they infect people. They don’t wait for 48 hours for the emergency rules to be effective. The only math they know is to multiply as quickly as they can. We all have the responsibility to carry out the measures that are effective to control this crisis. With no exceptions!
⭕️Time to learn from some more successful cases in dealing with COVID-19 - Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan...even China as it has managed to control it. We are also seeing slowing down in new cases in South Korea. And Australia’s neighbor - New Zealand is doing a great job in stopping the virus from spreading. The confirmed cases are still under 60. It’s not a time to urge or debate on which political ideology is better than others. It’s not a time to calculate certain parties’ business or political interests. It’s definitely wrong to blame Chinese or Asians for this virus. Viruses do not care if you are white, black, yellow, communist, socialist, capitalist or otherwise.
😂Something to laugh about in this crisis atmosphere - Shoppers in the Netherlands are panic buying weed. Toilet paper? Who cares! Meat? Don’t need it! Talking about priorities in different countries!
#疫情下的生活 #疫情快點結束 #遠離人群 #covid_19 #codvid19 #covid19italia #台灣防疫 #台灣防疫經驗
👉Joyce看世界就是不一樣offical website:https://www.joyceseestheworld.com/
「panic buying中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於panic buying中文 在 Joyce看世界就是不一樣 - Joyce Yang Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於panic buying中文 在 potatogiraffe Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於panic buying中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於panic buying中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於panic buying中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於panic buying中文 在 STOP Panic Buying | 恐慌性抢购 的評價
- 關於panic buying中文 在 Herd mentality sparks panic buying 一窩蜂心理引發瘋狂搶購 的評價
panic buying中文 在 potatogiraffe Facebook 的最佳貼文
真 相 ~總是讓人心痛,但卻是不爭的事實!
Truth is available only to those who have the courage to question.
Whatever they have been taught .
收 容 所 管 理 員 的 一 封 信 :
中 文 版 ..................
或許有一天,當你看著這些傷心、失落、疑惑的眼神時,你會對「繁殖及販售寵物給你不認識的人」這件事有所改觀 – 那隻剛從你手中售出的小狗,當牠不再是隻可愛的小狗時,很有可能淪落到我工作的收容所。
你知道嗎? 不管是不是純種狗,90%被帶進收容所裡的狗,沒有機會再走出來。 而這些「被主人遺棄」或「流浪」的狗,有50%正是所謂的純種狗。
棄養理由百種,我最常聽到的理由是 :
通常,這些飼主的說詞是 : 我只是不想承受要幫狗找個新家的壓力,我相信牠會被認養的 - 牠是隻很棒的狗。
好,讓我告訴你。 行屍走肉的生活。
你的寵物會跟其他25隻左右不斷吠叫、哭嚎的動物關在一間小小的狗舍裡。 牠要在吃飯睡覺的地方排泄。 牠會很沮喪、不斷哭喊著遺棄牠的家人。
如果你的寵物很幸運,那天剛好有足夠的義工或人手可以帶牠去散散步。 如果沒有,那牠可得到的照顧只有一碗從狗舍門下塞進去的狗糧,跟清洗排泄物的強力水柱。
如果收容所沒有太滿,而你的狗剛好是有人會要的品種,可能可以多留個幾天才會被處死,但是也不會留太久。 大部分的寵物在大約在一個星期之後就會對他們的『窩』表現出保護地盤的姿態,一旦有這種行為,就會被拖去處理掉。
就算是最乖的狗,在這樣的環境下,最後也只有同樣的命運。 就算你的寵物幸運的過了重重難關,卻有可能最後染上犬舍咳或是上呼吸道感染,結果還是一樣被撲殺,因為收容所沒有多餘的錢可以支付這筆醫療費用。
************ 死 神 *************
首先,你的寵物會被鏈上鏈子,從籠子裡被牽出來。他們看起來都是一副以為可以去散步的模樣 – 開心的搖著尾巴。 一直到他們走到『那個房間』為止。
只要一走到門口,每隻動物都會開始嚇個半死,然後抵死不肯再往前走。 那氣味聞起來一定就是死亡的味道,或者他們可以感覺到還在那個房間裡徘徊不去、悲傷的靈魂。
真的很奇怪,可是每一隻都是這樣。 你的狗或貓會被一或兩位的獸醫助理壓著(取決於他們的體型跟驚恐程度)。
安樂死的技術人員或獸醫接著就開始進行工作。 他們會從前腳找出一條血管,然後開始注射那支有『粉紅色液體』的要命針劑。
希望你的寵物不會因為被壓著而驚恐不定,或是因此而扭傷他自己的腳。 我曾經看過針劑從腿上被狠狠扯下,上頭佈滿了鮮血,然後被驚叫哀號聲弄聾了耳朵。
他們都不是『去睡覺』而已 – 有的時候他們會抽搐一陣子,喘著大氣,然後大小便失禁。 最後的結果就是,你的寵物的屍體會像生火的木頭一樣被疊在後面的一個大型冷凍庫裡,跟著其他也被殺掉的動物一起,等著被像垃圾一樣處理。
******* 自 主、自 由 及 正 義 *******
我希望讀到這裡的人,都已經哭紅了雙眼,而且沒有辦法把整個畫面從腦海中刪除 – 就像我每天下班做的一樣。
我痛恨我的工作。 我痛恨為什麼有這樣的工作存在,更恨這個工作可能永遠都會在 – 除非大家開始改變,並且意識到他們影響到的是生命,而不僅僅是丟在收容所裡的寵物而已。
每天都有更多的動物被送進來,遠比被帶回家領養的還要多更多。 我要說的重點是,「收容所裡還有寵物等著被處死,請不要繁殖或購買」。
你要恨我的話就請便 – 真相總是讓人心痛,但卻是不爭的事實。
我只希望我能夠改變一個想繁殖自家狗的人、帶他們心愛的寵物去收容所,或是買狗的想法。 我希望有人會走進我的收容所跟我說「我在網路上看到牠,讓我想要領養動物」。
The Truth about Animal Shelters
"I am posting this (and it is long) because I think our society needs a huge wake-up call.
As a shelter manager, I am going to share a little insight with you all - a view from the inside, if you will.
Maybe if you saw the life drain from a few sad, lost, confused eyes, you would change your mind about breeding and selling to people you don't even know - that puppy you just sold will most likely end up in my shelter when it's not a cute little puppy anymore.
How would you feel if you knew that there's about a 90% chance that dog will never walk out of the shelter it is going to be dumped at - purebred or not! About 50% of all of the dogs that are "owner surrenders" or "strays" that come into my shelter are purebred dogs.
No shortage of excuses
The most common excuses I hear are:
We are moving and we can't take our dog (or cat).
Really? Where are you moving to that doesn't allow pets?
The dog got bigger than we thought it would.
How big did you think a German Shepherd would get?
We don't have time for her.
Really? I work a 10-12 hour day and still have time for my 6 dogs!
She's tearing up our yard.
How about bringing her inside, making her a part of your family?
They always tell me: We just don't want to have to stress about finding a place for her. We know she'll get adopted - she's a good dog. Odds are your pet won't get adopted, and how stressful do you think being in a shelter is?
Well, let me tell you. Dead pet walking!
Your pet has 72 hours to find a new family from the moment you drop it off, sometimes a little longer if the shelter isn't full and your dog manages to stay completely healthy.
If it sniffles, it dies.
Your pet will be confined to a small run / kennel in a room with about 25 other barking or crying animals. It will have to relieve itself where it eats and sleeps. It will be depressed and it will cry constantly for the family that abandoned it.
If your pet is lucky, I will have enough volunteers that day to take him / her for a walk. If I don't, your pet won't get any attention besides having a bowl of food slid under the kennel door and the waste sprayed out of its pen with a high-powered hose.
If your dog is big, black or any of the "bully" breeds (pit bull, rottweiler, mastiff, etc) it was pretty much dead when you walked it through the front door. Those dogs just don't get adopted.
If your dog doesn't get adopted within its 72 hours and the shelter is full, it will be destroyed.
If the shelter isn't full and your dog is good enough, and of a desirable enough breed, it may get a stay of execution, though not for long. Most pets get very kennel protective after about a week and are destroyed for showing aggression. Even the sweetest dogs will turn in this environment.
If your pet makes it over all of those hurdles, chances are it will get kennel cough or an upper respiratory infection and will be destroyed because shelters just don't have the funds to pay for even a $100 treatment.
The grim reaper
Here's a little euthanasia 101 for those of you that have never witnessed a perfectly healthy, scared animal being "put-down".
First, your pet will be taken from its kennel on a leash. They always look like they think they are going for a walk - happy, wagging their tails. That is, until they get to "The Room".
Every one of them freaks out and puts on the breaks when we get to the door. It must smell like death, or they can feel the sad souls that are left in there. It's strange, but it happens with every one of them. Your dog or cat will be restrained, held down by 1 or 2 vet techs (depending on their size and how freaked out they are). A euthanasia tech or a vet will start the process. They find a vein in the front leg and inject a lethal dose of the "pink stuff". Hopefully your pet doesn't panic from being restrained and jerk it's leg. I've seen the needles tear out of a leg and been covered with the resulting blood, and been deafened by the yelps and screams.
They all don't just "go to sleep" - sometimes they spasm for a while, gasp for air and defecate on themselves.
When it all ends, your pet's corpse will be stacked like firewood in a large freezer in the back, with all of the other animals that were killed, waiting to be picked up like garbage.
What happens next? Cremated? Taken to the dump? Rendered into pet food? You'll never know, and it probably won't even cross your mind. It was just an animal, and you can always buy another one, right?
Liberty, freedom and justice for all
I hope that those of you that have read this are bawling your eyes out and can't get the pictures out of your head. I do everyday on the way home from work. I hate my job, I hate that it exists and I hate that it will always be there unless people make some changes and realize that the lives you are affecting go much farther than the pets you dump at a shelter.
Between 9 and 11 MILLION animals die every year in shelters and only you can stop it. I do my best to save every life I can but rescues are always full, and there are more animals coming in everyday than there are homes.
My point to all of this is DON'T BREED OR BUY WHILE SHELTER PETS DIE!
Hate me if you want to - the truth hurts and reality is what it is.
I just hope I maybe changed one person's mind about breeding their dog, taking their loving pet to a shelter, or buying a dog. I hope that someone will walk into my shelter and say "I saw this thing on craigslist and it made me want to adopt".
That would make it all worth it."
Author unknown
Animal Cruelty Exposed
[德 國 為 什 麼 沒 有 流 浪 狗 ?]
[ 動 物 先 進 國 荷 蘭 的 know-how ]
動保 Two
捍衛 “ 生命權 ”_ 控管 “ 生育權 ”
「愛 錢 ? 還 是 愛 狗 ?」
請支持 [ 管 制 不 負 責 任 飼 主 的 修 法 ]。
panic buying中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
panic buying中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
panic buying中文 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文
panic buying中文 在 Herd mentality sparks panic buying 一窩蜂心理引發瘋狂搶購 的推薦與評價
像mess with這麼簡單的英文都無法正確翻譯,那英文到底要怎麼教學子才會有概念?真的要投降了! ... <看更多>
panic buying中文 在 STOP Panic Buying | 恐慌性抢购 的推薦與評價
STOP Panic Buying | 恐慌性抢购Panic is never healthy, and when it comes to the well being of a nation - it's certainly not the best way to ... ... <看更多>