- 可涼冷氣但不宜直吹,並且要注意室內外溫差,室內冷氣溫度不宜調得太低,否則一熱一冷容易生病
- 游泳降溫,泳後要立即弄乾身體及頭髮
- 選擇鬆身、透氣及吸汗力強的衣物,必要時多帶衣物更換
- 戴有大帽沿的太陽帽或傘子
- 帶備保濕噴霧
- 帶備小風扇,但要注意避免固定吹向一個部位
- 補充適量水份,加片檸檬或薄荷葉可以令人更醒神
- 消暑的水果例如椰青、西瓜、蓮霧、蜜瓜、士多啤梨等可按身體狀況適量食用,記得從雪櫃取出後放置室溫一會才享用;如出現腹瀉或眩暈情況,就代表食材對孕媽媽來說太寒涼了,不宜食用
- 適量食用苦味食物,因其多有清心涼血、健脾利尿以及緩解暑熱的功效,例如苦瓜、生菜、萵筍、芫茜、薄荷葉等
- 每天飲一杯米水,有助強健脾胃,驅走濕氣,紓緩太熱無胃口的症狀
- 避免進食屬性溫熱的食物,例如蔥、薑、蒜、辣椒等香辛料
- 濕熱孕媽媽們更不宜進補
✔CheckCheckCin 米水推介:紅豆米水
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Tips to clear summer heat for expecting mothers
Being pregnant is one of the best experiences in the world, but at the same time, it also causes pregnant moms to feel warm all the time! Especially during summer, pregnant moms’ body temperature tend to be higher than that of the ordinary people.
Yet, pregnant moms should avoid drinking raw and cold beverages as they could hurt the spleen and stomach and accumulate dampness in the body. They might even risk getting the deadly listeria infection from ice cubes in the drink.
Does that mean pregnant moms can only suffer in silence for the sake of their babies?
Here are some tips by Chinese physicians to help you relieve the summer-heat!
- can enjoy the air-conditioner but avoid direct cool air; watch out for indoor and outdoor temperature difference and make sure it is not overly extreme because a sudden change in temperature can cause you to fall ill
- swimming can help you cool down but make sure you keep your body dry and blow dry your hair afterwards
- choose clothes that are loose, airy, and sweat-absorbent; bring extra pairs of clothes along with you when necessary
- put on a large hat or carry an umbrella
- carry a moisturizing spray with you all the time
- carry a small fan but avoid blowing directly in one direction
- drink enough water to hydrate the body; add lemon slices and mints to freshen our mind
- eat fruits that can clear the summer-heat according to our body constitution, for instance, coconut, watermelon, wax apple, honeydew, and strawberry; remember to eat it at room temperature after you have taken them out of the refrigerator; if you experience diarrhea or dizziness, the fruits might be too cold for the pregnant moms
- consume food that are bitter in taste as they can clear heat and cool the blood, strengthen the spleen and promote urination, and relieve the summer-heat; these ingredients include bitter gourd, lettuce, coriander, and mint
- drink a cup of rice water daily as it can help to strengthen the spleen and stomach, eliminate dampness from the body, and improve your appetite during the warm summer season
- avoid eating ingredients that are warm in nature, for instance, onion, ginger, garlic, and chili
- pregnant moms with the damp heat body constitution should avoid eating foods that are over-nourishing
✔ CheckCheckCin Rice Water Recommendation: Red Bean Rice Water
Ingredients: Red Rice, White Rice, Red Bean
Effects: Achieves rosy complexion. Calms the mind and improves sleep. Replenishes blood and nourishes the stomach.
Welcome to order through our website:
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#女 #我煩躁 #孕婦
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瑜伽衫心得 🧘🏻♀️
我買瑜伽衫通常會係Forever 21 或者上淘寶買。
第一次接觸韓國嘅瑜伽衫,原來衫都可以令到身材變好,無論我着深色或者淺色都好,都好顯瘦,顯肌肉firm ,有高腰嘅設計可以幫我收肚腩,淺藍色心心眼嗰條設計,係啱pat pat比較平嘅女仔,視覺上會令到屁股更有線條。彈性同吸汗方面都優良!!
唔知你哋會唔會好似我咁, 每次買咗新嘅運動衫,個一排都會有動力做多啲運動,著新衫開心😃
【韓國「美臀瘦瘦」Legging - 令女士們更有「自信」!】
我一收到條Legging 嘅Sample 嘅時候,我足足對睇著佢睇左兩個鐘頭,我真係好想親身試比大家睇,但係⋯⋯⋯⋯
我成日教兩個囡好難做,唔識做嘅事情就「慢慢做」、「試多幾次」。幾個月之前我地對女裝運動衣著,可以算係一無所知,但又收到各位女士嘅嬲嬲,話我地D 產品偏心於男士。因為咁激發起我地下定決心,係依兩個月黎不恥下問,日日夜夜咁睇D 女裝Legging,運動內衣,Bra Top等。我太太開頭以為我做左咸濕佬,入到D 運動門市睇女裝嘅D 售貨員唔敢行埋黎,再加D歧視眼光已經習以為常。係,我地今次又偏心返去女士度,係因為我地想知錯能改,彌補一下!
點解我地咁多Legging 唔㨂要㨂依條?
- 物料 - (Lycra 及 Cella) 吸水性、快乾性同清爽功能,做運動出汗都唔會成日立立咁!
- 物料夠彈性,可以保持肌肉夠 firm, 顯出身體線條
- 韓國當地第一品牌,韓國制造
- 妹妹不會現形 (用家心得,要明就明,唔明都唔好問我,哈哈!)
- V Up 高腰設計 - 有時唔覺意肥左D,高腰設計可以幫你收埋D call 機肉! (CELLA V-UP 3D款)(下面條link 有demo)
- 心心眼設計 - 比較合適pat pat 本身比較平的女士,因為心心pattern 會令視覺上pat pat 形更有線條
計我話,女士要著運動衫著得「靚!」,唔係要鬥瘦,鬥樣靚,而係好在乎一份「自信」!一份顯示自己身形嘅信心!著得幾靚都好,著出黎驚驚青青,閃閃縮縮幾靚都冇用!而依條韓國「美臀瘦瘦」Legging 用左物料同設計去幫女士們著得更有自信!
你可能會記得我地應承過大家,我地推介得嘅嘢,一定會自己試過。我一收到條Legging 嘅Sample 嘅時候,我足足對睇著佢睇左兩個鐘頭,我真係好想親身試比大家睇。雖然我地今次推介比大家嘅決心十分堅定,但如果我真係自己試比大家睇,我怕大家睇到連之前嗰餐都嘔返出黎,咁就連累大家之餘又冇人買依件咁好嘅產品,咁就唔好啦!
就因為咁,我地搵左一位係兩年之前幫過我地嘅恩人,因為佢,我地先可以正式打開澳門市場嘅大門,可以同更多人分享我地嘅推介。佢就係二零一六年國際小姐澳門代表葉蘇霖(Sulin)小姐!! 今次我地膽粗粗咁,將我地嘅情況同Sulin 講左之後,佢一口應承左幫我地,我都當堂呆一呆。我估係佢都睇得出我地嘅決心同埋困難之處,後尾佢仲讚我地D 推介好正添!
我會答妳:「係對Outdoor Living 所有女Fans 嘅一份彌補! 」
如果各位係支持我地的話,真係好希望大家可以Share 或者Tag 一D 岩用嘅朋友,因為依個品牌真心靚料,而且出面唔係咁而搵到!
Bra Top:https://www.outdoorliving.hk/products/xexymix-bra-top
運動Tee: https://www.outdoorliving.hk/products/xexymix-tee
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