圖文心得 https://readingoutpost.com/shoe-dog/
Podcast 用聽的 https://readingoutpost.soci.vip/
最後,這本書的敘事時間從1964年NIKE前身「Blue Ribbon Sports」的創立開始,一直講到1980年NIKE正式公開募股上市為止。內容著重在創立早期,跟日本「鬼塚虎」品牌剪不斷理還亂的淵源。對於「Adidas」或其他競爭者的著墨則非常稀少。
英文書名「鞋狗」(Shoe Dog)的涵義是:「鞋狗就是那些全身心投入其中,努力製造、銷售、購買或設計鞋子的人。一輩子從事這個行業的人會樂於使用這個詞來描述其他終生緻力於此的人,不論男女都勞心勞力的為鞋子這一事業奮鬥,完全不考慮其他事情。」
這本書的核心精神可以濃縮成一句話,菲爾在各個章節重複說道:「懦夫從不啟程,弱者死於路中,只剩我們前行,一步都不能停。」(The cowards never started and the weak died along the way. That leaves us, ladies and gentlemen. Us.)
菲爾在書中時常提到他的管理哲學:「不要告訴人們如何做,而要告訴人們做什麼,讓他們用成果帶給你驚喜。」(Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.)
這個觀念用Simon Sinek在《先問,為什麼?》的名言,是這麼說的:「人們不買你做了什麼,人們買的是你的為什麼。」(People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.)
《跑出全世界的人》整本書菲爾不斷重複的那句話「繼續前進、不要停止」,背後所代表的勇氣和毅力,徹底貫徹了NIKE最為人熟知的標語「Just do it!」。除了跟商管有關的收穫之外,記下兩句我也很喜歡的話。第一句是菲爾跟妻子新婚不久,要前往日本出差時的感想:
「想瞭解你對某人的感受最簡單的方式:向他/她道別。」(The single easiest way to find out how you feel about someone. Say goodbye.)
第二句是菲爾觀賞過大大小小的運動賽事,以下他拿「書」和「運動」來類比堪稱一絕:「就像書本一樣,運動給人一種,活過另一段生命的感覺,好像親身參與了別人的勝利和失敗。運動發揮其最佳狀態的時候,能讓粉絲和運動員的精神合而為一。」(Like books, sports give people a sense of having lived other lives, of taking part in other people’s victories. And defeats. When sports are at their best, the spirit of the fan merges with the spirit of the athlete.)
最後,用Samuel Beckett的這句話,做為「鞋狗」精神的自我勉勵:「嘗試過了。失敗過了。沒有關係。再去嘗試。再次失敗。但這次失敗得好看些。」(Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.)
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅Coolgang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🎊聖嬰節是菲律賓宿霧的年度盛事,為期一週🎊 在每年一月的第三個星期舉行,有許多活動(舞蹈、藝術展覽、選美比賽、煙火等)重頭戲是在最後一天市區會封街舉辦花車遊行,全部街上的朝聖者也會一起跳舞,Sinulog的舞步是前進兩步再退後一步的節奏,你也會同時看見許多造型獨特的花車表演。當地人也會帶著家中的小耶...
「out of their way意思」的推薦目錄:
- 關於out of their way意思 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於out of their way意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於out of their way意思 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於out of their way意思 在 Coolgang Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於out of their way意思 在 林瑪黛 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於out of their way意思 在 [外絮] 獨行俠賽季的結束代表許多疑問的開始- 看板NBA 的評價
- 關於out of their way意思 在 英文成語go out of one's way是甚麼意思?... - Facebook 的評價
- 關於out of their way意思 在 Eric周興哲《在你耳邊說Come Out Your Way》Official 音樂 ... 的評價
out of their way意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
When it comes to communicating in English with an international audience, native speakers don’t always do so well.
Sometimes, such inability to accommodate non-native speakers can lead to substantial financial losses for multinational companies.
Picture this: A group of nonnative English speakers is in a room. There are people from Germany, Singapore, South Korea, Nigeria and France. They're having a great time speaking to each other in English, and communication is smooth.
•picture(v.) 想像,設想
•have a great time doing sth 做某事很開心
•smooth 順利的,流暢的
And then an American walks into the room. The American speaks quickly, using esoteric jargon ("let's take a holistic approach") and sports idioms ("you hit it out of the park!"). And the conversation trickles to a halt.
•esoteric 極不尋常的;只有少數人(尤指內行)才懂的;限於小圈子的
•jargon 行話,行業術語
•a holistic approach 全面性的方法 ; 完整取向、全方位取向
•sports idioms 體育相關的成語,慣用語
•trickle to a halt 遂逐漸停止
•trickle 從…向下滴(或淌)
*hit/knock the ball out of the park 字面上的意思是「把球打出棒球場」,慣用語的意思則是「某事做的非常好,令人驚艷」。
Decades of research shows that when a native English speaker enters a conversation among nonnative speakers, understanding goes down. Global communication specialist Heather Hansen tells us that's because the native speaker doesn't know how to do what nonnative speakers do naturally: speak in ways that are accessible to everyone, using simple words and phrases.
•communication specialist 溝通專家
•accessible 可以理解的;易懂的
數十年的研究表明,當母語為英語的人參與非母語者之間的談話時,理解力會下降。全球溝通專家 Heather Hansen 告訴我們,這是因為母語者無法自然地以非母語者的方式來溝通:以大家都能接受的方式交談——使用簡單的詞彙與片語。
And yet, as Hansen points out, this more accessible way of speaking is often called "bad English." There are whole industries devoted to "correcting" English that doesn't sound like it came from a native British or American speaker. …It turns out that these definitions of "good" and "bad" English may be counterproductive if our goal is to communicate as effectively as possible.
•point sth out 指出
•turn out …地發生(或發展);結果是(尤指出乎意料的結果)
•counterproductive 産生相反效果的;産生相反作用的;事與願違的,適得其反的
惟正如 Hansen 所指出,這種所謂更容易理解的說話方式,通常被稱為「破英語」。也有行業致力於「糾正」那些聽起來不像英國或美國母語者的英語。⋯⋯事實證明,如果我們的目標是盡可能地有效交流,那麼這些對「好」英語與「壞」英語的定義可能會適得其反。
A balance needs to be struck. There is also a clear difference between helping students improve their English in a classroom and being overly judgmental in a business meeting (or on the Internet ><).
However, if the goal is to communicate effectively with an international audience, native speakers could be more accommodating. At least, that's the view taken by the articles below.
*accommodating 樂於助人的;與人方便的;通融的
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3x2lr7X
out of their way意思 在 吳文遠 Avery Ng Facebook 的最佳解答
【616 兩百萬人遊行之排名不分先後左右】
Never Say Never!
"It always seems impossible until it's done. "
各位要記著,可能兩年之後的現在,那些藍絲、KOL正在不斷洗板,不斷篡改歷史,將整件事情扭曲,以黑暴污名化,但大家要記著兩年前的6 月16日,是兩百萬香港人和平上街,而在那兩百萬人中,有很多人在投票是投給工聯會、民建聯,屬於傳統界定為藍絲和建制派的人,又或是重來也不問世事的人,但是當時他們為什麼也要上街,就是要求林鄭月娥撤回送中條例,啊,不對,林鄭月娥在6月16日前已經暫援了送中條例,暫援了送中條例都還有200萬人上街,這代表他們是在反對林鄭月娥這個政權,和反對香港警察在六月時所施行的警察暴力,所以他們才會全部湧出來!
其實,我們香港人是否有可能再創紀錄,甚至破埋二百萬人的數字,大家可能會灰心,甚至乎覺得沒可能啦,亞哥,尤其是現在有國安法,民陣申請遊行又不獲淮,香港人顧著移民,我們的人又都全坐了監,但各位,我加入了社民連這麼久,大家都知我是比較天真的,就是 Never Say Never,就像我背上的文字, 是曼德拉的名句,It always seems impossible until it's done. 意思是事情永遠在成功前總像是沒可能實踐,其實616 就是最佳例子!
【616 Two Million March: A March of People from all across the Political Spectrum】
The 616 march is basically a record-breaking event in Hong Kong's history, and I suspect it may have even set a world record, as 2 million people took to the streets in a small city of 7 million, despite the fact that Carrie Lam still remains a stubborn bxtch.
I was really moved by the 2 million people who took to the streets to oppose Carrie Lam's government, regardless of their political views. Perhaps now, 2 years after this march, these 'blue ribbons' and KOLs are now constantly whitewashing and falsifying history, distorting the whole incident and stigmatising it with black violence. However, we must remember that out of those two million people who went on the march, many of them voted for the FTU and the DAB, many of them are people who are traditionally defined as 'blue', many of them are members of the pro-establishment camp, and many of them were those who do not care about the world, but why did they take to the streets too? Did they want the withdrawal of the Extradition Bill? Nope. Carrie Lam has already withdrawn the Bill before the 16th, and 2 million people still decided to take to the streets, and this means they were against the regime, and they are in opposition to the police brutality that they witnessed in June.
These 2 million people were just ordinary Hong Kong people, regardless of blue, yellow, left, centre or right. There were many opportunities for Mrs Lam to communicate with Hong Kong people, to improve and reform Hong Kong, and whether she admitted her mistakes or not, there was always a way for her to save Hong Kong as a whole. However, Carrie Lam, has been so stubborn that she is afraid that Hong Kong is not torn apart enough. She has been turning a blind eye to police violence, not reviewing herself and not listening to people's demands, which eventually led to a series of protests and even a bigger mass movement.
In fact, today, we may be discouraged as to whether Hong Kong people can set another record, or even break the record of 2 million people, especially when there is a national security law and that the pro-democracy camp has been denied permission to demonstrate. A lot of Hong Kong people are thinking about migrating, and a lot of us are in jail. I've been in LSD for quite some time, and everyone knows I've always remained hopeful (some might say I’m naive). Never say never, and as what the back of my T shirt says, “It always seems impossible until it's done.” (A famous quote from Mandela) In fact, June 16 is the perfect example!
I believe that a dictatorship will not last forever. I am in prison today, but I am already exercising. Prison food is not exactly pleasant, it's blend, but exercising with this diet, I'm gonna live longer! 😎
I'll be out soon, and I promise I’ll be back with 6 packs. 💪🏻
文遠交低話大家記住一定要撐 #文遠Patreon 呀!
⭐Please show your support by subscribing to Avery’s Patreon ⭐
out of their way意思 在 Coolgang Youtube 的最讚貼文
我發現年輕人的慶祝活動更好玩,會聚集在另一條街上,將五彩繽紛的顏料互相塗抹在彼此臉上,也會對觀光客進行熱烈歡迎的見面禮,口中大喊著“Pit Senyor”就是代表著“聖嬰萬歲”的意思👼
Sinulog Festival is an annual event in Cebu, Philippines, for a week
In the third week of January each year, there are many events (dance, art exhibitions, beauty contests, fireworks, etc.). The highlight is that on the last day, the city will hold a parade on the street, and all the pilgrims on the street will dance together. Sinulog's dance steps are a step forward in two steps, and you will also see many unique float shows. The locals will also take to the streets with the little Jesus in their homes. It is actually a religious ritual of Taiwan's Mazu. Two days after the parade, the entire cell phone signal network will be blocked in Cebu City to prevent terrorist attacks.
I found that the celebrations of young people are more fun. They will gather on another street, smearing colorful paints on each other's faces, and will also give a warm welcome to the tourists. The mouth yells "Pit Senyor" as the representative. The meaning of "Long live the Holy Baby"
This is the way Filipinos celebrate the Sinulog Festival. Friends who plan to travel next year will remember to make a reservation first. It is actually a restaurant in the Fuente Osmena Circle, which allows you to easily watch the parade in the room.
Check out 🤘
酷奇王 FB https://goo.gl/vYfSEk
酷奇王 IG @afropopcorn

out of their way意思 在 林瑪黛 Youtube 的最佳貼文
2015 首張專輯《房間裡的動物》6月全面發行
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歌詞版MV【Hope PoPo】:
【 我的地盤 】
My Place describes human compete their living space with animals. This song is built upon a swinging jazz-informed beat, warped upright bass and noisy, reverb-rich guitars that coupled with Asha’s smoky, noir-ish vocals, lends itself to Portishead comparisons.
後製:小油/little Oil
我不知道你從哪裡來 I have no clue where are you from
也不知道你為何而來 And I have no clue why are you here.
再不走開 Please go away or
別怪我太衝動 Don’t blame me for being rude
GET OUT OF MY PLACE 趕快走 Get the hell out
GET OUT OF MY PLACE 別逗留 Don’t hang around
別搞不清楚這是哪裡 Don’t confuse it's not for you
釋放氣息 Don't leave your scent
隨意占據 Don't seize my place
(不好意思驚動你 噢對不起)
(I’m sorry to disturb you oh sorry)
(我只是經過 你別太敏感 沒想要爭奪 別大驚小怪)
( I’m just passing by, do not overreact.
I'm not here to rob, be cool and relaxed. )
這是我地盤 It is my kingdom
這裡歸我管 I'm in charge here
容納不下你的窺探 There is no way for you to look around
站在這裡看著你 Standing here watching you
再度向我逼近 Pressing on me once again
GET OUT OF MY PLACE 趕快走 Get the hell out
GET OUT OF MY PLACE 別逗留 Don’t hang around
別搞不清 Don’t confuse
(不好意思) (Excuse me)
這是我地盤 This is my place
(對不起阿) (I’m sorry)
別搞不清楚 Do not confuse
林瑪黛臉書粉絲團 https://goo.gl/uzVeOY
林瑪黛Youtube頻道 https://goo.gl/HtzBiS
林瑪黛官方網站 http://matelin.com

out of their way意思 在 英文成語go out of one's way是甚麼意思?... - Facebook 的推薦與評價
1特意。 Bush went out of his way to compliment his closest international rally. 布希特意恭維他最親密的國際盟友。 2刻意。 Indeed, ... ... <看更多>
out of their way意思 在 Eric周興哲《在你耳邊說Come Out Your Way》Official 音樂 ... 的推薦與評價

一段來自過去的心聲打開了不為人知的的秘密...2014年最後一刻聽見感動的聲音Eric周興哲私房情歌[在你耳邊說] 音樂電影MV完整版☆鬼才電影導演柯孟融全 ... ... <看更多>
out of their way意思 在 [外絮] 獨行俠賽季的結束代表許多疑問的開始- 看板NBA 的推薦與評價
原標題:The end of the Dallas Mavericks' season marks the beginning for a few
franchise-altering questions
作者:Tim MacMahon
DALLAS -- ONCE AGAIN, the Dallas Mavericks changed plans during a bizarre
final week of what Luka Doncic described as "a very disappointing season."
達拉斯再一次的,達拉斯獨行俠隊在例行賽季最後一週改變計劃,使 Luka Doncic(
A few days after declaring he'd play so long as the Mavs had even the
slimmest of postseason hopes, the franchise announced Doncic would sit out
after playing the first quarter in Friday night's home game against the
Chicago Bulls, joining co-star Kyrie Irving and four other healthy core
players on the bench.
陣公牛隊的比賽中,打完第一節後便不會再出賽,並連同 Kyrie Irving 和另四位核心球
Doncic had scored 11 points in the first quarter, chuckling with fellow
European and foe Nikola Vucevic on several occasions, neither taking a game
both franchises preferred to lose too seriously despite the fact that a loss
would eliminate the Mavs from play-in contention.
Luka Doncic 在第一節得到十一分,和同為歐洲人的對手 Nikola Vucevic 在場上多次咯
But Doncic trotted back out onto the American Airlines Center court to open
the second quarter. After going through the motions on a defensive
possession, Doncic posted up on the right block, made a spin move and drove
to the basket, pump-faking before laying the ball in for his 719th bucket of
the season.
Seconds later, Doncic committed an intentional foul and checked out of the
game, his season over, barring another sudden shift in the franchise's
The intention was for Doncic to be showered with a standing ovation by the
sellout crowd on "I Feel Slovenia" night as he walked off the court. That
didn't happen. Instead, there was a smattering of confused clapping.
It was an awkwardly fitting unofficial ending to a season in which nothing
has unfolded as envisioned for the Mavericks, who took less than two months
to morph from buzzing about a blockbuster trade -- a risky win-now move
considering Irving's pending free agent status, among other factors -- to
blatantly tanking in the regular season's final week.
。他們用了不到兩個月的時間,從大手筆交易的喧囂考慮到 Kyrie Irving 懸而未決
The Mavs broke a tie with the Bulls in the lottery standings with the loss,
standing alone with the 10th-best odds with one game remaining in the regular
season. That's a critically important distinction for Dallas, which owes the
New York Knicks a top-10-protected pick as the final payment for the Kristaps
Porzingis trade.
他們欠了紐約尼克一個前十受保護選秀權,作為在 Kristaps Porzingis 交易中的最後付
"It's not so much waving the white flag," coach Jason Kidd said after the
115-112 loss to the Bulls, attributing the call to essentially pull the plug
to Mavs governor Mark Cuban and general manager Nico Harrison.
基總在賽後表示「立起白旗沒什麼大不了」,並將「臨陣刹車」的源頭歸咎於老闆 Mark
Cuban 和總經理 Nico Harrison。
"Decisions sometimes are hard in this business, and you have to make hard
decisions. We're trying to build a championship team, and sometimes you gotta
take a step back. Understanding with this decision, this is maybe a step
back, but hopefully it leads to going forward."
There's a strong sense of urgency within the organization to expedite the
process before Doncic loses faith in the Mavs' ability to build a contender
around him. He's wrapping up the first season of a five-year, $215 million
supermax contract with a player option for the final season.
緊迫感,要加快這一進程。這是他五年 2.15 億美元超級大約中,第一個賽季的結束,其
Team sources have acknowledged to ESPN that fear exists that Doncic, who
publicly and privately expressed extreme frustration this season, could
consider requesting a trade as soon as the summer of 2024 if Dallas doesn't
make significant progress by then.
"He'd like to be here the whole time," Cuban said earlier this week when
asked about Doncic's long-term optimism. "But we've got to earn that."
CUBAN SMILED WIDELY as he stood in the Crypto.com Arena corridor outside the
visitors' locker room the night of Feb. 8. Dallas had just defeated the LA
Clippers in Irving's debut with his new team, and the Mavericks were the talk
of the NBA, at least until news of Kevin Durant's trade to the Phoenix Suns
broke soon after.
二月八日晚,當庫班站在 Crypto.com 球場客隊更衣室外的走廊上時,他笑得很燦爛。達
拉斯隊才剛在 Kyrie Irving 的首秀中擊敗了洛杉磯快艇隊,獨行俠隊當時亦是NBA 的話
題,至少直到 Kevin Durant 被交易到鳳凰城太陽隊的消息傳出為止。
Cuban, who has avoided the media spotlight much more since Harrison replaced
Donnie Nelson as Mavs general manager, was basking in the glory of making
such a big splash at the moment. The victory bumped Dallas to fourth in the
West standings, and the Mavs believed they had upward mobility.
自從 Harrison 取代Donnie Nelson 成為獨行俠隊總經理以來,庫班更多地避開了媒體的
Dallas had desperately been seeking a co-star to pair with Doncic since the
superstar's rookie season, when it took its first big swing on the Porzingis
deal. Irving, an eight-time All-Star with a NBA Finals Game 7-winning shot on
his resume, certainly fit the profile.
他們在Porzingis 的交易中採取了第一個大動作。Irving,一位八次入選全明星的球員、
且還曾在NBA 總決賽搶七戰中投進致勝球,當然符合這個條件。
But trading for Irving -- and giving up two starters (Dorian Finney-Smith and
Spencer Dinwiddie) plus an unprotected 2029 first-round pick -- was a big
gamble. It was understood before the deal with the Brooklyn Nets was done
that there would not be any discussions about a contract extension.
但在交易得來 Irving 的同時,要放棄兩名先發球員(DFS 和 Spencer Dinwiddie)及一
"We've got those Bird rights," Cuban said before laughing and realizing that
he said the same thing about Doncic's former sidekick Jalen Brunson last
summer after he starred during Dallas' surprising run to the West finals.
「我們有了那些鳥權,」庫班說,然後笑著意識到他在去年夏天曾對七七的前搭檔 Jalen
Brunson 說過同樣的話,因為他在達拉斯出乎意料闖進西部決賽的過程中發揮了作用。
"I know what you're going to bring up!" Cuban said. "But I think it's a
different set of circumstances."
The circumstances that led to Brunson's departure to the New York Knicks in
free agency are a sensitive subject in the Mavs organization. They are also
subject to some dispute, as Cuban made a point on Wednesday to publicly deny
the year-old claim by Brunson's father, Rick, that the Mavs were informed in
early January 2022 that the guard would sign the four-year, $56 million
extension he was eligible for if it was put on the table at that time.
導致Brunson 在自由市場上選擇加盟紐約尼克的狀況,在獨行俠隊內是一個敏感話題。這
些也引起了一些爭議,因為庫班在周三特地公開否認了Brunson 的父親 Rick 一年前的說
Dallas didn't put the deal on the table until after the trade deadline, when
Finney-Smith accepted an identical offer. By then, it was clear that Brunson
would command much more as an unrestricted free agent. He ended up getting a
four-year, $104 million deal from the Knicks, who had hired his father as an
assistant coach, the third time Rick Brunson has worked for Tom Thibodeau.
直到交易截止日之後,DFS 接受了一份相同的報價,達拉斯才將這筆交易放在桌面上。到
時很明顯的,Brunson 作為一個不受限的自由球員將會得到更多。他最終從尼克得到一份
四年1.04億美元的合同,尼克還聘請他的父親成為助理教練,這是 Rick Brunson 第三次
Those Bird rights ended up being irrelevant. Cuban claims now they never had
a chance to prevent Brunson from joining his father and Leon Rose, the Knicks
president who is his godfather and former agent, in New York.
那些鳥權結果變得無關緊要。庫班稱,現在他們從來沒有機會阻止Brunson 加入他父親和
也是前經紀的尼克隊老闆 Leon Rose。
"We didn't know what the bid was," Cuban said Wednesday. "They never gave us
a number. Knowing the numbers now, I would've paid it in a heartbeat, but he
wouldn't have come anyway. There's just no possible way that it was about
Cuban's comments came one day after Doncic, after his declaration that he
wouldn't be shut down unless play-in hopes were completely extinguished,
bemoaned how much the Mavs' chemistry had declined this season and admitted
that the team sorely missed Brunson.
發表的,他哀嘆本賽季獨行俠隊的化學反應下降了很多,並承認球隊非常想念 Brunson。
"A lot," Doncic said, shaking his head and gritting his teeth into a pained
grin. "I mean, amazing guy, amazing player, for sure."
Doncic had grown impatient with the Mavs' mediocrity early in the season,
when he was playing at an MVP-caliber level while carrying a historically
heavy workload. For the first time in his career, Doncic enthusiastically
engaged in personnel discussions with the front office, as sources told ESPN
that he pushed for a major upgrade despite the Mavs' limited trade assets.
七七已經對獨行俠隊在賽季初的平庸表現感到不耐煩,雖然打出了MVP 級別的水平,卻還
The Mavs pounced after Irving made his February trade request following the
fizzling of contract negotiations with Brooklyn, which was hesitant to fully
guarantee a long-term, maximum contract for a player who missed more games
than he played during his Nets tenure.
在 KI 與布魯克林的續約談判破裂後,獨行俠隊在二月份提出了交易請求,布魯克林對是
Kidd and Doncic made it clear they wanted the deal done. Harrison and Cuban
made it happen.
基總和七七明確表示他們希望能完成這筆交易,而 Harrison 和庫班使之成為現實。
"I don't see any risk at all," Harrison said days later. "I actually see the
risk in not doing it."
「我根本看不出任何風險,」Harrison 數天後說。「我實際上只看到不這樣做的風險。」
But Irving didn't prove to be a difference-maker for Dallas despite averaging
27.0 points and 6.0 assists in 20 games for the Mavs. Dallas won only eight
of those and lost five of six that Irving missed after joining the team.
但雖然在二十場比賽中,平均累積二十七分、六次助攻,可是 Irving 卻未能證明自己是
能創造不同的人。達拉斯在該些比賽中,只贏得八場;且在 Irving 沒有出賽的六場比賽
"Just understand, we're getting better," Kidd said after a March 13 loss to
the Memphis Grizzlies, which Doncic and Irving missed due to injury, dropped
Dallas to a game under .500. "It's just a matter of, can we be healthy in
time to make a stretch run? And if we're not, that's just the season. No
one's dying."
文因傷缺席的比賽使達拉斯隊(的勝差)跌到了0.500 以下。「這只是能不能及時健康地
The Mavs got healthy, but they still couldn't win. Doncic and Irving formed
one of the league's most dynamic offensive duos, but the Mavs couldn't
consistently outscore opponents due to their awful defense and poor
The Mavs went 5-11 when Doncic and Irving were both in the lineup, a .313
winning percentage that ranks as the worst by a pair of All-Star teammates
since the NBA-ABA merger in 1976-77, according to ESPN Stats & Information
根據ESPN統計與信息部的研究,當七七和 KI 都在陣中時,獨行俠隊的戰績為五勝十一負
,0.313 的勝率是自1976-77 賽季NBA-ABA 合併以來,一對全明星隊友的最差戰績。
"I'm getting traded to a new work environment, and it's just a lot of
newness," Irving said after a March 29 loss in Philadelphia, part of a
stretch of seven in eight games. "I'm trying to introduce myself to
everybody, figure out, you know, who do guys go to on the team to confide in
off the court? Who is our coaching staff as people? Upper management, who are
they as people? What do they expect from me? ...
"What does our future look like? I think that now, again, just where we are
in the season, and where other teams are positioned already, it kind of looks
like a bit of a clusterf---."
Irving 在三月二十九日敗給七六人隊的賽後訪問中,說:
The Mavs never fought their way out of it. Cuban also made it clear that he
hopes Irving is a part of the future, saying that re-signing the All-Star
guard will be the franchise's top priority this summer despite the
disappointing results after the trade.
獨行俠隊從未能奮戰成功。庫班還明確表示,他希望 KI 是未來計劃的一部分。他說,儘
"If I was a betting man, I guess I would say he would be back," Kidd said
Friday night. "Why would I say he wouldn't?"
Can the Mavs be outbid?
"I don't know," Cuban said Wednesday, a couple of nights before Irving wore
street clothes and sat next to him in the courtside baseline seats by the
Mavs' bench. "I guess there's always too high a price, depending."
庫班週三(即 KI 穿上便服、坐在獨行俠隊板凳旁、球場場邊座位上的數個晚上前)說,
THE HOME CROWD booed the Mavericks on March 25, when the short-handed,
lottery-bound Charlotte Hornets built an 18-point lead midway through the
third quarter. After the Mavs' comeback attempt fell short, Kidd wondered why
the boos didn't come earlier.
The Mavs later proved that it hadn't yet hit rock bottom, losing to the
Hornets again 36 hours later as Dallas continued to lose its grip on
controlling its own postseason destiny. But this was a new low.
It was that night that Doncic admitted that he'd never been more frustrated
during his five-year NBA career, pointing to the Mavs' struggles and
unspecified problems in his private life.
正是在那個晚上,七七承認在他五年的NBA 職業生涯中,他從未像現在這樣難過,並指向
"I think you can see it with me on the court," Doncic said. "Sometimes I
don't feel it's me. I'm just being out there. I used to have really fun,
smiling on the court, but it's just been so frustrating for a lot of reasons,
not just basketball."
He was wearing a black T-shirt with white letters that read, "ALL I NEED IS
SUVO NESO AND RAKIJA." It's a Serbian slogan that loosely translates to, "All
I need is dry meat and a local brandy."
Doncic will get the chance for plenty of rest and relaxation, much sooner
than anticipated, after the Mavs plummeted to 11th in the West and assured
that their season will end Easter Sunday.
Doncic showered and changed into sweats at halftime Friday, watching from the
bench as his teammates blew a 13-point lead to the Bulls in the last two
quarters. He seemed loose and relaxed as the Mavs' fate was sealed, covering
his mouth and laughing before the game's final possession, when Dallas' pair
of two-way players McKinley Wright IV and A.J. Lawson attempted three
potential game-tying 3-pointers, none of which drew iron.
在比賽的最後一次進攻前,他捂著嘴笑了起來,當時達拉斯的兩位雙向約球員 McKinley
Wright IV 和 A.J. Lawson 嘗試投進三次有可能打平比賽的三分球,但都沒有成功。
As the Mavs' disappointing season essentially came to an end, Doncic appeared
relieved. A member of the Mavs' staff who knows Doncic well nodded when this
observation was shared with him and said, "Good eyes."
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