1. 說明
闡明 elucidate ; illuminate
詳細地說明 elaborate ; expound
* elucidate (V.)
to make (something) clear; explain
同義字- illuminate, clarify, unravel, interpret, explicate, gloss
* illuminate (V.)
to help to clarify or explain (a subject or matter)
同義字- clarify, elucidate, reveal, demystify, exemplify, illustrate
* elaborate (V.)
to develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in detail
同義字- embellish, embroider, amplify
* expound (V.)
to explain the meaning of
同義字- interpret, explicate, elucidate
2. 反對
反對 object ; oppose
反駁 argue against ; counter/ contradict
駁斥 refute ; repudiate
否決 deny ; veto
質疑 question ; cast doubt on
抨擊 bombard ; vigorously/ vehemently attack
藐視 belittle ; scorn ; defy
*object (V.)
to say something to express one’s disapproval of or disagreement with something
同義字- oppose, condemn
*oppose (V.)
to actively resist or refuse to comply with (a person or a system)
同義字- resist, challenge, dispute, [FORMAL正式用法] gainsay
*refute (v.)
to deny or contradict (a statement or accusation)
同義字- disprove, debunk, discredit, invalidate, confute
*repudiate (V.)
[1] to refuse to accept or be associated with
同義字- renounce, abandon, disown, [FORMAL正式用法] forswear, abjure, [Literary文學用法] forsake
[2] to deny the truth or validity of
同義字- deny, contradict, controvert, rebut, dispute, dismiss, [FORMAL 正式用法] gainsay
[3] (法律) to refuse to fulfill or discharge (an agreement, obligation, or debt)
同義字- revoke, rescind, reverse, overrule, overturn, invalidate, nullify, disregard, flout, disaffirm, [FORMAL正式用法] abrogate
*deny (V.)
[1] to state that one refused to admit the truth or existence of
同義字- contradict, controvert, repudiate, challenge, counter, contest, oppose, rebut, [FORMAL正式用法] gainsay
[2] to refuse to give or grant (something requested or desired) to (someone)
同義字- rebuff, repulse, decline, veto, dismiss
*veto (V.)
to exercise a veto against (a decision or proposal made by a law-making body)
同義字- dismiss, prohibit, forbid, interdict, proscribe, disallow, embargo, ban
*question (V.)
to feel or express doubt about; raise objections to
同義字- query, challenge, dispute, doubt
*bombard (V.)
to assail (someone) persistently, as with questions, criticisms, or information
同義字- inundate, swamp, flood, deluge, besiege, overwhelm
*belittle (V.)
to make (someone or something) seem unimportant
同義字- disparage, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, downgrade, trivialize, minimize, pooh-pooh
*scorn (V.)
to feel or express contempt(鄙視) or derision for
同義字- deride, disdain, mock, disparage, slight, dismiss
*defy (V.)
to openly resist to refuse to obey
同義字- disobey, flout, disregard, ignore, break, violate, contravene, breach, infringe
oppose object用法 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最讚貼文
EEC小說選讀:The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 福爾摩斯 Chapter 1 (p14~29)
<3 俐媽英文教室:
單字2. get dressed 著裝/ dress oneself in color = be dressed in color 穿...顏色的衣服
單字9. immediately = instantly = at once = right away (adv.) 立刻
p. 15
單字12. grave (a.) 嚴肅的;嚴重的;(n.) 墳墓 (衍:gravity n. 地心引力)
單字14. associate (n.) 夥伴;同事;(v.) 連結(+ A with B)
單字15. would like to V = want to V = feel like Ving 想要(做某事)
p. 16
單字4 last (a.) 最後的;(v.) 持續
單字5 nodding acquaintance (n.) 點頭之交
單字12 take care of = look after = tend to = attend to + N 照顧
補充:wealthy (a.) 富有的/ fortune (n.) 財富/ live on 靠...而活
p. 17
補充:perhaps (adv.) 或許 (= maybe)/ per (a.) 每一...
p. 18
單字4. by accident = accidentally (adv.) 意外地
p. 19
單字12. have a hard time + Ving 做...事很辛苦
補充:wild (a.) 狂野的;野生的;野外的
p. 20
單字1. rarely = barely = scarcely = hardly (adv.) 難得;幾乎不
單字5. oppose = be opposed to = object to + N/Ving (v.) 反對
單字10. in detail (adv.) 詳細地
單字15. tend to + V 有...傾向
p. 21
補充:as if + S + V 仿彿...(為假設語氣用法)
p. 22
補充:whistle (v.) 吹口哨
p. 23
單字1. for a while (adv.) 持續一段時間
p. 24
單字2. toss (v.) 拋;擲
單字3. wink (n.)(v.) 眨眼
單字4. sense (v.) 感覺到;(n.) 感知;感官
單字9. spring (v.) 彈起;(n.) 彈簧;泉水;春天
單字11. mass (n.) 大眾;大量;質量
p. 25
單字12. metal (n.) 金屬(比:mental a. 心理的)
p. 26
單字4. investigate = inspect = look into (v.) 調查
單字6. cause (n.) 原因;(v.) 導致
p. 27
單字7. bar (n.) 門閂;(v.) 阻止;禁止
p. 28
單字5. daybreak = dawn = sunrise (n.) 破曉;黎明
單字9. inform sb. of sth. 通知...人...事
單字10. advise (v.) 建議(= suggest)(衍:advice n. 建議)
p. 29
補充:as soon as (conj.) 一...就...