For more info about DVD please contact: 03-91013123 (thanks for the support!)
Wee Meng Chee (Namewee) – A patriotic and multi-talented Malaysian student
who graduated from Taiwan Ming Chuan University in 2008. He made national headlines in 2007 with his
4-minute online video clip by adapting the National
Anthem of Malaysia with his rap lyrics. To make amends through showing true
patriotism and love for his country, he decided to embark on a special journey by
making a video documentary titled “I Wanna Go Home” with the help of his three childhood best friends.
Namewee departs from Taipei on 31st July 2008 to meet his
friends in Hong Kong where the journey home begins with the objective of reaching
his final destination Kuala Lumpur by 31st August 2008 and also to change
the public’s negative perception towards him. This video documentary took the four young Malaysians across exotic South
East Asian countries (all via land) where they managed
to interview Malaysians working abroad and also bringing home their National
Day greetings back. Armed with only minimal
budget and limited time to execute all their tasks, Namewee and his friends created
a warm and heart-wrenching real-life story for
his fellow countrymen – this is a special / not to be missed inspirational video documentary DVD
for all Malaysians.
黃明志 – 一個在2007年因改編國歌批判政府而引起軒然大波的留台大馬青年, 在改編國歌事件爆發後的一年後, 終於大學畢業,
準備回到祖國馬來西亞. 為了改變大眾對他反政府且玩世不恭的刻板印象. 因此他展開了 “我要回家行動”, 在三個朋友的陪同下,
用陸路交通的方式回到馬來西亞. 然後沿途拍攝紀錄片及採訪在各國生活的大馬人, 並趕在大馬國慶日八月三十一日當天抵達馬來西亞.
由於時間只有短短一個月, 必須跨越中國及東南亞幾個國家, 在交通, 語言, 治安, 自然災害上都必須面對很大的考驗, 此紀錄片初衷雖單純,
但也始料未及的讓他們在路途中吃盡苦頭. 甚至面臨性命上的威脅….