The morning after.
I'm surprisingly not aching that bad, as I thought I would.. Just a little sore here and there. As I lie here in bed post-comp, I'm thinking of how life brings such unexpected adventures. A year ago, I would have never thought I would compete in CrossFit. It's been a long time since I competed in any sport and I miss the adrenalin.
This year has been really eventful I must say. Switching gyms, changing coach and then having this crazy idea of organising @elitesgfittest to find the fittest in Singapore - which I did with the expertise of @buffalochua.
After seeing the ELITE athletes compete and watching the @asiachampionships, the competitive bug bit me and I signed up for my first comp then went to Lewis who planned an 'accelerated' programme for 3 months to get me up to speed (the pull up failure is my own fault). The hours were clocked, the effort put in, the sacrifices made; and every day I'm still learning something new about myself. Next, I'm working on the body image movement @rockthenakedtruth to share my story and reach out to others.
This is only the beginning of my CrossFit journey and there's so much more to go, but I just wanted to say - You only have one shot in life; find what you love doing and follow your heart. You will run into the most frustrating people and you will get cornered by self doubt, but that's when you emerge stronger. Be your own inspiration!
#x45challenge #myfirstcrossfitcomp #stateracrew #teamsossg #elitesgfittest
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Ego-crushing. This is the best word to sum up my virgin CrossFit competition. My first mistake was assuming that it would be jumping pull ups for the Scaled category, so I took it way too easy and didn't bother to master a pull up.
Therefore I came into the comp with my own limitations, not being able to do a single pull up, and had to endure 2 events just standing there handicapped. It was really embarrassing, especially in Event 5 where I was the first to get to the pull up bit of the WOD but had to DNF in the end.
Then came the last event of the weekend where I was gunning to tie for 1st in that WOD (1RM of Snatch and Hang Snatch). I managed to get the Snatch and then I failed the rep in the stupidest way as you can see in this video.
So, 7th out of 22 it is for me at #x45challenge, with a top 3 finish in 3 of 6 events.
The biggest takeaway for me is the crushing of the ego, where I had to manage my expectations after staring helplessly at the pull up bar, and hence not being able to fight for the win. I really, really hate that feeling. No excuses, I had 3 months to train for this and I neglected one area due to my own assumption.
Well, I learnt this the hard way and this isn't the last you see of me competing. I'll be back, better than before.
Meanwhile, congrats to the amazing ladies who competed alongside me and thank you to the organisers+crew+volunteers for all the hard work. My teammate @cheahjohn has 1 last event to go and we have the eyes on gold for him!
#teamsossg #stateracrew #myfirstcrossfitcomp
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It was a day of mixed feelings. I ranked 2nd after 2 events, one of which was a 1RM Snatch and Clean&Jerk. I got nervous and missed more reps than I should, but I'll take the PR anyway - 42kg Snatch and 53kg C&J. I nearly gave @buffalochua a heart attack because I only cleared the last C&J in the final 10 seconds! I got it up just as the judge put her hand down at the same time as the buzzer. 😓😓😓 Then came the WOD I dreaded most - the one with pull ups. Coming into this comp, the prerequisites said "able to do nearly or 1 pull up" so I assumed it would be jumping pull ups like it was last year. Hence I neglected it. When they released the WODs the week before, my heart sank and it was too late to do anything.
Today, I stood there for a good 7 minutes trying so hard to get a pull up but I just couldn't.. And I got bumped to 6th.
It was definitely a humbling moment and I will always remember this feeling. I will work hard on my weaknesses when I get back, but first, I'm gonna fight HARD tmr.
#x45challenge #myfirstcrossfitcomp #stateracrew