Damon’s playpen and toys have taken over all the space in our living room. He’s also crawling super fast and pulling himself up to stand and walk all the time, touching this and that, putting absolutely anything he can get a hold of into his mouth!!! We can’t let him out of our sight even for 10 seconds. There are so many danger zones at home, therefore we have to look out for safety hazards and allergens! It’s our responsibility to make sure Damon can roam around as a happy and safe baby!
由Damon識爬到而家就嚟識行, 佢活動範圍不斷擴大,我地個廳已經完全俾佢佔有! 而屋企每樣嘢都變成佢嘅玩具,睇少眼都唔得啊,所以除咗多啲留意安全問題,防敏準備要一早做好! 咁佢嘅童年就可以無拘束,咩都可以摸,咩都可以試啦!
#BabyDamon #爸爸比鏡頭吸引 #cutebelly #theygrowupsofast #mummyrahrah