Movie pilihan kita kali ni ialah,
Movie ini diadaptasi dari Novel "Break My Heart 1000 Times" yang mengisahkan kegagalan satu ekperimen di Laboratory, Chicago milik Dr. Martin Steiner 10 tahun lalu dan meledakkan gelombang energi yang menyebabkan sebahagian besar penduduk Chicago terkorban.
Akibat dari gelombang tersebut, kawasan Chicago menjadi bandar berhantu. Kemunculan roh² ini memang nyata di hadapan semua penduduk yang terselamat. Kiranya mereka yang hidup ni memang akan nampak roh² ni muncul di tempat yang sama berulang-ulang setiap hari.
Gileer kau...sepanjang jalan kau nak pegi kerja atau pegi kedai, kau akan nampak roh² ni di sekeliling kau. Sampai kau dah terbiasa dengan kehadiran roh² ni.
Bagi Ronnie, dia akan sentiasa nampak roh bapak dia every morning. Semeja dengan dia bila tengah breakfast sebelum pergi kolej.
Di kolej pulak, ada seorang student ni, Kirk yang obses dengan mengkaji roh² hingga student lain panggil dia gila. Sebenarnya dia pelik, kenapa roh bapak dia tak pernah muncul macam roh² lain.
Satu hari, Ronnie dapat message "RUN" di cermin dari roh baru yang muncul dalam bilik air rumah dia. Kalau aku, maunya terkejut beruk tiba-tiba tengah mandi ada roh tengah tengok kau. Matikkk...Bukan sekadar muncul depan mata, dia jugak datang dalam mimpi.
Kerana curios nak tahu siapa roh baru yang cuba berhubung dengan dia, Ronnie mintak tolong dengan Kirk. Diorang pun mula menjalankan siasatan dan mendapati roh tersebut yang bernama Brian ni pernah membunuh beberapa orang gadis sebelum ni.
Katanya, dia membunuh mangsanya sebab nak hidupkan girlfriend dia yang mati. Sasaran seterusnya ialah Ronnie sebab itu dia sentiasa muncul. Tapi kenapa pulak dia mesej Ronnie suruh lari. Nak bunuh tapi suruh lari. Pelikkan...
Makin disiasat, makin banyak info baru yang mereka dapat. Dari kes Lab yang meletup, gambar Brian bersama professor² lain dalam Lab, clue yang mereka dapat dari mimpi Ronnie dan tempat kejadian pembunuhan mangsa. Memang ada plot twist dalam movie ni.
Yang kelakarnya, penduduk situ sanggup beli tiket untuk tengok lokasi pembunuhan yang terjadi. Dah macam tengok wayang pulak. Tunggu kat tempat kejadian hingga sampai time pembunuhan dan menyaksikan pembunuhan tu. Real murder scene. Lepas kena bunuh....haaaa tepukkk semuanya 😁.
Untuk korang yang minat genre mystery/thriller boleh la layan movie ni. Kita nak carilah novelnya.
Happy watching 😉
Kredit : Wai Awahidah
The movie of our choice this time is,
The movie was adapted from the novel "break my heart 1000 times" that tells the failure of one experimental in the laboratory, Chicago belongs to Dr. Martin Steiner 10 years ago and blew up a wave of energy that caused most of the Chicago residents to die.
The consequences of the wave, the Chicago area became a haunted city. The emergence of this the is real in front of all the survivors. I wish those living will definitely see this the appear in the same place over and over every day.
Gileer you... all the way you want to go to work or go to the shop, you'll see this the around you. Until you are used to the presence of this the.
For Ronnie, he will always see his father's spirit every morning. Semeja with him while having breakfast before going to college.
In College, there is a student, Kirk who is obsessed with studying the until other students call him crazy. Actually He's weird, why his father's spirit never appeared like other the.
One day, Ronnie got a message "run" in the mirror from the new spirit that appeared in his bathroom. If it was me, I would like to be surprised that the monkeys suddenly took a bath and there was a spirit looking at you. So... not just showing up in front of the eyes, he also comes in a dream.
Because Curios wants to know who the new spirit is trying to get in touch with him, Ronnie is asking for help with Kirk. They are also starting to run an investigation and find the spirit named Brian has killed a few girls before.
He said, he killed his victims because he wanted to revive his dead girlfriend. Next Target is Ronnie that's why he always shows up. But why did he message Ronnie to run. Want to kill but ask to run. The...
More investigated, the more new information they get. From the exploding lab case, Brian's picture with other professor² in the lab, the clue they got from Ronnie's dream and the scene of the victim's murder. There's really a plot twist in this movie.
Those who are the, residents are willing to buy tickets to see the location of the murder. Looks like watching a movie. Wait at the scene until the time of killing and watching the murder. Real murder scene. After being killed.... haaaa everything is tepukkk 😁.
For those of you who are interested in mystery / thriller genre, you can watch this movie. We want to find the novel.
Happy watching 😉
Credit: Wai AwahidahTranslated