►►《#DrRapper》what do you mean◄◄
“Girls are often flip-floppy. They say something, and then they mean something else.
原來不止是我們這些魯蛇不懂女生在想什麼,連萬人迷小賈也被搞的霧撒撒(台語),所以what do you mean就是女生嘴巴說的和心理想的可是兩回事,把話當真可是會死的很慘der.
“To build anticipation, Justin enlisted a series of celebrities to help count down and preview the song on Twitter. Nine days before the official release, Justin leaked the lyrics in
What do you mean? Oh, oh
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean? Hey-ey
When you don't want me to move
But you tell me to go
What do you mean?
Oh, what do you mean?
Said you're running out of time, what do you mean?
Oh, oh, oh, what do you mean?
Better make up your mind
What do you mean?
►這並不是第一首小賈描述因為女生感到困惑的歌,之前就曾推出類似的 “Eenie Meenie:”
►然而這段歌詞也造成了爭議,原因是其中有句話 “When you nod your head yes, but you wanna say no(當你點頭,但卻想說不)” 讓人聯想到性侵相關問題
[Verse 1]
You’re so indecisive, what I’m saying
Tryna catch the beat, make up your heart
Don't know if you're happy or complaining
Don't want for us to end, where do I start?
►這段描述了 “tryna catch the beat, make up your heart(想跟隨妳的心跳)” 雖然男生很認真的捨身處地為女孩著想,但似乎還是不知所措
First you wanna go to the left then you wanna turn right
Wanna argue all day, make love all night
First you're up, then you’re down and then between
Oh, I really want to know…
►這種up down, left right的反義詞應用與Katy Perry的Hot N Cold有異曲同工之妙
[Verse 2]
You’re overprotective when I’m leaving
Trying to compromise but I can’t win
You want to make a point, but you keep preaching
You had me from the start, won't let this end
►雖然小賈澄清這首歌不是針對任何人的,但這段(overprotective when I’m leaving)似乎是在描述前女友Selena Gomez與他交往時,制定了一串包括不能和其它女生單獨出去的規則
“The unique marketing worked.
歌曲本身由鬼才DJ Skrillex監製,加上行銷團隊運用社群網站力量超強的手法,這首歌成了iTunes發行後最快變第一名的歌. 而發行當週也成為#billboard 第一名的歌曲,也是小賈第一首第一名Billboard單曲唷