[英文學習] 到底該如何閱讀英文?
Extensive, intensive, or narrow reading? What is skimming and scanning?
English learners are often asked to read in diverse ways in the classroom. Some are asked to read orally and sound out each word. Others are told to read silently for comprehension. However, when reading silently, should learners skim for essential meanings or scan for key details? Or should they focus on linguistic features and practice reading strategies?
Oral Reading
Before we can address these questions and find a suitable reading approach, let’s examine what the different reading types are.
Oral reading involves the teacher or students reading aloud and helps students to develop prosody, improving their intonation, tone, stress, and rhythm. Silent reading consists of intensive, extensive, and narrow reading, amongst others.
Intensive Reading
Intensive reading refers to reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks. It is typically classroom-based, and students focus on features such as grammar and discourse markers. Students also identify key vocabulary, and text is read carefully and repeatedly with instructor input. The aim is to build language knowledge and understanding of literal meaning, implications, and rhetorical relationships. The materials used are usually shorter texts of 500 words or less at a time because it might be too difficult to focus on so many details with longer texts.
Narrow Reading
Narrow reading can be classified as a specific type of intensive reading. It is based on the concept of comprehensible input, in which students read materials slightly above their current linguistic abilities. In this way, students can easily focus on new language features with the aid of their teacher. When practicing narrow reading, teachers can find texts by the same author or the same topic. Thus, key vocabulary and grammatical structures repeat themselves, and students get many opportunities to see these features in slightly different contexts. It is a highly successful method because the comprehension of the text is enhanced due to learner familiarity with the author and subject matter.
Extensive Reading, Scanning & Skimming
On the other hand, extensive reading involves learners reading longer texts and even complete novels for enjoyment, and it aids learners in developing general reading skills. Extensive reading is usually done outside the classroom because teachers might feel it is not an effective use of class time, or are just uncomfortable with the extended silence.
Scanning and skimming are two skills commonly used in extensive reading. Readers can scan for key details or skim for essential meaning. Reading quickly with skimming and scanning can give readers a global or general understanding of the materials. This does not mean students cannot skim or scan when reading intensively, but typically, intensive reading focuses on learning and understanding linguistic features. Extensive reading is stressed in contemporary education policies, as learners are expected to be autonomous and read outside of class. At its core, extensive reading encourages language learners to read what they like!
How should you read?
Now that you have a glimpse of different reading approaches, have you decided which you will use? The "answer" is that you need each for a different situation! You can practice extensive reading when reading for pleasure, or intensive reading when analyzing paragraphs with your teachers and peers. As for narrow reading, you can find articles by the same author on the same topic and focus on language features. Some might even want to practice oral reading to improve prosody or repeated reading to increase fluency.
A trained teacher can provide you with approaches and strategies for each situation so you can practice them on your own. However, even when you know how to read, do you have the determination and perseverance to read or do so much? How do you select the right materials, and how do you acquire reading strategies?
Narrow Reading Course
If you need these reading and learning strategies and want to practice narrow reading, Alexander Wang’s course is the one for you. Alex expands the narrow reading approach into narrow learning, focusing on effective language learning by using materials from the same author, the same theme, but different media. His class also guides students in developing a growth mindset with an emphasis on grit, teaching learners how they can start and sustain their learning.
The class aims to help learners become their own teachers on their English learning journey!
Check out his class here:
限時折扣,最後倒數 >>> https://bit.ly/34DG64O
All proceeds from the referral of the class will be donated to charity. I will make an announcement when the funds are received and donated.
Gardner, D. (2008). Vocabulary recycling in children's authentic reading materials: A corpus-based investigation of narrow reading. Reading in a Foreign Language, 20(1), 92-122.
Krashen, S. (2004). The case for narrow reading. Language Magazine 3(5):17-19.
MacLeod, M. (2013). Types of Reading. Retrieved April 14, 2020.
intonation語言學 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[時事英文] 期待的政治英文影片第二集出爐了!!! 今天探討的是三位政治大咖的英文口語。再次聲明,此影片的目的不在於比較英文能力,而是提供學習者英文口語的實際操作和可以注意的小細節。對我而言,英文是一種工具,我並不覺得台灣的政治人物一定需要擁有驚人的外語能力。以下是影片中提到的一些資訊,請看完再發表評論:
• 是否到達溝通目的
• 考量語境/當下場景
• 詞彙資源
• 文法範圍和正確度
• 連貫性和流暢度還有發音
最先去搜尋的是ICRT全英文的專訪,但是大部分影片和錄音檔都被刪除,只留下一些片段: https://youtu.be/zDYhd7XiSUQ?t=12 (Vid 1)
•prosperious - prosperous Kaohsiung
•We will hire the English teacher so that we can save money-cause, effect relationship?
•good overall English pronunciation and fluency but spoke in short phrases
https://youtu.be/3helP_n9jY8?t=481 (Vid 2)
•唸稿子的時候有適當的停頓, 英文語調也有上下的起伏
•met--made, we have made the impossible possible
•in everyone eyes--in everyone’s eyes
•longing for better tomorrow --longing for a better tomorrow
•對我而言,英文是一種工具, 並不覺得台灣的政治人物一定需要
郭台銘(英文名:Terry Gou,1950年10月18日-),中華民國企業家,新北板橋人,籍貫山西省晉城縣,臺灣省立板橋中學初中部、中國海事專科學校(今臺北海洋科技大學)航運管理科畢業,是鴻海科技集團(富士康)和鴻海精密的董事長兼總經理。以個人資產705億美元名列富比士億萬富翁列表中的第7大富豪,同時也是臺灣首富。2019年4月17日,郭台銘宣布投入中國國民黨的2020年中華民國總統選舉黨內初選。
郭台銘 - 企業領袖高峰會演講 APEC CEO Summit 2013: https://youtu.be/c733wqJup_I?t=175
•英文詞彙上應用專業術語 (e.g., key components, technology integration)
•不熟悉字型的變化 morphology/word form--manufacture, manufacturing, manufacturer --we emerged as an electronics manufacturer; we innovation designer --no be verb; we are use all component and integration --we utilize component integration testing?, etc.)
•and da today
•today (stress on the second syllable )
•medical (stress on first syllable)
•metary -- military
• problems cause by L1 interference
•從語音結構上來看,中文是一種「音節計時語言(syllable-timed language)及「聲調語言」(tone language),每個字由一個音節構成,唸起來各音節輕重相當且時間大致等長,而且每個字有自己的聲調;但英語是一種「重音計時語言」(stress-timed language)及「語調語言」(intonation language),每個字的音節數不一,由各音節是否有重音來決定其輕重、長短與音階高低,而重音落於何處也會決定其語意之不同。
•One of the most noticeable features of English is that some of its syllables are strong while many others are weak” (Roach, 2000, p81). English stress pattern is manifested through syllable length, loudness and pitch. In other words, stressed syllables are longer, louder and higher pitched than unstressed ones. Sometimes one word that is stressed differently may have different grammatical functions and meanings, for example, the homographs “record” (verb) and “record” (noun). “Record” has the stress on second syllable when it is a verb, and it has stress on the first when it is a noun. The shift of the stress even makes a noticeable difference to the sound of the vowels, for instance, “e” in noun “REcord” is pronounced as /e/, but /ɪ/ in verb “reCORD”.
•coal values -- core values
•freedom, tolerance, rule of law
•用詞大致上是正確的雖然還是有字形上(word form)的問題
•expensive -- expense
在此提供我的「心智圖詞彙攻略」課程,希望對大家的語言學習有幫助: https://bit.ly/2QgajQw
還有Howard老師《會走路的翻譯機,神級英文學習攻略本》的傳送門 http://bit.ly/2DfGrhH
浩爾口筆譯 ft. 創譯兄弟
同時也再次感謝炙瞳夢 RED FILM幾位大導演和貓哥的友情協助,幫我們拍攝和剪接出如此精彩的影片!
intonation語言學 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
每個禮拜一,是我最喜歡的時間之一(上班族白眼中)。因為在週日的瘋狂 7 hours 托福+搭配詞課後,可以有一點時間讓自己進入「nerdy」 模式,沈浸在最新的語言學和認知/教育心理學研究。
今天重新讀了「練習大師」Dr. Robert Dekeyser 所寫的一篇 "Situating the concept of practice"一文,從「認知心理學 (Cognitive Psychology)」、「應用語言學 (Applied Linguistics)」、「教育心理學」 (Educational Psychology)」看怎麼 "practice" 第二語言這件事情。
So what are the implications? 這應該是對我來講最重要的問題。如何將最有效的練習方式,用不同的方式帶到我的課堂中。
昨天在上托福課時,給同學看了正向心理學當紅炸子雞 Dr. Angela Duckworth (the "GRIT" prof.) 在 UPenn 的 open course 中,所簡述 Dr. A Ericssson 的 "deliberate practice" 的 4 個步驟:
(1) Set a stretch goal
(2) Focus 100%
(3) Get feedback
(4) Reflect and Refine
在檢討寫作時,我跟班上的同學說,拿到我的 Feedback 後,一定要認真思考和檢討。為什麼我這樣寫,老師這樣寫,而中間的差異是什麼? 更重要的是,那我下次要怎麼做,才能寫得更好?更重要的是,打開你理性、觀察的雙眼,不要用「慣性」來檢討 feedback。
有沒有注意到?feedback 不加 s。
在練習寫作 (口說) 時,更要問自己
"What aspects of writing / speaking am I trying to improve?" 是時間掌控、切題問題、給例子支持 topic sentence / thesis statement、intonation、還是做筆記 ?
PS. 雖然忙碌,留學諮詢和SOP批改還是緊鑼密鼓地在進行中。有需要諮詢的同學,歡迎隨時聯繫!