「我就是在台灣找到了《靈山》的中文版,這本書的作者是第一個榮獲諾貝爾獎的華人[高行健],但中國從來沒有真正承認過這個得主。做為一個經濟官,我們大概知道優秀的合作夥伴要具備什麼特質。的確,美台之間也許有些貿易障礙,但就整個台灣經濟體系的價值觀而言,以及像美國一樣作為一個開放的民主社會,能有這樣的合作夥伴對我的工作來說是非常珍貴的。台灣政府充分響應民意,並奠基了創新創業和知識自由的基礎,就是這樣的知識自由有助於建立知識型社會及知識型經濟,台灣、美國就是很好的例子。在台灣這樣允許言論自由、反覆試驗不怕失敗的環境下,研發才得以存在並精進,相反的,沒有這些自由就沒有好的研發。派駐台灣可說是我經濟官職涯中的亮點,而且,比起其他我去過的地方,台灣人民真的非常友善,也非常尊重他人。」安恬(Dannielle Andrews)美國在台協會經濟組組長。
*安恬女士來台之前,曾擔任美國國務院法律事務局區域全球功能事務辦公室代理副助卿。她於2017年6月以優異成績畢業於美國國防大學,取得國家戰爭學院國家安全戰略碩士學位,以及資訊網路空間學院網路安全證書。安恬女士於2002年加入國務院,並曾任職於美國駐瀋陽總領事館、美國駐巴西巴西利亞大使館,以及美國駐迦納阿克拉大使館。她也曾先後於美國國務院擔任中國暨蒙古事務辦公室經濟組組長,核能風險降低中心資深觀察官,以及經濟暨商業事務局助理。在加入國務院之前,安恬女士曾於加州總體經濟研究公司擔任研究員及客戶關係主管;她也在巴西、中國和迦納積極參與志工活動。安恬女士先後取得維吉尼亞州威廉斯堡威廉與瑪麗學院學士學位,以及德州大學奧斯汀分校碩士學位。她通曉葡萄牙語、中文、俄語及西班牙語。#WhyIChoseTaiwan #愛台灣我的選擇 #RealFriendsRealProgress #美台關係 #真朋友真進展
Why I Chose Taiwan #2
“It’s here in Taiwan that I got a version of 靈山, which was written by a PRC author who the Chinese have never actually acknowledged as the first Chinese person to win a Nobel prize for literature...As an econ officer, we all kinda know who the great partners are. Yes, there are some barriers to trade between the U.S. and Taiwan, but in terms of the overall value of the economic system and to Taiwan having a society like ours, it’s invaluable to my work. Taiwan is responsive to its citizenry, which lays the foundation for entrepreneurship and intellectual freedom. Intellectual freedom is what helps build knowledge-based societies and knowledge-based economies, like Taiwan’s, like the United States’. Research and Development, exist and are perfected in places like this, not in places where you aren’t allowed to express freely what is tested, failed, tested again. I already know that this is the highlight of my economic officer career. Also, the kindness and respect for your fellow human being that I found here more than anywhere else that I’ve been when I’ve traveled around.” Dannielle Andrews, AIT’s Economic Section Chief.
Prior to her arrival in Taiwan, Ms. Andrews served as Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Regional, Global, and Functional Affairs in the Department of State’s Bureau of Legislative Affairs. She graduated with honors in June 2017 with a Master of Science in National Security Strategy from the National War College and a certification in CyberSecurity from the College of Information and Cyber Space at the National Defense University.
「intellectual development中文」的推薦目錄:
intellectual development中文 在 葉大華 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Taiwan Social Welfare Organizations support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the 2018 WHA
As declared in the WHO Constitution, “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.” In light of this founding principle, we submit that every Taiwanese citizen has the fundamental right to participate in the WHA and the WHO.
The WHO has long espoused Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and promoted children’s early development as well as adolescents’ health and welfare around the world. In this spirit, Taiwan was the first Asian country to institute UHC, and has achieved an insurance coverage rate of 99.9% through relatively low annual health expenditures of 6.3% of GDP. Taiwan is willing and able to share the lessons it has learned from this successful experience with other nations at the WHA. Without Taiwan’s attendance at the WHA, and participation in the WHO’s technical meetings, co-operations and activities, the global health system would certainly lose a crucial and valuable collaborative partner, and significantly delay the implementation of the WHO’s central objective: improving the health and welfare of all people.
In a statement issued on Rare Disease Day 2018, the WHO emphasized that the concept of UHC embraces access to needed health care for all people, including sufferers of rare disease, without imposing undue financial hardship. Taiwan was the only nation to have officially incorporated rare disease prevention and patient welfare into its Rare Disease Act legislation. Its National Health Insurance system provides full reimbursement for all needed medication, and subsidizes special nutritional supplements and emergency medication for rare disease patients. Taiwan’s outstanding accomplishments and experience in the care of rare diseases should be shared internationally to galvanize the advancement of UHC.
Over the past decades, Taiwan government and social welfare organizations also have dedicated to seeking necessary resource as healthcare, medicines-supply and social caring for disadvantaged groups through legislation, advocacy or group-interaction which to construct a solidity and energetic social welfare system. To ensure every disadvantage people can be taken care of under a proper medical system. No necessary considering potential financial risks among families to secure basic health and security.
Taiwan has been actively participating in international health care organizations for a long time. Taiwan’s non-governmental organizations have spread across the world. There are more than 73 countries, 336 major plans and international exchanges have been implemented and there is countless substantive diplomacy happened. The step-by-step, pragmatic, and true occurrence means that Taiwan has the ability to make substantial contributions to help the disadvantaged groups around the world.
Taiwan social welfare organizations are willing to share the mission and experience in the caring of disadvantaged groups internationally to galvanize the advancement of UHC. Taiwan social welfare organizations have shared our experiences through Pragmatic Diplomacy internationally, so please don’t ignore our efforts. Therefore, we strongly urged Taiwan to be treated fairly. Just as the people with rare diseases cannot be left behind in global health coverage, the health issues of Taiwan’s 23 million people should not become “outside of universal health coverage”. Taiwan should have meaningful participate in the 2018 World Health Assembly, share Taiwan’s experience with the world, help other countries to promote policies that take care of the disadvantaged, face potential health challenges, and jointly realize the health of the World Health Organization as a basic human rights.
臺灣社會福利團體聯合國際記者會 中文聲明
世界衛生組織長久以來戮力於實踐「全民健康覆蓋(Universal Health Coverage)」的願景,並倡議特殊及弱勢族群的健康與福祉。而臺灣是亞洲地區最早落實全民健康保險制度的國家,納保率達99.9%、醫療花費僅佔GDP約6.3%,有意願也有能力在世界衛生大會向各國分享相關經驗。然而臺灣無法出席世界衛生大會及全面參與世界衛生組織相關技術性會議、機制及活動的結果,將使全球衛生體系失去一個重要的合作夥伴,延宕世界衛生組織提升全球人類健康水準的目標。
社團法人台灣社會福利總盟(Taiwan Social Welfare League)
財團法人罕見疾病基金會(Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders)
財團法人勵馨社會福利事業基金會(The Garden of Hope Foundation)
財團法人陽光社會福利基金會(Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation)
財團法人伊甸社會福利基金會(Eden Social Welfare Foundation)
社團法人中華民國身心障礙聯盟(Disability Alliance of Republic of China)
社團法人中華民國智障者家長總會(Parents Association for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities)
社團法人臺灣社會工作專業人員協會(Taiwan Association of Social Workers)
社團法人台灣社會心理復健協會(Taiwan Association for Psycho-Social Rehabilitation)
財團法人基督教芥菜種會(The Mustard Seed Mission)
社團法人台灣少年權益與福利促進聯盟(Taiwan Alliance For Advancement of Youth Rights And Welfare)
社團法人台灣南方社會力聯盟(Social Power from Southern Taiwan)
社團法人台灣婦女團體全國聯合會(National Alliance of Taiwan Women's Associations)
社團法人中華民國社區重聽福利協會(Taiwan Association for Community Hard-Of-Hearing People And Welfare)
社團法人中華民國白化症者關懷協會(Taiwan Albino Caring Association)
財團法人靖娟兒童安全文教基金會(Jing Chuan Child Safety Foundation)
社團法人中華民國老人福利推動聯盟(Federation for Welfare of the Elderly)
社團法人中華民國自閉症總會(Autism Society of Taiwan)
社團法人台灣健康人權行動協會(Taiwan Health Right Initiative)
財團法人台灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會(Taiwan Fund for Children and Families)
社團法人中華民國家庭照顧者關懷總會(Taiwan Association of Family Caregivers)
社團法人台灣多發性硬化症協會(Multiple Sclerosis Association Taiwan)