“I got hit.”
I believe that's the last thing any of us would want to hear from a friend/ family who got caught in a traffic accident.
Reality is, if you've been on the roads long enough, there will come a point where you'll realise accidents are inevitable, just a matter of whether it's a serious one or not.
I've had my fair share too.
In any accident, however big or small, it's important to remain calm at all times and take note of the key things you’d need to do.
✔ Check for injuries. If you notice any, call 995 immediately.
✔ Take photos of the accident scene without moving any of the vehicles involved. This is important for insurance companies and the police to help determine the cause and impact of the accident.
✔ Exchange particulars of of drivers/ riders involved. Note down the name, contact, address, vehicle registration plate details. Do also take note of the time, date and location of the accident as this would be required in the police report that you make.
✔ Regardless of whether there are any claims/ injury in an accident, you must report it to your insurance provider within 24 hours from the time of accident. This is to ensure your interests are protected at all times. If you fail to do so, not only will you stand to be at the disadvantage, you may risk losing your NCD too.
Make sure you keep yourself and your family safe on the roads with comprehensive insurance like what DirectAsia Insurance offers.
You can tailor your policy with different optional benefits and they even have a dedicated specialist to attend to your policy needs so do check them out and stay safe wherever you are!
#ad #DirectAsiaInsurance #Singaporebikers
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「i got it」的推薦目錄:
- 關於i got it 在 Vaune Phan Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於i got it 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於i got it 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於i got it 在 黑小多 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於i got it 在 ochikeron Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於i got it 在 mugumogu Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於i got it 在 Re: [文法] get it / got it 使用時機- 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊 的評價
- 關於i got it 在 歡迎分享。 get it 有三個意思: 1. 接電話2. 開門3. 懂A - Facebook 的評價
i got it 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最讚貼文
1) It doesn't hurt to _____
→「〜しても損はない / 〜してみたら」
例えば、アニメを見て日本語を勉強しようか迷っている外国人の友達に対し、「It doesn’t hurt to watch anime. Actually I think it’s a great way to study Japanese.(アニメを見ても損はないよ。実際、とても良い勉強法だと思うし。)」という具合に使うことができます。
✔「It doesn’t hurt to ask」や「It never hurts to ask」で「聞くだけ聞いてみたら」を意味する。
✔「It won’t hurt」や「It can’t hurt」と表現してもOK。
I know you like your English teacher but it doesn't hurt to take lessons from other teachers.
I know that he's really busy with work but it never hurts to ask. He might help you out.
It won't hurt to try. That's the only way you'll find out.
2) Hurt someone's feelings
嘘をついたり、ひどいことを言ったり、裏切ったりして相手の気持ちを傷つけることを「Hurt someone’s feelings」と言います。Hurtは身体的、そして精神的な痛みの両方に対して使うことができ、一般的に人を悲しませる意味合いが込められています。
✔「私は〜に傷ついた」は「I was hurt by _____.」と表現する。
Why did you lie to her? You really hurt her feelings.
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I didn't mean it.
I can't believe you made fun of me in front of everyone. I was hurt by that.
3) Hurt one's chance to/of _____
この表現を直訳すると「チャンスにダメージを与える」ですが、一般的に「チャンスをダメにする」や「好機を妨げる」などの意味としてよく使います。例えば、プロ野球のドラフトに選ばれるくらい才能がある高校球児がスキャンダルに巻き込まれた際、「That incident is going to hurt his chances of getting drafted.(あの事件のせいで、彼のドラフト選抜のチャンスはダメになるだろう)」という具合に使われます。
✔「イメージダウン・イメージを悪くする」は「Hurt one’s image」、「評判を傷つける」は「Hurt one’s reputation」と表現する。
You failed one of your classes? That's going to hurt your chances to study abroad.
Barry Bonds is a great baseball player but his use of steroids hurts his chances of getting into the Hall of Fame.
That actor was caught drinking and driving. That's going to hurt his reputation.
4) (That) hurts
→「(それは)応える / きつい / 辛い」
精神的なダメージを受けて心が痛んだり、何か問題が発生して困難な状況に置かれた状況などの“辛い”気持ちを表現する際にもよくHurtを用います。例えば、人材不足に悩まされて困っているうえに、有能な部下が退職届を出してきたと嘆いている友人に対して、「That hurts(それは辛いね。)」と言うことができます。
The fine for the speeding ticket hurts. I'm all out of money.
The truth hurts doesn't it?
You totaled your car? That's got to hurt. How are you going to get to work?
i got it 在 Sarah Chang 張學仁 Facebook 的精選貼文
Loving these Mosh! thermos', been matching my outfits everyday! Last day to get yours too! (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)
對的,我也加入了使用復古且新潮設計的保溫杯行列,因為它又美又好用,拿起來就是有種幸福感。我特別喜歡原色,它們很大方又百搭,跟服裝總能呼應或撞色,既實用又時尚的配件,媽媽最愛帶它到超商買咖啡,自備杯子既環保也能節省 3塊台幣!Why Not?
家裡原有幾個保溫瓶,但總是沒辦法完全裝進超商賣的卡布奇諾。這個保溫瓶可以裝滿一整杯咖啡(大容量 450 毫升) 它採用雙層不銹鋼設計,可以保持冷熱飲品的溫度。它還有一個方便的小矽膠標籤,有助於防止飲料灑出,並可以毫不費力的掛在掛繩上。尤其是當媽媽的已經沒有手再拿東西的時候。
如果你有覺得這個保溫瓶又潮又實用的話,點擊以下連結就可以購買囉! (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)
Yup that’s right, I got on the bandwagon and joined the million+ people that fell in love with this vintage American milk bottle design. I love primary colors, they make a nice accessory to get to 7-11 grab a coffee and save 3NT.
I have about 20 thermos’ at home that just can’t fit a cappuccino from 7-11. This thermos holds my full cup of coffee (full capacity of 450mL) It has a double-layer stainless steel design to insulate both hot and cold drinks. It’s also got a handy little silicon tab that helps to keep the drink from spilling and makes it easy to hang on a lanyard, especially when my hands are full.
Click here if ya wanna jump on the bandwagon too! (https://pse.is/3q9qjr)
i got it 在 黑小多 Youtube 的最佳解答
0:00 需要通關的關卡
0:41 彈鋼琴
1:46 1.Jewelry Store 珠寶店 - Diamonds are Forever
1:52 2.任何銀行劫案 - A Good Haul
1:57 3.Shadow Raid 影之襲擊 - I Will Pass Through Walls
2:02 4.GO Bank 全武銀行 - All Eggs in One Basket
2:07 5.Diamond Store 鑽石店 - Hostage Situation
2:25 6.任何運鈔車劫案(不包含火車) - But Wait - There’s More
2:36 7.Train Heist 運鈔車:火車劫案 - We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
2:44 8.Mallcrasher 商場破壞者 - Self Checkout
2:48 9.Four Stores 四間店 - Platinum Card 或 Yeah, He’s a Gold Digger
2:53 10.White Xmas 白色聖誕劫- What’s in the Box?
2:56 11.Ukrainian Job 烏克蘭人的委託 - Let’s do th…
3:01 12.Meltdown 爐心熔解 - They Don’t Pay Us Enough
3:08 13.Aftershock 震後餘生 - Bring It Back Safe
3:17 14.Nightclub 夜總會 - Let Them Boogie
3:30 15.Stealing Xmas 聖誕大盜 - The Grinch
3:39 16.Watchdogs 看門狗 - Out of bounds
4:06 17.Firestarter 縱火者 - Lord of War
4:13 18.Rats 鼠輩 - Full Measure
4:19 19.Big Oil 石油大亨 - Doctor Fantastic
4:28 20.Framing Frame 偷天換日 - I Wasn’t Even There!
4:38 21.Election Day 選舉日 - I’m A Swinger
4:48 22.Big Bank 大銀行 - Don’t bring the Heat
4:59 23.Hotline Miami 熱線邁阿密 - Walk Faster
5:16 24.Hoxton Breakout 老哈逃獄記 - Watch The Power Switch!
5:22 25.Hoxton Revenge 老哈復仇記 - Silent But Deadly
5:30 26.The Diamond 驚世奇鑽 - Cat Burglar
5:37 27.Golden Grin Casino 金牙賭場劫案 - High Roller
5:52 28.Bomb: Dockyard 炸彈劫案:碼頭 - I’ve got the Power
6:06 29.Bomb: Forest 炸彈劫案:森林 - Pump It Up
6:20 30.Scarface Mansion 疤面公館 - Settling a Scar
6:28 31.The Alesso Heist 音樂會劫案 - Sound of Silence
6:39 32.Counterfeit 偽鈔風雲 - Dr. Evil
6:48 33.First World Bank 世界第一銀行 - OVERDRILL
6:54 34.Murky Station 黑水火車站 - The Pacifist
7:06 35.Boiling Point 沸點 - Remember, No Russian
7:22 36.Goat Simulator 山羊模擬器 - Hazzard County
7:49 37.Santa’s Workshop 聖誕工坊 - Santa Slays Slackers
8:11 38.Car Shop 車店 - Gone in 240 seconds
8:19 39.The Biker Heist 暴走族劫案 - Full Throttle
8:37 40.Panic Room 戰慄空間 - Quick Draw
8:48 41.Brooklyn 10-10 荒唐警局 - A Rendezvous With Destiny
9:04 42.The Yacht Heist 遊艇劫案 - Pacifish
9:11 43.Undercover 骯髒交易 - Not Even Once
9:29 44.Slaughterhouse 屠宰場 - Making a Statement
9:47 45.Beneath the Mountain 山脊之下 - Clean House
10:12 46.Birth of Sky 誕於天際 - 1...2...3… JUMP!
10:25 47.Heat Street 熱街 - It’s Nice To Be Nice
10:39 48.Green Bridge 格林大橋 - Attacked Helicopter
10:49 49.Alaskan Deal 阿拉斯加交易- The Fuel Must Flow
10:59 50.Diamond Heist 經典鑽石劫案 - Blood Diamond
11:13 51.Reservoir Dogs 落水狗劫案 - Waste Not, Want Not
11:27 52.Brooklyn Bank 布魯克林銀行- All the Gold in Brooklyn
11:36 53.Breakin’ Feds 闖越FBI - Stalker
12:08 54.Henry’s Rock 亨利峽谷 - Hack This!
12:22 55.Shacklethorne Auction 拍賣會劫案 - Press [F] to pay Respect
12:47 56.Hell’s Island 地獄島 - Beacon of.. nope
12:55 57.No Mercy 慈愛醫院 - Keeping the Cool
13:15 結語
亦或是在下面留下你的評論,你的評論也可以讓小多的暗黑力量繼續壯大唷!(ˋ wˊ)/

i got it 在 ochikeron Youtube 的精選貼文
Karaage (also called Tatsutaage) is Japanese fried chicken. It is usually cooked for lunch, dinner, or bento. Also, it is the best party recipe favored by most people!
FYI: Dried soy meat I used.
Vegan Karaage (Soy Meat Fried Chicken) Recipe
Difficulty: Very Easy
Time: 40min (incl. marinating time)
Number of servings: 4
100g (3.5oz.) dried soy meat blocks https://amzn.to/3zBFQ4m
* 2 tbsp. soy sauce
* 2 tbsp. sake
* 1 tbsp. grated ginger
* 1 clove grated garlic
* 1 tsp. sesame oil
2 tbsp. Katakuriko (potato starch)
deep frying oil
lemon wedges if preferred
1. In a boiling water, cook dried soy meat blocks for 4 minutes. Or as directed on its package. Wash well (change water for a few times) to remove the bad smell, then drain well.
2. Mix the seasonings in a bowl and marinate the soy meat for about 30 minutes. Overnight is okay, longer makes them tasty.
3. Drain lightly (do not squeeze out the marinade liquid), coat with Katakuriko in a plastic bag.
4. Deep fry in oil at 180C (350F) until crisp golden brown.
5. Serve with lemon wedges if you like.
Music by
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Follow me on social media. If you have recreated any of my food, you can share some pictures #ochikeron. I am always happy to see them.
♥My COOKBOOK available on Amazon Kindle♥
NO MORE hard copies... those who got one are lucky!
♥More Written Recipes are on my BLOG♥
♥My Recipe Posts in Japanese♥
♥and of course PLEASE SUBSCRIBE♥

i got it 在 mugumogu Youtube 的最佳解答
白いブランコがだいぶ汚れていたので、色を塗り直してリニューアルしました!The white swing got dirty, so I repainted it and renovated!
壁掛け: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B094J76SZG
卓上: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B094J6Z2TT
Blog: https://sisinmaru.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maruhanamogu/

i got it 在 歡迎分享。 get it 有三個意思: 1. 接電話2. 開門3. 懂A - Facebook 的推薦與評價
你是否常搞不清楚,要說I get it. 或是I got it. 呢?這些例句是外師撰寫,幫助大家了解get it 的用法。以後我們會推出有聲版本,敬請期待,謝謝。 ... <看更多>
i got it 在 Re: [文法] get it / got it 使用時機- 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊 的推薦與評價
一般都用got it 比較口語化
"Hey sorry I am a bit busy now."
"Okay. Got it."
我就會用I get it now.
"I think they are seperated. That's why John has been dating someone else."
"Hmm ohh I see. Now I get it."
※ 引述《woi5566 (我愛伍伍陸陸)》之銘言:
: 網路上查了一些解釋
: I got it. (I've got it )
: 可以說是
: 1. 我跟你講這件事 但你過去就知道了
: 2. 我現在跟你講 你知道後回我I got it.
: 所以這樣我就很不懂,那怎樣的時機會說到I get it呢?
: 因為我總覺得 既然知道了 那也就會是..知道了 後來(或當下)才會回答「我知道了」
: 所以不解I get it的使用時機
: 麻煩各位高手幫忙!感謝!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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