Elon Musk的演講藝術
Elon Musk 違反賈伯斯時代的演講準則,反而加深自己的魅力!
Elon Musk 可說是全世界影響力最高的商業領袖之一,而且在媒體及社群媒體的聲望奇高無比(IG 有200萬追隨者,Twitter 有6000萬),甚至一句話就可以影響市場的走向。
Well... 從溝通成效的角度來看,他是很厲害沒錯,但如果你看任何一場他的演講,你肯定會覺得很困惑。你會覺得:這個人怎麼這麼尷尬,這麼不會講話?
隨便在 Youtube 上面搜尋他演講的影片,看個幾分鐘,你就會知道我們在說什麼了。看個幾分鐘就可以跳出至少以下的問題:
• 說話吱吱唔唔,贅字一堆
• 停頓在很尷尬的地方,感覺不知道自己在哪裡
• 投影片視覺,跟口述的內容常常對不起來
• 容易忘記自己要說什麼,明顯要去偷瞄一下投影片,不然無法繼續說等等...
啊... 那他到底厲害在哪裡?為什麼一個講話這麼尷尬不流暢的人,能夠迷惑全球這麼多人,發揮如此大的影響力?
我們看完一些他演講影片的結論,是他的魅力來源,跟「前一波」的商業領袖,如 Steve Jobs,截然不同。你甚至可以說,**他們的風格是完全相反的。**
我們今天就從 Musk 的一些演講中,來看他的反向操作!
📌 反操作1:Jobs Overstates, Musk Understates
首先,Steve Jobs 開始用的一個「技巧」,說好聽是「讚嘆」,說難聽就是「誇大」,不論發表的產品是否真的是突破性創新,反正就是用 "incredible"、"revolutionary" 等字眼來形容。英文的一個形容,就是 "overstatement" - 把什麼東西都講的「超過」一點。
結果一大堆商業演講的人,做產品無法像 Jobs,但用誇張的形容詞卻學的很像。
Musk 就不一樣。
他自己知道他做的事情很難(讓永續能源普及、把人類變成多個星球的物種),所以他反而用很「沒什麼大不了」的字眼跟語氣來傳達,反而讓這種「謙虛」變成一種效果。這個就不是 "overstatement",而是 “understatement" - 什麼東西都講的收斂一點。
> What is the future that we want? It's consisted of really appealing solar roof... then combine that with storage, and with electric cars.
It's an obvious 3-part solution... Yeah... 3 part solution... uh...
It's really not that complicated.
沒錯,他講完之後停頓了一下,然後說嗯,對,就是三個部分,真的沒那麼複雜 lol。
影片: https://youtu.be/4sfwDyiPTdU?t=187
➜We are building a grand future - a future of endless renewable energy and clean mobility, but with the sort of convenience you couldn't even imagine.
To build this, we've had to overcome a trinity of challenges that have bedeviled generations prior:
1. Houses that generate energy during the day all by themselves
2. Efficient and integrated storage
3. And the best electric cars the world has ever seen
Ok,我寫的有點誇張,但 you get the point。
他最近在發表 Tesla Bot 的演講中,也描述了一個很大的未來,你看看他的說法:
➜ What is the economy? It is uh... at the foundation, it's labor. So what happens when there's... uh... no shortage of labor?
So I think in the long-term, there will need to be universal basic income (applause)... Not right now, because the robot doesn't work (laugh)... we just need a minute.
Essentially, in the future, physical work will be a choice... if you want to do it, you can, but you wouldn't need to do it. Obviously it has profound implications for the economy, because... the economy, at its foundational level, is labor, and capital is just distilled labor, then... is there an actual limit to the economy? Maybe not...
你很難想像有人可以把一些這麼遠大的願景 - 人力工作變成一個選擇、每人都享有基本收入等等 - 用更平鋪直述的方式,沒什麼好大驚小怪的語氣說出來。
連開發萬用機器人的難度,他都只是說 "We just need a minute" lol。
Again 歡迎你們自己看影片,體驗一下:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUP6Z5voiS8
Btw... Musk 還隨口說了一句 "capital is just distilled labor"。別叫我翻譯,因為我根本不知道這是什麼意思,尤其是 "distilled" 在這裡的用意。如果你去 google "distilled labor",也找不到什麼東西,只有不到兩千個 search result。
有人會覺得 Musk 太聰明了,所以才會常常說出正常人不懂的話,但我個人覺得他是故意的:就是要「埋」一些每人聽得懂的話,才能加深他「天才」的形象。
Musk 把複雜困難的事情說成很簡單,還有另一個好處:就是大家可能會覺得「這些很難的事情,好像難不倒他耶,嗯他看來真的是個天才!」
📌 反操作2:尷尬反而是魅力
其實,在賈伯斯用流暢的舞台表演稱霸市場之後,很多企業家都下苦工,練就一身演說武功。如 Bill Gates 或是 Mark Zuckerberg,都很明顯的從內向而且不會演講的人,變成老練的演說家。
Musk 很明顯沒有。Honestly, he's not even trying。
上面的影片,一個是2016年,一個是2021年,你覺得哪個舞台上的 Elon Musk,比較尷尬?這個當然有點主觀,但我兩個都看完之後,會覺得今年的他,講的更卡,更不好。
但是 Elon Musk 很明顯的根本沒有在 care 這一塊 lol。如果他有心要成為非常流暢的講者,你覺得這種小事能夠難倒他嗎?
還需要Musk暗藏玄機的演講技巧嗎? 需要的同學請按個讚和留言「Must learn from Musk」。
圖片出處: https://bit.ly/3mKfjyX
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過803的網紅樂筆 x 日光實驗室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 這集想跟大家聊聊子彈筆記對時間管理到底有沒有幫助?並分享什麼是子彈筆記以及我七月一整個月寫子彈筆記的成果。 我想先問問大家 你比較喜歡用電腦寫行事曆還是紙本?我個人是很愛用紙本 但又懶得帶紙本出門,所以現在都習慣記在手機「LINE個人群組裡」。 不過這段時間因為代辦事項太...
「i can do this all day翻譯」的推薦目錄:
- 關於i can do this all day翻譯 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於i can do this all day翻譯 在 我媽叫我不要打鼓 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於i can do this all day翻譯 在 D.A. Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於i can do this all day翻譯 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於i can do this all day翻譯 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於i can do this all day翻譯 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳解答
i can do this all day翻譯 在 我媽叫我不要打鼓 Facebook 的最佳解答
(English is belowed)
最近翻照片翻到了2017年,我最愛的鼓手 Antonio Sánchez 帶著他的樂團 Migration 來台灣 河岸留言 演出,想起了之前我曾經翻譯過他的DVD "Master Series"的一段話,非常感動且給我很大的能量,但之前有被盜過帳號都不見了,於是決定再找出來聽打一次重新翻譯分享給大家。
也再次謝謝 河岸留言可以邀請這麼棒的樂團來台灣!!
如果不知道Antonio Sanchez是誰的,他是Pat Metheny band的鼓手,葛萊美獎得了好幾座,同時已經得了奧斯卡等N個獎項的電影 Birdman 「鳥人」,這部整部電影配樂只有鼓聲,所有鼓也都是他錄的。
一些來自 Antonio Sanchez 對鼓手們的金玉良言 (出自他的 “Master Series” DVD )
嗯,當我還在成長時,我總是夢想著可以在很棒、高聳、最大的場館,跟著大型樂團,以及最棒的音樂家們一起演出。 這夢想當然很棒,但你總是要從某些名不經傳的小地方當作你的起點。
突然之間,我意識到我正在小酒吧、小俱樂部、或是某家餐館、某個婚禮場演出 — 而且沒有人在專注聽你演奏,那時我覺得很沮喪而且覺得被冒犯了,舉例來說。我以前做很多婚禮場,而且在上面演奏「熱愛105度C的你」(註一) 上百次,演奏時心裡想「我在這邊銃三小?」、「快讓我離開這吧,殺了我吧,我可以演比這個帥一百倍以上的曲目!」於是,我在演奏時只想打卡下班,就沒有把我的專注放在音樂上面。
又或者某天,我在某間小酒吧演出,正在演奏搖擺樂,或者一些我真的很喜歡的音樂風格,但沒有人在注意聽我們演奏,大家都在看大銀幕上的棒球比賽。 我就想說「好吧,反正沒人在聽,我就把我昨天練功的招式都丟進去音樂吧。」而那時我只是胡亂的丟我練過的招式,並沒有在那個音樂裡面,我也沒有在聽其他音樂家演奏了什麼,不過也許其他音樂家有聽到我做的事情。
舉例來說,當我在九零年代晚期開始跟Niels Pedersen一起做巡迴,那是個非常高強度的演奏,它是個三重奏,每次演出的晚上,我的腦袋好像快爆炸一樣,因為我並不習慣如此需要長時間專注程度的高難度演出,我才了解到我浪費了太多時間以前演奏的時候沒有把專注力放在音樂上。
註一:原文是說演奏「La Mecarena」,90年代的當紅歌曲。這邊為了年輕讀者,使用較貼近現在的105度C的你。
註二:Niels Pedersen 全名是 Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen (N.H.O.P.),是從70-90年代活躍的傳奇的低音提琴手,演奏速度可以超級超級快又具備非常豐富的音樂性。
Recently I found a picture that my favorite drummer
Antonio Sanchez and his band "Migration" touring in Taipei in 2017. And few years ago I've seen his DVD and felt so inspired from these words. I decided to translate it into Chinese to share with other Chinese drummers.
There's maybe little mistakes because English is not my mother language.
Some wise words from my all-times favorite drummer Antonio Sanchez from his DVD - "Master Series".
And the last things I wanna said, hmm, has a lot to do with attitude to work with music and musicianships. Hmm, When I was growing up, I was always dreaming of playing in a nice, tall, the biggest stadium and the biggest band with the greatest musicians in this world. And that’s great except that we all have to start somewhere. And I, all of a sudden, I was playing in a little bar, or small pub, or some restaurant, or a wedding where nobody was paying an attention. And I really felt depressed and I felt violated. And for example, I’ve been played for a wedding gig, and I would be playing “La Marcaena” for a hundred times , and I would be like “What am I doing here ?”, “Get me out of here, shoot me, this is not for me, I’m so much better than this !”
And I was not putting my heart into it at all. When the next day, I would play in some small bar, I was playing maybe swing or something that I really like, but nobody was paying an attention. Everybody was looking at the screen, the baseball game. And I would be like “Well, nobody is paying an attention, then I just gonna playing practice whatever I was working on yesterday.” And I was NOT in the moment, I was not listening to what the other guys were playing. And maybe the other guys were listening to me.
So, when I luckily started getting better and better opportunities music-wise, and the situations start getting a little more the manling. I realized that I did not have the concentration I took for me to be able to deal with some of the situations. Uh, for example when I started to play with Niels Pedersen in the late 90s, it was a very tense gig , it was just a trio, and every night I would end would headache , because I was not used to have a lot of concentration and focusing that much, for that amount of time.
I realize that I’ve wasted a lot of time not being into the music not putting my heart into it. Because, I mean I really feel like if a, you have two arms, two legs, and you are able to play , you are lucky already. And I think if you are playing in some small restaurant, or wedding, or whatever. You treat that situation like the best gig in the world in the most beautiful opera house or the biggest stadium, and you treat you felt the musicians like the greatest musicians you could play with. I think you are on the right path. You put your heart into it, and you give the music and musicians the respect they deserved. Then I can assure you really good things are gonna happen to you. So that’s it for me, thank you so much for coming, hope see you next time.
i can do this all day翻譯 在 D.A. Facebook 的最佳解答
Soft ABG look!
I rarely do cut creases but I like the way it is!🥰The tips when I think of #abg look are:
💋Brown matte shades
💋Obvious eyeliner
💋Towards deepen the eye structure more than playing with colors
I didn’t put false lashes on and didn’t wear eye contacts, but I think this is just MY version of abg makeup:) cuz we all can live our ways of look and life, right?☺️
@inglot_cosmetics pralines and truffles eyeshadow palette
@collectioncosmetics_uk highlight & sculpt contour kit
@makeupgeekcosmetics single eyeshadow preppy
@narsissist high pigment longwear eyeliner black
@sisterann.kr perfect edge brush pen liner 01
Wish you all a lovely day 💕
- 霧面大地色為主
- 明顯的眼線
- 妝容比起多變的色彩更強調呈現骨骼感深邃度!
#inglot 不給糖,就使壞眼影盤 可可森林
#collection 雙色打亮修容盤
#makeupgeek 單色眼影preppy
#sisterann 精準個性毛筆式眼線筆01
#nars 絕色無畏眼線膠筆 黑色
#makeup #化妝 #化粧 #アイメイク #motd #dailymakeup #コスメ #아이메이크업 #메이크업 #오늘의화장 #눈화장 #beauty #섀도우 #makeupinspo #makeupideas #eyemakeup #eotd #眼妝 #eyeshadow #eyelook #眼影 #makeupinspiration #100daysofmakeup #wakeupandmakeup
i can do this all day翻譯 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的最讚貼文
我想先問問大家 你比較喜歡用電腦寫行事曆還是紙本?我個人是很愛用紙本 但又懶得帶紙本出門,所以現在都習慣記在手機「LINE個人群組裡」。
如果你想寫手帳沒頭緒,想寫日記但習慣難養成,「Bullet Journal 子彈筆記術」或許可以幫助你突破這些問題喔……到底有沒有那麼神奇?我決定嘗試規劃自己的「子彈筆記」並實測一個月看看網路上的資訊是真是假?子彈筆記到底可不可行?真的有幫助時間管理嗎?真的可以消耗掉買一堆又捨不得用的紙膠帶、色筆、螢光筆嗎?
Welcome to Sunlight~
We want to talk about if Bullet Journal works for time management in this episode. I’ll share what Bullet Journal is and my result of Bullet-journaling in July.
Do you prefer to use calendar online or planner? For me, I like to use planner, but I’m too lazy to take it out. Therefore, I’m used to taking notes on my “personal group” in LINE.
However, there are too many things to remember. So I search online and find that Bullet Journal is one of ways for time management!
Is it difficult for you to use daily planners or keep a diary? “Bullet Journal” might help you solve these problems. To verify if it’s useful and if the information online is true, I try to start Bullet Journal and keep it for a month. Is it feasible? Is it useful to time management? Is it true that it can consume many paper tapes, color pens, and highlighters which we grudge using?
Do you want to know if this way of time management is helpful? Welcome to listen to EP30! It’s useful and simplified, 30-day-experience all in this 15 minutes~
Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify 🔍歡迎光臨
- - -
- - -
主持人兼編輯 Host/Editor/:樂筆
剪接師 Sound Editor:Papa.H
翻譯 Translator:Youli
i can do this all day翻譯 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文
《Penny Rain》
Stand By You
作詞:TK from 凛として時雨
作曲:TK from 凛として時雨
編曲:TK from 凛として時雨
English Translation: lyricaljourneys
Copyright Info:
Be aware this channel is for promotion purpose only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
Please support the original creator.
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背景 / Background - rainy day - Hiten :
中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :
英文翻譯 / English Translation :
日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
離さないで 繋いで 今を抱き締めるよ
カメレオンに騙されて壊れた僕は もう何を失くしたって奪われないよ
不安を脱いで逃避行 慣れないスピードに歪んだ僕の顔を隠せるかな
孤独を嘆く人 挫折を笑う人 歪を嫌う人
誰も怖くなんかないよ ここから見えている真実が過去を満たして
離さないで 繋いで 今を抱き締めるだけ
誰かの答えがこんなに溢れて 並べられていても
誰かの叫びがこんなに溢れて 愛を探している
怖くなって 止まって 泣いて
だから今は Stand By You
君に繋いであげるよ 今が鮮やかだろう
Stand By You...
Stand By You
中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :
英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
The things I’ve lost
Don’t let go, hold on tight, and embrace the moment now
The me that is deceived and is broken by the Chameleon
already has nothing to lose
and has nothing that can be snatched away
So I discard my anxiety and run away
Will I be able to hide my face
that is distorted by the speed I am unaccustomed to?
A person who laments loneliness
A person who laughs at failure
A person who hates perverseness
No one is afraid, because the reality visible from now on is
merely a consequence of what happened in the past
The things I’ve lost:
the vividness embedded in
a future with its gradually-changing colours
Don’t let go, hold on tight to that
There is nothing else to do now, but to embrace the moment
Even if someone’s answers are lined up so abundantly
Even if someone’s screams are searching for love so desperately
Even if you are to discover the many things you have lost
even if you become afraid,
even if you are stopped,
even if you cry
don’t let go of the silhouette of the person that emerges
Even when I try to embrace the confidence
I’ve just obtained so, so tightly,
it still escapes my grasp so smoothly and speedily.
But even so, the light that touches the rain is sometimes reflected as rainbow – which illuminates me
That’s why now I stand by you
I am passing on the strength that is owned only by a broken person to you
It will surely be vibrant now
i can do this all day翻譯 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳解答
《夢中夢》官方翻譯由我們提供 🎉🎉🎉
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➡️ 金曲譯者的其他影片:
《玫瑰少年 Womxnly》蔡依林 | 歌詞解析及翻譯
絕美翻譯!! 郁可唯 路過人間 cover 用英文唱
兩秒學5個單字 | 周湯豪 兩秒終 歌詞翻譯
綠茶婊翻成 green tea bxtch?! | 波霸奶茶 陳瑾緗 歌詞翻譯及解析
不同的城市 同個故事
Different cities, same story
不同的粉絲 同種注視
Different fans, same gaze
不同的音軌 重複錄製
Different soundtracks recorded over and over
不同的巡迴 演無數次
Different tours performed again and again
不同的光芒 同樣刺眼 像把我穿透
Numerous rays of light, dazzling alike, all try to pierce through me
不同的訪綱 同樣嗜血 等著我犯錯
Numerous interview outlines, sinister alike, are all filled with traps
不同的房號 同樣失眠 和夢魘纏鬥
Numerous hotel rooms, unsleepable alike, all give me nightmares
不同處方藥 同樣制約 暫時性挽救
Numerous prescriptions, inhibiting alike, all cure only the symptoms
不同人知道我 但沒人認識我
People know me, but no one understands me
不同人需要我 沒人敢正視我
People need me, but no one looks at me directly
不同的治療後 沒人能根治我
After receiving different therapies, I’m still not cured
不同的包裝粉飾後 我感到更赤裸
After putting on different masks, I feel more naked
As the loop repeats itself
My soul and body gradually fall out of sync
不同的佈景 上演同個劇情 不同幕
Different settings, same scenario, different acts
抽離後 看著自己變麻木
Looking at myself from a distance, I feel more and more apathetic
it’s just like déjà vu
it’s just like déjà vu
When I’m yet again surrounded by unfamiliar people
Flashlights from the paparazzi
Noise of the crowd
skr 煞車聲伴隨刺耳尖叫
skr car brake sounds and shrill screams
man you‘re sick as hell
man you‘re sick as hell
Into the mic someone speaks
man you’re sick as hell
man you‘re sick as hell
Memories flash before my eyes like a teaser of a musical
is it real?
is it real?
注定的人生 像由人編造
My life is predestined like a script already written
is it real?
is it real?
宿命都成真 是否是圈套
Can't escape my destiny. Is this all a trap?
is it real?
is it real?
When the screen goes upside down
The colors are sucked out; only lines are left
一瞬間忘記我在追夢中 還是睡夢中
Suddenly, I’m not sure whether I’m chasing my dream or dreaming a dream
It’s like a vivid dream within a dream
造神 毀神 標準 流程
Being put on and then knocked off a pedestal; what a standard procedure
掌聲 噓聲 一轉身 鴉雀無聲
Cheering and criticism both disappear as I turn around
I look at the city in the foothills of the mountains while it’s fast asleep
那曾是珍貴的人事物 驀然回首人事已非
There used to be people and things I cherished, but they’re all gone now
everything fading away
everything fading away
已沒有了退路 只能向上奮力的推
There’s no turning back; all I can do is push the rock uphill
That rock is my guilt
每個晚上 質問著我會不會扼腕
Every night, I feel guilty and ask myself whether I feel regret
For my temporary pleasure
讓那業障不斷堆砌 積沙成塔
My karmic debts accumulate day after day
已無法急剎車 像邁向註定結局希臘神話
There’s no stopping now; I’m like a tragic hero in Greek mythology
然而當我達到山頂 I’ll be recognized
But I'll be recognized once I reach the summit
悲劇夠經典也會永遠被記載 right?
And my tragic story will be remembered, right?
and I’ll never rest
and I’ll never rest
Til I’m higher than Everest
Til I’m higher than Everest
a legend that will never die
a legend that will never die
I’ll never die!
I’ll never die!
As the fame fades
Half of the fans disappear
Interest on the wane
娛樂版 追尋下個天團
The paparazzi start looking for the next superstar
man your end has come
man your end has come
Someone is reading my diagnosis
man your end has come
man your end has come
Memories flashes before my eyes like comic strips
is it time?
Is it time?
夢想的成真 永遠最璀璨
A dream looks the most beautiful the moment it comes true
is it time?
Is it time?
陪葬的純真 鮮少人揭穿
But few talk about the innocence sacrificed
is it time?
is it time?
When the screen rotates
The colors are sucked out; only darkness is left
一瞬間忘記我在追夢中 還是睡夢中
Suddenly, I’m not sure whether I’m chasing my dream or dreaming a dream
It’s like a vivid dream within a dream
造神 毀神 標準 流程
Being put on and then knocked off a pedestal; what a standard procedure
掌聲 噓聲 一轉身 鴉雀無聲
Cheering and criticism both disappear as I turn around
Big rock, big rock
Uphills, uphills
In my dream, someone once promised me freedom
作為交換條件 某部分的我被奪走
As long as I give up some parts of me
究竟為何 在夢中卻已渾濁
Which parts? The memory is too vague now
夢醒後 內容回想起總是荒謬
The dream always feels ridiculous when I’m awake
But somehow I still hear the voice saying we’ll meet again
帶著參悟 帶著困惑 一步步邁向業果
With enlightenment and bewilderment, my efforts will culminate in my karmic fruits
Big rock, big rock
Uphills, uphills