Resepi Nasi Kerabu Golok
Munculkan diri kalau anda peminat nasi kerabu? Nak tengok berapa ramai yang betul-betul suka😍
Nasi kerabu ada dua gaya. Satu lagi bertumis. Kelainannya nasi kerabu golok ni saya buat versi diet. Ganti guna gula dan garam yang lebih sesuai dan kurangkan kuantitinya. Nasi pula saya masak menggunakan 100% bunga telang. Harum pula tu baunya. Memang padu!
Saya ringkaskan resepinya di bawah ini atau boleh follow fb saya untuk resepi bergambar yang lebih lengkap. Banyak lagi resepi lain yang saya ada dan bakal menyusul.
1. Sangai sebiji kelapa parut sehingga kekuningan. Kisar kering seketika untuk rupa yang lebih halus. Ketepikan.
2. Sediakan bahan kisar.
- 1 biji bawang merah
- 1 ulas bawang putih
- sehiris nipis halia
- sebatang serai
3. Masukkan semua bahan tadi dalam bekas pengisar.
4.Tambahkan 1 sudu besar ‘ brown sugar low GI’ bagi menggantikan gula Melaka atau gula putih.
5. Juga 1/2 sudu besar garam bukit serta 1 sudu besar serbuk lada hitam.
6. Kisar tanpa menggunakan air. Atau ditumbuk.
7. Satukan bahan yang telah dikisar dalam kelapa parut tadi. Gaul sekata.
8. Sangai semula menggunakan api perlahan untuk mengelakkan kelapa cepat rosak.
9. Biarkan 2-3 minit sebelum ditutup apinya.
1. Rebus 7-8 ekor ikan sardin / selayang. Caranya, susun ikan dalam periuk. Masukkan 1 sudu besar cuka, 2 keping asam gelugur, 2 hiris lengkuas, 1/2 sudu besar garam bukit dan 1/2 inci ‘nise’. Tambahkan sedikit air. Rebus sehingga air ikan sedikit kering.
2. Kemudian, asingkan tulang dan isi ikan.
3. Tumbuk isi ikan sedikit lumat.
4. Masukkan isi ikan dalam kuali. Tambahkan bahan di bawah;
- 1/2 sudu besar serbuk lada hitam
- 1/2 sudu besar serbuk lada putih
- secubit garam bukit
5. Gaul sekata. Seterusnya sangai selama 5-6 minit atau sehingga isi ikan sedikit kering sebelum ditutup apinya.
1. Bahan-bahannya;
- 4 ketul ayam
- 1 sudu kecil serbuk kunyit
- 1 sudu kecil serbuk lada hitam
- 3 ulas bawang putih yang ditumbuk lumat
- secubit dua serbuk lada
- 1 sudu kecil garam bukit
2. Gaul rata. Perap selama 1/2 jam.
3. Masukkan 1/2 sudu besar minyak atas pan. Kemudian bakar ayam sehingga masak.
1. Bahan-bahannya;
- 10 kuntum bunga telang
- Air yang telah disukat sesuai untuk beras masak
2. Buang tangkai bunga telang. Kemudian kisar sehingga lumat.
3. Setelah beras dicuci bersih, masukkan air bunga telang tadi.
4. Seterusnya, masukkan herba;
- sehelai daun kunyit
- 1 batang serai diketuk hujungnya
- 2 hiris halia
- 2 helai daun limau purut
5. Masaklah nasi seperti biasa.
1. Bahan-bahannya;
- segenggam cili padi merah
- 1 biji lemon - ambil jusnya
- 1/2 sudu kecil garam bukit
- 1/2 sudu kecil ‘brown sugar’
- sedikit air
2. Kisar semua bahan di atas sehingga sedikit lumat.
* untuk menghasilkan rasa sambal yang sedap dan kurang pedas, seeloknya sambal dibuat lebih awal.*
1. Bahan-bahannya;
- semangkuk budu apa-apa jenama
- perahan jus lemon
2. Satukan dalam mangkuk. Hiaskan dengan cili padi merah dan hijau.
1. Hiris halus;
- daun kengsum
- daun selom
- ulam raja
- daun kunyit
- bunga kantan
- serai
- timun batang Jepun
- taugeh
Nasi Kerabu Golok 'Diet Style'
- Nasi senggengam
- 1 sudu besar kelapa parut
- 1 sudu besar isi ikan
- 1 keping dada ayam bakar
- 2 genggam ulam
- 1 sudu kecil (kfc) sambal jantan
- 1 sudu kecil (kfc) budu
Gaul rata semua item.
Dan rasa nasi kerabu golok ini memang terbaik!
Semoga bermanfaat.
Golok Nasi Kerabu recipe
Show up if you're a fan of nasi kerabu? Want to see how many people really like 😍
There are two styles of nasi kerabu. One more sauteed. This nasi kerabu golok is different I made a diet version. Replace with sugar and salt that is more suitable and reduce the quantity. I cooked rice with 100 % of telang flowers. The smell is fragrant. Really solid!
I simple the recipe below or can follow my fb for a more complete photo recipe. There are many other recipes that I have and will follow.
1. Sangai a grated coconut until yellow. Grind dry for a moment for a smoother look. Put aside.
2. Prepare the blend ingredients.
- 1 pieces of red onion
- 1 review of garlic
- a thin piece of ginger
- a lemongrass
3. Insert all the ingredients just now in the blender container.
4. Add 1 tablespoons of 'brown sugar low GI' to replace Melaka sugar or white sugar.
5. Also 1/2 tablespoons of hill salt and 1 tablespoons of black pepper powder.
6. Grind without using water. Or get punched.
7. Unite the ingredients that have been grounded in the grated coconut just now. Uniform gaul.
8. Sangai again using slow fire to prevent coconut from damaging quickly.
9. Let it be 2-3 minutes before the fire closes.
1. Boil 7-8 sardines / selayang. How to arrange fish in the pot. Insert 1 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 pieces of gelugur asam, 2 slices of galangal, 1/2 tablespoons of hill salt and 1/2 inches 'nise'. Add some water. Boil until the fish water is a little dry.
2. Then separate bones and fish filling.
3. Punching fish is a little squish.
4. Insert fish filling in the wok. Add ingredients below;
- 1/2 tablespoons of black pepper powder
- 1/2 tablespoons of white pepper powder
- a pinch of hill salt
5. uniform gaul. Next time sangai for 5-6 minutes or until the fish filling is a little dry before the fire closes.
☑️ BLACKPEPPER grilled chicken
1. The ingredients;
- 4 pieces of chicken
- 1 small spoons of turmeric powder
- 1 small spoons of black pepper powder
- 3 review of garlic pounded squish
- pinch of two pepper powder
- 1 small spoons of hill salt
2. Flat Gaul. Marinated for 1/2 hours.
3. Insert 1/2 tablespoons of oil on the pan. Then burn the chicken until cooking.
1. The ingredients;
- 10 pieces of telang flower
- Water that has been measured is suitable for cooking rice
2. Throw away the telang flower stalk. Then grind until squish.
3. After the rice washed clean, put in the telang flower water just now.
Next 4., insert herbs;
- a piece of turmeric leaf
- 1 sticks of lemongrass tapped at the end
- 2 slices of ginger
- 2 pieces of purut lime leaves
5. Cook rice as usual.
☑️ Male pepper sambal
1. The ingredients;
- a handful of red chili chili
- 1 lemons - grab juice
- 1/2 small spoons of hill salt
- 1/2 small spoons of 'brown sugar'
- a little water
2. Grind all the ingredients above until a little squish.
* to produce delicious and less spicy sambal taste, it's better to be made earlier.*
1. The ingredients;
- a bowl of budu any brand
- lemon juice colonialism
2. Unite in a bowl. Decorate it with red and green chili.
1. Smooth slices;
- kengsum leaves
- selom leaf
- ulam raja
- turmeric leaves
- kantan flower
- lemongrass
- Japanese stem cucumber
- taugeh
Nasi Kerabu Golok 'Diet Style'
- Senggengam rice
- 1 tablespoons of grated coconut
- 1 tablespoons of fish filling
- 1 pieces of grilled chicken breast
- 2 grasp ulam
- 1 small spoons (KFC) male sambal
- 1 small spoons (KFC) budu
All items are flat gaul.
And the taste of this nasi kerabu golok is the best!
Hopefully it will be useful.Translated
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過70萬的網紅Spice N' Pans,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Asam pedas means sour and spicy in Malay or Bahasa Indonesia. Like the name suggests, this dish is refreshingly sour and spicy which goes especially w...
how to cook asam pedas ikan 在 Santai Ben Ashaari Facebook 的最讚貼文
Pemilik resepi:Fayad Gojez
Pemilik Video resepi :Eny Yusnizar Abdullah
Bahan-bahan ( 8-10 orang ):
1 kilo beras - basuh dan toskan
500 g daging - dipotong kecil dan bersihkan dan toskan.
1 cawan susu cair
1/2 cawan sos tomato
1/2 cawan sos cili
1 cawan minyak sapi (atau mentega/majerin/minyak sayur/miyak jagung)
Air secukupnya
daun sup dan daun bawang - dihiris
1 cawan bawang goreng
20 ulas bawang merah*
10 ulas bawang putih*
2 sb ketumbar biji*-disangar
2 sk jintan halus/putih*- disangar
1/2 jari halia*
2 sb kismis*
4 tangkai cili hijau*
penumis:- sedikit kayu manis, cengkih, pelaga
2 helai daun pandan - disimpul
2 batang serai - dititik
1sb rempah kari daging / kurma - saya pakai 1 bungkus kecil
Cara-cara Penyediaan:
1. Kisar bahan2 bertanda * hingga halus.
2. Daging digoreng dahulu dengan sedikit minyak hingga berubah warna dan kering sedikit dan ketepikan. (Yg ni kita tak buat sbb lepas tumis sume bhn dan dah naik minyak n bau baru kita masukkan daging mentah n masuk air sikit tunggu mendidih n masak daging tu dan ikut step seterusnya)
3. Panaskan minyak dalam periuk dan tumis bahan penumis, daun pandan dan serai hingga wangi dan masukkan bahan2 kisar dan tumis hingga garing lalu masukkan daging goreng,jika ada air daging masukkan sekali. Masukkan pula sos tomato dan sos cili.
4. Masukkan secukup air dan masak hingga daging empuk lalu masukkan susu, kacau dan biar mendidih sebentar.
5. Masukkan pula beras dan gaul rata. Apabila nasi hampir kering masukkan garam secukup rasa gaul lagi dan masak terus hingga nasi tanak.
6. Tabur 1/2 bahagian daun sup,daun bawang dan 1/2 bahagian bawang goreng atas nasi dan tutup periuk.
7. Ketika menghidang, tabur lagi dengan lebihan daun sup daun bawang dan bawang goreng.
Air Asam:
4 biji Cili >terpulang nak pedas tambahkan kuantiti cili
1 biji Lada Merah Besar
1 ulas Bawang Putih
1 inci Belacan yg di bakar
1 sb sos tomato
1 sb sos cili
1 sb sos ikan
60 ml air asam jawa
1 sk gula (ikut citarasa manis sendiri)
secubit garam
**Kesemua bahan di atas di blend hingga hancur atau separuh hancur terpulang nak mcm mana, kalau nak cair sedikit just tambahkan air kemudian perasakan kembali. Kemudian masukkan bhn2 hirisan td, dan siap utk di hidang bersama nasi daging :-)
Bahan Hiris:
Sedikit hirisan bwg merah
Sedikit tomato di hiris dadu
Daun ketumbar di hiris halus
1 biji cili di hiris bulat
Selamat Mencuba!
Recipe for spicy meat rice 🍂
Owner of resepi:Fayad gojez
Recipe Video owner: eny yusnizar Abdullah
Ingredients (8-10 people):
1 kilo of rice - wash and throw
500 g meat - cut small and clean and throw.
1 Cups of liquid milk
1/2 cups of tomato sauce
1/2 cups of chili sauce
1 Cups of cow oil (or butter / Majerin / Vegetable Oil / corn lard)
Water is enough
Soup leaves and onion leaves - sliced
1 Cups of fried onions
20 review of red onion *
10 review of garlic *
2 SB OF CILANTRO *- disangar
2 SK fine / White Cumin *- disangar
1/2 fingers of ginger *
2 SB of raisins *
Penumis :- a little cinnamon, cloves, cardamom
2 pieces of pandan leaves - disimpul
2 bars of lemongrass - on point
1 SB of meat / dates curry spice - I wear 1 small packs
Ways of preparation:
1. Blend of marked ingredients * to smooth.
2. Meat fried first with a little oil until it changes color and dry a little and put aside. (this is what we don't do because after stir-fry all the ingredients and have increased the oil and the smell then we put in raw meat and get in the water a little wait to boil and cook the meat and follow the next step)
3. Heat up the oil in the pot and stir-fry material ingredients, pandan leaves and lemongrass until it smells good and put in the grind ingredients and stir-fry until crispy then put in fried meat, if there is meat water put in once. Put in tomato sauce and chili sauce.
4. Put in the water and cook it until the meat is soft and then put in the milk, stir it and let it boil for a while.
5. Insert Rice and flat gaul. When the rice is almost dry, put in salt and taste it again and cook it straight until the rice is not.
6. Sow 1/2 parts of soup leaves, onion leaves and 1/2 parts of fried onions on the rice and close the pot.
7. When eating, sow again with the excess leaves of onion leaves and fried onions.
Sour Water:
4 pieces of chili chili to be spicy add the quantity of chili
1 pieces of big red pepper
1 Review of garlic
1 inches of belacan that was burned
1 SB of tomato sauce
1 SB of chili sauce
1 SB of fish sauce
60 ml of Java Sour water
1 SK Sugar (according to your own sweet taste)
A pinch of salt
** all the ingredients above are blend to broken or half crushed, it's up to how, if you want to melt a little, just add water then taste it again. Then put in the slices of the slices just now, and ready to serve with meat rice :-)
Slice Material:
A little slice of red bwg
A little tomato in a slice of dice
Cilantro in a fine slice
1 pieces of chili in a round slice
Good luck trying!Translated
how to cook asam pedas ikan 在 Spice N' Pans Youtube 的精選貼文
Asam pedas means sour and spicy in Malay or Bahasa Indonesia. Like the name suggests, this dish is refreshingly sour and spicy which goes especially well with rice. You can use any fish to cook in this gravy but we like stingray because it's easier to eat.
Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home. Thanks for dropping by our channel.
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See you soon.
on behalf of Spice N' Pans
850g of stingray or any fish that you like
1 whole piece of eggplant or brinjal
6 - 7 pieces lady fingers
2 pieces tomatoes
1/4 pineapple (optional)
4 slices of tamarind
juice from 2 pieces of lime
1/2 tablespoon of curry powder
1 tablespoon of belachan powder
2 tablespoons of turmeric powder
3 cups of tamarind juice (made by soaking 4 tablespoons of tamarind with 3 cups of water)
1.5 teaspoons of salt
2 teaspoons of sugar
Blend the ingredients below into paste:
10 pieces shallots
5 cloves of garlic
2 stalks of lemongrass
1 tablespoon of young fresh ginger
15 pieces of dried chilli
5 pieces of fresh red chilli
3 pieces of bird's eye chilli or chilli padi (optional)
some cooking oil