CHRF Condemn HK Police Slashing New Year Rally
(English version below)
警方於今日 5 時半,強行終止了民陣的遊行及集會,民陣對此予以強烈譴責!民陣亦嚴正聲明,疏散群眾是按不反對通知書要求迫於無奈的做法,民陣絕對不同意警方腰斬的決定,警方相關言論是充滿謊言、誤導及分化香港人。
警察於盧押道的拘捕行動引發警民對峙,當時場面漸變溫和,防暴警察及後亦準備撤退,卻隨即向人群投擲催淚彈,激化矛盾。警方亦同時威逼遊行腰斬,更要求民陣 30 分鐘內疏散迫爆港島的數十萬市民,大批防暴警察更在地鐵站及各疏散路線截查、挑釁市民,成圍捕之勢。
2020 年 1 月 1 日
CHRF Condemn HK Police Slashing New Year Rally
Hong Kong Police ceased CHRF’s New Year Rally and assembly today at 1730 HKT. CHRF condemn such a brutal decision. We reluctantly abided by the terms of “Letter of No Objection” to evacuate the crowd——we have never agreed upon the Police’s decision. The Police’s comment on our alleged “agreement” is falsified and maliciously diverging the public.
Earlier tension at Luard Road after a Police arrest action was originally easing, and Riot Police were retreating. Unfortunately, Police fired tear gas to the crowd, escalated the scene. Police subsequently called off the rally and demanded CHRF to evacuate all the crowd in Hong Kong Island within 30 minutes. Riot Police at MTR stations and all exit routes kept searching and provoking citizens, threatening mass arrest.
On the first day of year 2020, the Police dismissed the first licensed assembly of the year with absurd excuse. Hong Kong government have shown its unwillingness to listen to the voices of the mass, infringing the right of assembly of Hong Kong citizens.
CHRF warn Hong Kong Government to respect and fulfill the Five Demands——Not One Less. Or else, Hong Kong-ers shall not back down, and peace shall not resume with on-going police brutality.
Civil Human Right’s Front
1st Jan 2020
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hkt全名 在 丹尼爾。海的兩三事 Facebook 的最佳貼文
CHRF Urgent Appeal to International Society
On the Escalation of Tension in Hong Kong
(English version below)
香港作為一個國際大都會,現正面臨人道危機。過去幾個月,香港警察已發射近 10,000 發催淚彈,88% 市民已受到催淚氣體影響,其中日前在香港中文大學單日已發射過千發。催淚彈已令香港陷入化學污染。
朋友們,你們可能對電視出現的暴力衝突感到不安。但容我們解釋,政權的暴力才催生了更多暴力。香港反送中運動的暴力升級,是源自於 6.12 警暴、元朗 7.21 黑幫無差別攻擊下的無警時分,以及政府遲遲拒絕回應香港人的五大訴求,包括獨立調查警察濫暴。近 9 成市民支持獨立調查警暴,但特首林鄭月娥依然冥頑不靈,唯恐此舉會損害警隊士氣。
無人希望見到香港理工大學被暴力鎮壓。但更令人憂慮的是,警務處長盧偉聰將於本月 19 日退休,警隊有理由在其卸任前夕做盡暴行,好讓繼任人開脫責任。
2019.11.18 HKT 0000
CHRF Urgent Appeal to International Society
On the Escalation of Tension in Hong Kong
Dear Friends in the World,
Hong Kong, a modern and civilised metropolitan, is now under humanitarian crisis.
88% of the population have suffered from tear gas. The Hong Kong police have shot nearly 10,000 rounds of tear gas, 1/5 of them were deployed in the Chinese University of Hong Kong last week. The excessive use of tear gas brings Hong Kong into a city of chemical pollution.
Worse still, bloodshed and crackdown are no longer a nightmare but a concrete possibility.
Tonight, the riot police blocked all exit of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and protestors are now unable to leave. With the tense atmosphere and escalation of the use of force by police, we worry that the protestors, most of whom are our young and future generation, will face arrest with bloodshed.
My dear friends, you may be disturbed by the violent scene on the TV screen. However, we invite you to go to the deep. Violence begets violence. The escalation of violence is inevitably attributed by the excessive use of force by police on 12 June, the inaction of law enforcement agency in the Yuen Long Gangs’ attack on 21 July, and the government’s continuous rejections to fulfil the five demands, including setting up an independent commission of inquiry to investigate police brutality. While this demand has nearly 90% of popular support as reflected in public opinion surveys, Carrie Lam has insisted with her objections in order to keep the morale of police force, in spite of allegations of abuse of power and force.
No one wants to witness a crackdown in Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It is so worrying that, since the current police commissioner will retire from 19 Nov onwards, the police officers do not mind doing ugly jobs that make the police commissioner accountable.
De-escalation is of paramount importance now. We urge the Hong Kong government and Hong Kong police to de-escalate the situation and stop using any lethal force against protestors in the site. We also urge international community to join our appeal for de-escalation of state violence, and the retreat of riot police near the campus.
There are calls for all peaceful protestors in Hong Kong to stand up in solidarity with those who are in Polytechnic University. We call for everyone who are committed to solidarity, peace and justice to support each other in their possible ways, and do not give up in face of this crisis.
May glory and peace be with Hong Kong.
Civil Human Rights Front
2019.11.18 HKT 0000
【民陣 TG】 t.me/CivilHumanRightsFront
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hkt全名 在 Fernando Chiu-hung Cheung 張超雄 Facebook 的最佳貼文
CHRF Urgent Appeal to International Society
On the Escalation of Tension in Hong Kong
(English version below)
香港作為一個國際大都會,現正面臨人道危機。過去幾個月,香港警察已發射近 10,000 發催淚彈,88% 市民已受到催淚氣體影響,其中日前在香港中文大學單日已發射過千發。催淚彈已令香港陷入化學污染。
朋友們,你們可能對電視出現的暴力衝突感到不安。但容我們解釋,政權的暴力才催生了更多暴力。香港反送中運動的暴力升級,是源自於 6.12 警暴、元朗 7.21 黑幫無差別攻擊下的無警時分,以及政府遲遲拒絕回應香港人的五大訴求,包括獨立調查警察濫暴。近 9 成市民支持獨立調查警暴,但特首林鄭月娥依然冥頑不靈,唯恐此舉會損害警隊士氣。
無人希望見到香港理工大學被暴力鎮壓。但更令人憂慮的是,警務處長盧偉聰將於本月 19 日退休,警隊有理由在其卸任前夕做盡暴行,好讓繼任人開脫責任。
2019.11.18 HKT 0000
CHRF Urgent Appeal to International Society
On the Escalation of Tension in Hong Kong
Dear Friends in the World,
Hong Kong, a modern and civilised metropolitan, is now under humanitarian crisis.
88% of the population have suffered from tear gas. The Hong Kong police have shot nearly 10,000 rounds of tear gas, 1/5 of them were deployed in the Chinese University of Hong Kong last week. The excessive use of tear gas brings Hong Kong into a city of chemical pollution.
Worse still, bloodshed and crackdown are no longer a nightmare but a concrete possibility.
Tonight, the riot police blocked all exit of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and protestors are now unable to leave. With the tense atmosphere and escalation of the use of force by police, we worry that the protestors, most of whom are our young and future generation, will face arrest with bloodshed.
My dear friends, you may be disturbed by the violent scene on the TV screen. However, we invite you to go to the deep. Violence begets violence. The escalation of violence is inevitably attributed by the excessive use of force by police on 12 June, the inaction of law enforcement agency in the Yuen Long Gangs’ attack on 21 July, and the government’s continuous rejections to fulfil the five demands, including setting up an independent commission of inquiry to investigate police brutality. While this demand has nearly 90% of popular support as reflected in public opinion surveys, Carrie Lam has insisted with her objections in order to keep the morale of police force, in spite of allegations of abuse of power and force.
No one wants to witness a crackdown in Hong Kong Polytechnic University. It is so worrying that, since the current police commissioner will retire from 19 Nov onwards, the police officers do not mind doing ugly jobs that make the police commissioner accountable.
De-escalation is of paramount importance now. We urge the Hong Kong government and Hong Kong police to de-escalate the situation and stop using any lethal force against protestors in the site. We also urge international community to join our appeal for de-escalation of state violence, and the retreat of riot police near the campus.
There are calls for all peaceful protestors in Hong Kong to stand up in solidarity with those who are in Polytechnic University. We call for everyone who are committed to solidarity, peace and justice to support each other in their possible ways, and do not give up in face of this crisis.
May glory and peace be with Hong Kong.
Civil Human Rights Front
2019.11.18 HKT 0000
【民陣 TG】 t.me/CivilHumanRightsFront
【民陣 Twitter】 twitter.com/chrf_hk
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「My HKT」App 全新嘅登入模式,讓您擁有獨一無二但又唔怕會被忘記嘅「密碼」 ... (如電話號碼、賬戶號碼)同登記人全名回傳畀我哋,當收到資料後我哋會立即作出跟進。 ... <看更多>