在Kees Goudzwaard的指導下,每位學員把原先三個原色調成九種不一樣的色彩,再將九種顏色剪成三角形,拼成出大的三角色塊。每位學員帶著自己的三角色塊,一起拼組到大張的白布上,拼組的過程中Kees Goudzwaard都會帶領學員一起觀看、思考,討論如何怎麼排列這些三角色塊。
Follow Kees Goudzwaard’s direction , each student turns the three original colors into nine different colors, and cut the nine color papers into triangles to form a bigger triangle. Then each student brings their own big triangle and put them together on a white fabric. Kees will lead the students to watch and think about how to arrange these triangles during the process.
Kees said the models he created have difference size. He will imagine the final image of the model, then adjust the position of the color elements. Base on this idea, students of workshop will discuss with each other, look at the triangles, think the position, and rearrange it for the perfectly final image. Just like experience the creating process of Kees.
We have a great time in the workshop, look forward to the artist talk at 7 PM!
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