Yes boss take me down to the #pathologicallyexplicitrecordings where merch are badass and the tunes are slammy hihi #Repost @gangrenectomy_official with @make_repost
Unleashing Echoes split will be out with Two sick shirts models! And CD Format!
Check out even the other sick designs and bands from the Pathologically Explicit Recordings Store on Bandcamp and Bigcartel!!
On May 10th will be UNLEASHED the premiere on Slam Worldwide!
Don't miss it and U. E. I. T. for It!
#pathologicallyexplicitrecordings #spain #legendary #label #extrememusic #for #extremepeople #brutaldeathmetal #slamdeathmetal #5way #split #gorepot #blastocystia #coprolalia #texasmurdercrew #gangrenectomy #gangrenectomyband #international #slam #brutality #revealed #premiere #youtube #you #tube #slamworldwide
#waitforit #may #extrememetal