One breath is all you need! 🌬💧#你只需要一口氣 #freedive #springbreakpromo #xiaoliuqiu 🏖️
I want to go to Xiao Liu Qiu and dive with @donnymcfar !! But I can’t go this WE, so go for me!🥺🥰 He is offering a free dive course from 4/4-4/7 for beginner level AIDA2 this weekend, and there is still space for 3 people🐡🐠🐟
I did the same course, and I learned sooooo much!! From not knowing anything about free diving to going down to 20m on the second day😍 and seeing theee sharks🦈 lucky me🥰 Donny is seriously a PRO and made me feel safe and confident!🙏🏽
So let me help to spread the word - and I encourage you to do it if you don’t have plans yet! It’s such a satisfying, challenging and self-fulfilling experience! 💪🏽👏🏽 Also my friends get a massive discount, because he really wants more people to learn about free diving and give it a try! 😍🐬
📝Quick info:
📆Date: 4/4 (Thu) 10:00am -4/7 (Sun) 4:30pm
Xiao Liu Qiu, Taiwan.
🛏 Included:3 days of accommodation
👨🏫 Instructor: @donnymcfar Donny Mac, in english!
💰 Price: 14,750 NTD
💵 Discount: Ask me!! It’s a really good deal, I know, believe me.. 🤫
More about Donny’s course and other dates, go to: 🌎
More about Donny’s exclusive and only free dive podcast: 🎵
Now go go go! The ocean is calling 💧🌬💪🏽😘🦈🐬
📸 by @indo.eye 😘 (thank you Dave!)
.#freediving #freedive #apnea #onebreath #breathhold #freedivetaiwan #freedivingtaiwan #freedivingcourse #coralreef #珊瑚 #自由潛水 #自由潛水 #一口氣 #台灣自由潛水 #台灣 #小琉球 #taiwan #xiaoliuqiu #aidainternational #kaohsiung @ Freedive Taiwan 台灣自由潛水
「freediving instructor course」的推薦目錄:
freediving instructor course 在 圖藍奔小姐 Facebook 的最佳貼文
「Barracuda Lake 」我個人很喜歡的一個跳島點。如果真要說, 它比當地最 popular 的 Kanyangan Lake 美麗多多多了。
👉Kanyangan Lake 還是要去啦, 但真心認為人擠人拍完那個世界景點 — 「俯瞰的幾塊礁塊」, 就可以走了別留戀。
這次去是第三次了, 不過短短兩年, 遊客有感爆增;從小貓兩三隻沒有人管, 到開始要排隊要穿救生衣, 隔年隊伍越排越長還得有人在旁指揮。
船家也變的不一樣了, 少了親切感, 雖說系統化了許多, 行程安排上理應較輕鬆;但我好不喜歡, 開始綁手綁腳, 去的島嶼點都必須一致性安排, 好不自由啊~我不要。而且現在還規定不能租私船, 都得透過飯店或是旅遊公司, 如果事前沒有先研究自己想去的跳島點, 屆時真的會被壓著跳啊。
來欣賞一下這地形特殊的Barracuda Lake吧!不唬爛, 裡面真的有幾隻Barracudas 🙈 。而且12-15米下會有海、淡水交會, 是很特別的流層景象;影片裡面沒有啦, 我很努力最多也才7米而已, 看不到😭。
順帶一提📌🐒我認真想上自潛, 但都找不到教練啊!大家都說「沒辦法自潛現在很夯啊(🤷🏻♀️🤷♂️)」, 害我更堅定了。很多人推薦菲律賓, 但我才回來, 近期實在不想東奔西跑。台灣🇹🇼有沒有可以介紹或推薦的教練呀, 六月底前都在綠島, 東、南部都可以考慮, 感謝大家提供資訊🙇🏻♀️
Barracuda Lake is a Standout, thanks to its dramatic thermoclines where saltwater and freshwater oddly coexist in harmony. People do Scuba, snorkeling or freediving here. Check out the footage I made by snorkeling, great formation down there and the light beam is stunning!
I really like to do freediving course, preferred AIDA. If you recommend any instructor who are currently in Green Island/Ludao, or Southern Taiwan, kindly let me know! 3Q.
#Coron #Palawan #Busuanga #Barracudalake #island #travel #view #uwphotography #lisapcp #formation #underwaterphotography #oceanlife #dropoff #thermocline #relax