📣📣New Online Group Session📣📣
Name: Animal Flow
Animal Flow是源自美國的自身重量訓練,動物的動作為基礎,建構出多套動作,合稱”ABCS” (Aape, beast, crab, scorpion)。而活動歸納為「六大要素」,包括手腕活動性、特定伸展、活動流暢性等等。其特點是可透過短時間的訓練,提升柔軟度、體能、力量等,亦可訓練核心肌群。
Animal Flow is a series of ground-based movements with various bodyweight training disciplines for a fun and challenging workout of multi-planar, integrated movement. The system is designed to improve strength power, flexibility, mobility, and coordination for all levels of fitness enthusiasts.
Animal Flow includes a range of movements and combinations that are grouped into categories called the “Six Components.” Each component is designed to elicit specific results, such as Wrist mobilisation, From specific Stretches and flows etc.
Instructor: Shin NG
Shin grew up training in Taekwondo since the age of five, and graduated from university with a major in Physical Education, where he was a key player on the football team. Driven by his passion to bring wellness to the community, Shin became certified in Animal Flow, TRX, kickboxing and yoga.
Beside being a fitness instructor, he also has many other roles such as a Lululemon ambassador and football commentator in i-Cable.
The idea of "to unite” in yoga inspired him to blend his training from different disciplines into one goal: “All is one, one is all, just go with the flow, and MOVE.”
Animal Flow Certified Instructor
RYT 200 Yoga Alliance Certification
AASPF Muay Thai Instructor
Certified TRX GST, STC and TRX for Yoga Instructor
Time: First session will start on 16th April 8pm.
Enquiries on Online Training|
Markys Strength & Performance
WhatsApp: 65400442
Email: markystraining@gmail.com
fitness instructor certification 在 Hangout with Kathy 瀚奧空中。瑜珈 Facebook 的最讚貼文
The 10th of October represents several anniversaries for me. It is when my husband and I moved in togther; we adopted our cat Teenie on this day three years ago; and I got my hoop instructor certification on this day, too!
Today in 2019 is another milestone for the studio and my life. @swish.academy and I came to #greece🇬🇷 with this group of beautiful ladies! Thank you for putting your trust in me and your support in this journey🤗 Let's keep marking our aerial map!
#hangoutwithkathy #空中環 #空中假期 #晴天 #陽光 #紀念日 #運動生活 #改變人生 #lyra #aerialhoop #taipeiaerial #strength #flexibility #strongissexy #fun #cirqfit #fitness #aerialist #sharing #love
fitness instructor certification 在 麥克健身 Marky's Training Facebook 的最讚貼文
Mark Ng
Mark 2005年畢業於美國芝加哥伊利諾州大學,曾留美擔任健身教練一年,協助運動治療師Robert Schultz為多個專業運動員(美式足球及棒球)提供矯正訓練。然而在「為香港出力」的信念驅使下,Mark決定回港發展。
之後Mark加入了大型連鎖健身中心,針對運動員表現提升訓練,亦協助無數學員開始運動旅程。 增值九年,離職前是該公司「資深教練」中最高級別的二人之一。
Mark意會到,要提高香港運動水平,不但要讓更多人認識正確運動觀念,提升香港教練質素更至關重要,因此自2015年開始,Mark用筆名「麥克」在社交網站Facebook 創立專頁《麥克健身Markys Training》,分享健身及教學心得。解答教練及健身人士有關健身或教學的疑問。
2018年,Mark將其信念進一步延伸,與另一資深教練Zangwill組成 Markys Strength & Performance。除了私人教練服務以外,Markys更以學院形式運作,一方面進行學徒制由基礎培育新一代優秀教練;另一方面開辦進修課程(籌劃中),為現職健身教練或對健身有興趣人士提供一個理想專業的進修渠道。
•美國芝加哥伊利諾州大學-人體運動學學士 Bachelor of Kinesiology- University of Illinois at Chicago
•美國國家力量及體能協會-力量及體能專家 National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)- Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (C.S.C.S.)
•美國運動醫學專科學院-健康體適能專家American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)- Health and Fitness Specialist (HFS)
•Poliquin 國際教練証書課程第一、第二級運動表現專家 Poliquin® International Certification Program(PICP) - Poliquin Performance Specialist Level 1 & 2
•美國國家運動醫學學院-註冊體適能教練 National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)- Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)
•Crossfit註冊一級體能教練 Crossfit Level-1 Trainer
•PTA Global 註冊體適能教練 PTA Global certified personal trainer
• 註冊體操活動訓練專家第一級別 Certificate of Achievement Gymnastic Movement Level 1
•註冊保加利亞袋專家 International Bulgarian Bag Confederation-Certified Bulgarian Bag Specialist
•Agatsu註冊壼鈴教練 Certified Agatsu Kettlebell Instructor
•Agatsu註冊關節活動訓練專家 Certified Agatsu joint Mobility & Movement Specialist
•澳洲體適能學院-註冊伸展教練 Australian Training for Fitness Professional- Certified Stretching instructor
•註冊ViPR教練 Certified in ViPR Instructor
2015 台灣墾丁三項鐵人賽完成者(全鐵距離)
2014 日本北海道三項鐵人賽完成者 (全鐵距離)
2014-18 台東、馬來西亞、越南三項鐵人賽完成者(半鐵距離)
2014, 2017年 毅行者山跑完成者