David Webb 30年有感,抗病之際寫了篇肺腑之言,節錄首尾部份,全文可按連列。
30 years ago today, as a young banker, I moved to Hong Kong - one of my better decisions. Here I made my home, my fortune and my family, and hopefully gave something back to make HK a better place than it would have been - we each do what we can, and that's what makes a cosmopolitan city.
Sadly, I doubt that I would make the same decision if I were 25 today. HK may have better days ahead, but for now, increasing government economic intervention, a rollback of political rights and the red iron fist of authoritarianism are sucking the dynamism out of the city and making it a far less welcoming place, not just for international immigrants to HK, but for our brightest local minds planning their future and deciding whether it lies in HK.
The HK and mainland Governments are inching towards opening the "boundary" with the mainland and Macao, at which point HK will become part of a one-Country "China bubble", isolated from the rest of the World until mainland authorities are ready to open up. We would guess 1-Oct-2021 (National Day) for the China Bubble to open, and 1-Jul-2022 for international visitors to China (including HK & Macao). We expect that the Beijing Winter Olympics, scheduled to start on 4-Feb-2022, will either be postponed or for teams-only, arriving into a strictly-quarantined bubble.