Some designs go from sketch to cast very quickly and others I work on slowly a bit at a time between other projects. Trisheepi master sculpt has been in the process for ages. I finally finished sculpting & sanding the fleece since I have a little down time 😊
I dont have a before pic but I completely changed the back cos I sculpted the tail very high so the back felt really flat. It bothered me for ages which probably why I didn't go ahead and mold it before. I scrapped loads off & resculpted the back and now I like the shape.
Still not sure what will happen with this one... all I do know is when I worked on it it makes me miss Yorkshire as Skipton, my UK home town, is the inspiration for this piece.
This piece, as some already know, has 3 heads representing multiple personalities. I strongly believe that we are never a single emotion or personality! While people may want to categorise people (and even ourselves) into neat little boxes, I believe people are beautifully complex 😊.
#designertoys #trisheepi #sheep #yorkshire #skipton #epoxyclay #resin #fantasyart