Nikon 的 Made in Japan 相機或將成絕響。競爭對手除了其他相機品牌之外還有一堆拍照手機,不容易啊。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅13N,也在其Youtube影片中提到,大家對緊急煞車都有自己一番的見解,不同國家的駕訓班教的也都有些出入。研究報告指出最快的方式就是"前後煞車並且同時按住離合"。重點還是多多練習,才能有直覺反應去面對緊急狀況!What's the proper way to brake in an emergency? Studies show the...
「dire situation中文」的推薦目錄:
dire situation中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文
[時事英文] 言論自由與冠狀病毒
In a free society, all citizens must be able to pursue their own paths, set their own goals, and think for themselves. The freedom of speech safeguards these rights as it enables us to challenge and change government regulations and laws we find oppressive and unjust.
History has shown that without the corrective mechanism of free speech, governments would consolidate their powers without regard for the rights and freedom of those whom they ought to serve. To deny people of free speech is a double wrong, because doing so would also deprive people of the right to listen, even though some speech would undoubtedly make us feel uncomfortable. Banning certain speech would not result in the elimination of ideas. It is through engagement and negotiation that we can reach consensus and progress as a society.
All people ought to have the right to criticize their government without fear of persecution, because it is how we have won the rights we have today. The freedom of speech is a fundamental human right and it’s worth fighting to protect.
Trevor Noah, the host of “The Daily Show,” has won praise on the Chinese internet for his searing criticism of the Trump administration’s mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic. So has Jerry Kowal, an American who makes Chinese-language videos chronicling the dire situation in New York.
1. win praise 贏得讚賞
2. searing criticism 猛烈抨擊
3. mishandle (v.) 對⋯⋯處理不當
4. chronicle 記錄
5. a dire situation 可怕的情況
China’s response to the virus has its own sharp-eyed critics at home, and they have found a vastly different reception. One resident of the virus-struck city of Wuhan who writes under the name Fang Fang documented despair, misery and everyday life in an online diary, and has endured withering attacks on social media. Three citizen journalists who posted videos from Wuhan in the first weeks of the outbreak disappeared and are widely believed to be in government custody.
6. response to 回應
7. sharp-eyed 眼尖的;目光敏銳的
8. a vastly different reception 截然不同的對待
9. virus-struck 病毒侵襲
10. document (v.) 記錄
11. endure attacks 忍受攻擊
12. withering 令人難堪的;嚴厲的
13. be in government custody 被政府監禁(或拘留)
The pandemic unfolded dramatically differently in China from the way it has in the rest of the world — at least, if one believes state-run Chinese media. Chinese news outlets used words like “purgatory” and “apocalypse” to describe the tragic hospital scenes in Italy and Spain. They have run photos of British and American medical workers wearing garbage bags as protective gear. A lot of the same miseries happened in China, but those reports were called “rumors” and censored.
14. pandemic 全球性流行病
15. unfold 展開;顯露
16. state-run 國營;國有
17. news outlet 新聞出處
18. purgatory 煉獄
19. apocalypse 末日(天啟)
The death of Li Wenliang, the whistle-blowing doctor in Wuhan, on Feb. 6 galvanized many Chinese people into demanding freedom of speech. Online sentiment became much more skeptical, and many young people openly challenged the party’s message.
20. a whistleblower 吹哨者
21. galvanize somebody into… 激起;使震驚
22. freedom of speech 言論自由
23. online sentiment 網路輿情
24. skeptical 存疑的;持懷疑態度的
25. openly challenge 公開挑戰(或質疑)
Then the United States and other countries bungled their own responses, and China’s propaganda machine saw an opportunity. Using the West’s transparency and free flow of information, state media outlets chronicled how badly others have managed the crisis. Their message: Those countries should copy China’s model. For good measure, the propaganda machine revved up its attacks on anybody who dared to question the government’s handling of the pandemic. For many people in China, the push is working. Wielding a mix of lies and partial truths, some young people are waging online attacks against individuals and countries that contradict their belief in China’s superior response.
26. bungle 弄糟;(笨手笨腳地)把……搞砸
27. propaganda machine 宣傳機器
28. see an opportunity 看見機會
29. manage a crisis
30. transparency 透明度
31. free flow of information 資訊的自由流動
32. chronicle (v.) 記錄
33. rev up sb/sth(使)活躍;(使)積極
34. dare to question 敢於質疑
Many of the same people praising Mr. Noah have been slinging arrows and rocks at Fang Fang, whose real name is Wang Fang, for telling the truth about China. Her diary was moderate and personal, and a place where many of us turned for comfort during the darkest hours of China’s epidemic. But after Harper Collins announced plans to publish it in English, tens of thousands of online users descended on her Weibo account, saying she was a traitor for supporting the enemy’s narrative.
35. sling arrows and rocks 口誅筆伐
36. tell the truth about 說了關於⋯⋯的實話
37. moderate 溫和的
38. turn to comfort 尋求慰藉
39. the darkest hours 最黑暗的時刻
40. descend on 突襲;向⋯⋯湧來
41. a traitor 叛徒;賣國賊
The online backlash has been so severe, Fang Fang wrote on Weibo, that it reminds her of the Cultural Revolution, the decade of political violence and chaos that she saw as a child. The only comfort, she wrote, is that “this type of Cultural Revolution is only conducted in cyberspace.”
42. online backlash 網路上的強烈反對
43. the Cultural Revolution 文化大革命
44. remind sb of sth 使⋯⋯想起⋯⋯
45. political violence and chaos 政治暴力與混亂
May everyone in the world have the freedom to criticize their governments without fear. May we, no matter what our opinions are, speak out to safeguard human rights.
dire situation中文 在 Le Plaisir du français 法語的歡愉 Facebook 的精選貼文
* 拜託大家,如果喜歡這個影片,也請幫忙 "點入 #台灣法語新書Booktuber獎 的頁面,在原影片 po 文下方幫我按個讚" 喔!
這次回查德,中途轉機時和好久不見的朋友 Rose 相約在巴黎碰面。兩個台灣女生在機場的 RELAY 裡頭邊走邊閒聊,看見熟悉的 Bibliothèque Rose 和 Bibliothèque Verte 系列,但是排序有些亂,忍不住手癢調整依序排列 (從前的職業病 XD)
後來逛到口袋書區,邊和好友聊著最近剛讀完的 Delphine de Vigan 最新出版的小說 Les gratitudes,邊聊著想著要買什麼書帶回查德。眼角餘光瞥見左方有位女生似乎站了好一陣子不動,轉頭看過去,是位亞洲女孩,她認真地聽著我們的談話,一見我停下,直接用中文請我推薦她好看的法文小說。原來是中國女孩,也學法語,希望我可以推薦幾本好看的法文小說,讓她可以一次買回國閱讀。怎麼我只是轉個機還在 RELAY 當起了臨時書店員啊 XD
某天到信鴿法國書店買書,臨去前瞥見櫃台附近的一排書和旁邊低調的活動介紹,和書店員聊起來才知道原來是由法國在台協會主辦,法國國際出版協會 (BIEF) 協辦的活動【台灣法語新書 Booktuber 獎】(Prix du lectorat francophone de Taiwan)。活動目的在於推廣閱讀,並且促進法語最新出版品在台灣的能見度。
活動的書籍分成兩類:#文學類 及 #人文社會科學類;兩類書籍各有 4 本,都是由書籍評選委員投票決定選出近期出版並且尚未有中文譯本的法文新作品。參加活動的讀者可以任選這8本書中想看的書籍免費借閱,並為自己喜愛的書拍攝一段 2 分鐘以內的中文介紹小短片。
在信鴿法國書店、法國文化協會、各大法文系等多個場所都可以找到活動所提供的樣書,每本可免費借閱 2 週,有興趣的話可以兩類都參與,也可以依次借閱同類別不同書籍。
我選擇了文學類,挑了一直很感興趣但還沒讀過的作家 Delphine de Vigan 的新書Les gratitudes(書名暫譯為「感謝」)。
短短 2 分鐘內要介紹這本書,又想分享令我感動的閱讀經驗,真是困難的挑戰!最後只好略過不少細節不談,匆匆在離開台灣前拍了最後一次影片(好不容易符合 2 分鐘內的規定),請掌鏡的朋友幫忙還書。
如果覺得我的介紹讓你想閱讀 Delphine de Vigan 的這本書,請幫我點入 #台灣法語新書Booktuber獎 的頁面在原影片 po 文下方幫我按個讚喔!
或是覺得我的影片簡介不夠好,你相信自己可以拍出更厲害的影片贏得比賽,總之就是對這個活動有興趣的朋友們,推薦你一起來參加【台灣法語新書 Booktuber 獎】(Prix du lectorat francophone de Taiwan)的比賽。這個活動將持續到 12 月底,任何 #非法國籍,通曉法語的台灣讀者皆可參加(小小的bug是那麼比利時籍、阿爾及利亞籍、查德籍、布吉納法索籍、加拿大籍、瑞士籍…etc. 的朋友符合報名資格嗎?)
這麼棒的活動竟然目前參賽者只有 3人(包括我)!這是怎麼回事?
偷偷說,目前參賽者 3 人都是報名 #文學類。如果你報名 #人文社會科學類,那贏面根本就是 100%了!(看我把獲勝的秘訣都告訴你了,聰明的你快快報名 #人文社會科學類,然後說服其他朋友都繼續參加文學類吧 XDDD)
Présentation du livre « Les gratitudes » :
Michka est une dame qui habite dans une maison de retraite. Son amie Marie, qui a été sa voisine de l’étage, et Jérôme, son orthophoniste, lui rendre régulièrement visite.
Michka oublie des choses, oublie des mots et confond la prononciation des mots. Par exemple, elle prononce « d’abord » au lieu de « d’accord » ; elle hésite entre « le mot m’échoppe » ou « le mot m’écharpe » au lieu de dire « le mot m’échappe ». Comme elle était correctrice de magazine, elle se sent frustrée face à cette situation.
Que faites-vous lorsque vous serez dans l’état de Michka ? Quel cauchemar ferez-vous ? A qui voulez-vous absolument voir et lui dire merci ?
Cependant, Marie et Jérôme qui lui tendent leur main a aussi reçu un coup de main de Michka. Ce n’est pas une histoire de aimables jeunes rendant grâce à une pauvre vieille dame, mais une histoire qui nous fait réfléchir à la vieillesse, physiquement et mentalement, à la relation, au partage, et à la reconnaissance de l’autrui.
(Iris 隨手寫於2019.11.03)
dire situation中文 在 13N Youtube 的最讚貼文
大家對緊急煞車都有自己一番的見解,不同國家的駕訓班教的也都有些出入。研究報告指出最快的方式就是"前後煞車並且同時按住離合"。重點還是多多練習,才能有直覺反應去面對緊急狀況!What's the proper way to brake in an emergency? Studies show the most effective way is to pull in clutch as soon as you brake. Practice often to save your butt under dire situation!
研究出處 (Research Reference):Promocycle Foundation
基礎操作 Basic Control
基礎換檔 Basic Shifting
基礎過彎 Basic Cornering
基礎退檔補油 Basic Rev Match
上坡起步 Uphill Start
快速起步 Quick Start
無離合換檔 Clutchless Shift
無離合起步 Clutchless Start
推發自救 Push Start
Bike: Yamaha WR250X supermoto 滑胎車
Vlog 26 摩托日記第二十六篇
Outro Music: Anikdote - Which Direction?
NCS Release #13N 追蹤 13N Instagram:

dire situation中文 在 Réactiver une chaîne masquée - Aide YouTube - Google ... 的推薦與評價
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