【疫情下長者數碼經驗:Bridging the Digital Divide for the Elderly】
Last Friday, Tech for Good Asia in association with Solis Strategy and speakers from AlipayHK, Facebook and Senior Citizen Home Safety Association and also representatives from the elderly and the medical field held an engaging conversation on how digitalization made the difference during the pandemic for those who provided services to the elderly, as well as from the experience of the elderly themselves.
Our conversation has been recorded and will be released shortly! Stay tuned!
上星期五,我們Tech For Good Asia聯同Solis Strategy,以及AlipayHK、Facebook、長者安居協會和長者及醫學界的代表,進行了深入而有趣的對話,探討在疫情下數碼化服務對長者服務的影響,包括服務提供者和使用者的角度。
#TechForGoodAsia #SolisStragtegy #StayDigitallyTuned
#DigitalDivide #DigitalInclusion #Elderly
#AliPayHK #Facebook #SCHSA #SolisStrategy
#長者安居協會 #數碼鴻溝 #數碼共融 #長者 #長者服務