灣仔 photowalk!
最後兩團 @ 25/5(六)
尚餘少量名額 🤓 希望見到大家
Design District Hong Kong 設計香港地 - #ddHK
嗱,唔好話冇提醒你,#dd城市搜影 聽日嗰團已經火速爆滿,想跟Jeremy學番兩手攝影技巧,同佢一齊以鏡頭發現不一樣的灣仔,而家得番最後兩團機會咋。
Don’t blame us for not reminding you afterwards! The #ddSnap tour of this Saturday is already full. There are only 2 chances left if you are interested in learning photo shooting techniques from Jeremy as well as following him to discover photogenic gems of Wan Chai.
「2017年國家地理會德豐青年攝影大賽」得獎攝影師及著名Instagrammer 張俊謙(Jeremy Cheung)帶您走訪大街小巷,以鏡頭搜尋人文風光及別具特色的設計藝術影像
City Snapshot! Discover Wan Chai From a Different Perspective!
Tour led by“2017 National Geographic Wheelock Youth Photo Competition”award-winning photographer and well-known instagrammer Jeremy Cheung
25/5/2019: 10:30am – 1:00pm (廣東話及普通話Cantonese & Mandarin)
25/5/2019: 2:30pm – 5:00pm (廣東話Cantonese)
報名Register NOW:https://bit.ly/2X5Voug
#ddHK in collaboration with i-Discover App&Map Jeremy C. Photography
#DesignDistrictHongKong #設計香港地 #ddSnap #dd城市搜影 #explorewanchai