I was once the big kid in school, weighing at 105kg and was always the butt of all jokes. I comforted myself at the thought that it would all be over once the school bell rang, but it was far from over. The Internet back then was not as rampant and far-reaching as it is now, but the social networking sites we had and platforms such as Internet Relay Chat was when I first had my encounter with cyber bullying. Back then we would all join chat rooms that we could relate to such as our own school chat rooms and everyone knew each other.
The cyber world was not any kinder to me. I was constantly subjected to nasty comments, even from people whose usernames I didn’t even know, all because I was overweight. Every day felt like a battlefield and it took a toll on my mental health. I remember breaking down often and I started questioning who my friends were, or if I EVEN had one. I could not find a person/place of refuge and being scarred by all the torment, I became very insecure and started to withdraw myself from people.
Today, I’ve lost enough weight to look great physically, things might have changed and I have become healthier, but every once in a while, insecurity will still rear its ugly head. Whilst I no longer have people teasing me about being overweight, nasty comments take on other forms. I sometimes still do wonder if I am or will ever be good enough, but thankfully I now have some form of support system and know that I'm not alone.
Cyber Bullying is real. Sticks and stones may break one’s bones but words can also cut one deeply. Words can be just as or more detrimental to the mind as physical blows are to the body. While words are often carelessly spoken, without much thought of its repercussions, the scars they leave might be for life.
You and I can make the internet a better place for everyone to be in.
Let us uplift instead of tear down. We’re #1Clickaway from better internet! #BetterInternetSG
If you are a victim, or know anyone who is, you may reach out to:
1. TOUCHED Cyber Wellness
Tel: 1800 377 2252
Email: cyberwellness@touch.org.sg
2. Fei Yue Community Services
Tel: 65631106
Online contact form: www.fycs.org/contact-us
cut weight 1800 在 Teddy Tang 唐崧瑞 Facebook 的最佳貼文
I was once the big kid in school, weighing at 105kg and was always the butt of all jokes. I comforted myself at the thought that it would all be over once the school bell rang, but it was far from over. The Internet back then was not as rampant and far-reaching as it is now, but the social networking sites we had and platforms such as Internet Relay Chat was when I first had my encounter with cyber bullying. Back then we would all join chat rooms that we could relate to such as our own school chat rooms and everyone knew each other.
The cyber world was not any kinder to me. I was constantly subjected to nasty comments, even from people whose usernames I didn’t even know, all because I was overweight. Every day felt like a battlefield and it took a toll on my mental health. I remember breaking down often and I started questioning who my friends were, or if I EVEN had one. I could not find a person/place of refuge and being scarred by all the torment, I became very insecure and started to withdraw myself from people.
Today, I’ve lost enough weight to look great physically, things might have changed and I have become healthier, but every once in a while, insecurity will still rear its ugly head. Whilst I no longer have people teasing me about being overweight, nasty comments take on other forms. I sometimes still do wonder if I am or will ever be good enough, but thankfully I now have some form of support system and know that I'm not alone.
Cyber Bullying is real. Sticks and stones may break one’s bones but words can also cut one deeply. Words can be just as or more detrimental to the mind as physical blows are to the body. While words are often carelessly spoken, without much thought of its repercussions, the scars they leave might be for life.
You and I can make the internet a better place for everyone to be in.
Let us uplift instead of tear down. We’re #1Clickaway from better internet! #BetterInternetSG
If you are a victim, or know anyone who is, you may reach out to:
1. TOUCHED Cyber Wellness
Tel: 1800 377 2252
Email: cyberwellness@touch.org.sg
2. Fei Yue Community Services
Tel: 65631106
Online contact form: www.fycs.org/contact-us
cut weight 1800 在 Janet Hsieh 謝怡芬 Facebook 的最讚貼文
I know you all think you have the best husbands ever, but I'm here to tell you that you’re wrong. *I* have THE BEST husband and baby daddy ever and here’s why.
妳們可能都覺得妳們的老公是最棒的, 但是我現在要大聲宣布: 你們錯了, *我*的老公是最棒的老公也是最棒的爸爸。為什麼呢?我告訴你。
At Dayeh, they try and teach you everything you need to know about the care of yourself and newborns. So far, we’re into week two and George and I have split up the baby responsibilities quite evenly I think. Here’s the breakdown:
在 大葉產後護理之家 ,護理師都會教你所有需要學的關於照顧自己跟你剛生出來的寶寶。到現在,Egan兩個禮拜大了,而我們照顧寶寶的責任也已經分配好了。我覺得滿平均的。 這個是我們的工作分配:
George’s responsibilities:
George Young 要負責的部分:
Change the diapers (about 8-12 times a day!)
換尿布 (一天 8-12次)
Mark down each time he does a diaper change, noting the weight, color, consistency of the pee/poop
寫下每次換尿布的時間還有注意尿尿跟大便的顏色、量, 等等
Wash Egan’s butt with warm water with his HAND when Egan poops
Rub zinc oxide on his butt so he doesn’t get diaper rash
Clean Egan’s mouth every day (did you know babies had to basically brush their teeth? They don’t even HAVE any teeth!)
幫Egan“刷牙” (你知道嗎就算寶寶沒有牙齒我們也要刷牙嗎?!?!)
Give him a bath
Wash his hair
Clean his belly button with 75 and 95% alcohol until the remaining umbilical cord (the cord that George cut after catching our baby as it came out of me) falls off.
Teach Egan a British accent
Sterilize all of the breastfeeding paraphernalia.
Store any freshly pumped milk and mark down the date and time on each stored bottle.
Help me adjust my breastfeeding posture and make sure Egan’s comfortable during each feeding session
Console and entertain me, and give me shoulder rubs
Fit the car seat every time we need to bring Egan somewhere.
Read up on the latest baby products
When baby wakes up, check his diapers for pee or poo then bring him to mommy to feed
Mark down the time of feeding and how long Egan feeds for
Burp him after feeding
Swaddle him after burping to make sure he’s cozy
Sooth, Play or Entertain Egan after swaddling him until he falls asleep
Make sure he’s still breathing while he’s sleeping
Get up in the middle of the night and double check again to make sure Egan’s still alive and breathing
Janet’s responsibilities:
Feed the baby