美國在台協會的「留學美國」任務在農曆新年後又開始啟動了!文化官馬明遠本週拜訪了新北市私立裕德雙語國際學校,與學生分享他的求學經驗和對美國教育的觀察。馬明遠也致贈美國旅遊和文學相關書籍給學校。約200名七年級到十二年級的同學到場聆聽,很多同學也問了很多有趣的問題!你們也有興趣聽美國官員或留學專員解說美國教育嗎?我們很樂意到你們的學校去拜訪,做英文或中文演說喔!歡迎聯繫 educationusa@mail.ait.org.tw 來了解更多資訊。最棒的是,所有的「留學美國」服務都是免費的喔!
#EducationUSATaiwan #studyintheusataiwan #travelintheUSA
#留學美國在台灣 #台灣高中 #留學美國念大學 New Taipei City Yuteh Private Bilingual School 新北市私立裕德雙語高級中學
AIT has resumed our EducationUSA outreach after Lunar New Year! Our Cultural Affairs Officer Martin Luke visited New Taipei City’s Yuteh Private International School this week to meet students and share some information on U.S. education. Luke also brought some valuable books on American travel and literature to Yuteh as gifts. Around 200 students, from Grade 7th to 12th grades, attended the discussion and raised a number of interesting questions.
Would you or your school be interested in learning more about U.S. education from one of our American officers or EdUSA advisers? We are happy to visit your school too, and can offer talks in English or Chinese! Please reach out to us at educationusa@mail.ait.org.tw for more information. All EducationUSA services are offered at no cost.
cultural affairs中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文
美國在台協會文化官馬明遠(Luke Martin)接受國際狗語日報 X 百靈果News – the KK Show 的訪問,接招凱莉與Ken的各種犀利問題,現在podcast 上線了!想知道美台關係近況嗎?AIT都在做什麼?還有國務院官員的職涯是什麼樣子的?超多獨家有趣內容別錯過啦!
Podcast: https://apple.co/3s36DTx
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aNJ8XQ2YAw (有中文字幕喔!)
AIT Cultural Affairs Officer Luke Martin was on the KK Show from Bilingual News! Luke took on all kinds of sharp and funny questions from Kylie and Ken. Have a listen and you might find some inside information on what AIT is doing, latest developments in U.S.-Taiwan relations or what it’s really like being a diplomat with the U.S. State Department. You can listen to the podcast here https://apple.co/3s36DTx or watch it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aNJ8XQ2YAw !
cultural affairs中文 在 公民聯盟 Facebook 的最佳貼文
蘇戴娜(Diane Sovereign)就任美國在台協會文化新聞組組長。蘇戴娜於2002年加入美國國務院,並先後擔任美國駐亞洲、歐洲和美洲的外交官。她曾擔任位於布魯塞爾的美國駐北大西洋公約組織使團政治官、美國駐伊拉克摩蘇爾文化新聞組組長、美國駐中國北京舊大使館領事官和政治官、美國駐中國北京新大使館副發言人、美國駐武漢總領事館總領事、美國駐渥太華大使館文化官、美國駐布宜諾斯艾利斯大使館發言人。在進入政府部門之前,她曾在洛杉磯和舊金山的國內法律師事務所擔任7年的公司法律師。
✨Diane Sovereign Assumes Duties as AIT’s Public Affairs Officer✨
Diane Sovereign is currently head of Public Affairs at the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT). She joined the United States Department of State in 2002, and has served as a diplomat in Asia, Europe and the Americas. Prior positions include: USNATO in Brussels as a Political Officer; in Mosul, Iraq as the Public Affairs Officer; at the “old” Embassy in Beijing, China as a Consular and Political Officer; at the “new” Embassy in Beijing as the Deputy Spokesperson; at the U.S. Consulate in Wuhan, China as the Consul General; at Embassy Ottawa as the Cultural Affairs Officer, and at Embassy Buenos Aires as the Press Attaché. Prior to government service, she spent 7 years as a corporate lawyer in the Los Angeles and San Francisco offices of a national law firm, practicing labor and employment law.
Born in Japan, she was educated in California, receiving her B.A. in International Relations from Pomona College and her J.D. from UC Hastings College of the Law. In 2019, Diane obtained a Master’s Degree in National Security from the U.S. National War College, Eisenhower School. Diane speaks Chinese, Spanish, and French. She and her daughter arrived in Taipei from Washington D.C. in the summer of 2020.