外媒稱技嘉遭到駭客攻擊是 RansomEXX 所為,機密資料被幹走一些。這一兩年台灣被攻擊的公司有鴻海、台積電、仁寶、廣達、宏碁等等;前陣子美國財政部、商務部 Solar Wind Orion 平台遭駭,是由 Fireeye 公司員工不經意抓到。證明這不是單一國家或是單純防駭水平高低問題,頻率更是越來越緊湊。
Zero trust network 零信任防護取代了過往的 trust but verify 信任但驗證機制,其中的強角就是推出 Falcon platform 的 Crowdstrike。
此外一些資安公司也可以注意看看是否會搭到大浪,每次的駭客事件就像是免費宣傳一樣...OKTA, ZS, PANW, PING, FEYE...
crowdstrike台灣 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
🌻台灣仍在居家隔離期. 台灣居住空間較小, 居家隔離難度較高. 尤其這次面對的病毒也比較凶猛. 祝大家平安. 在此提供一些當時我居家隔離時所做的一些事情, 供大家參考:
--對家人睜一隻眼, 閉一隻眼. 一家人天天在一起難免會有不順的時候, 不過能夠在一起很珍貴.
--買香料公司已經調好的香料包做料理. 這樣省時間, 也可以不用傷腦筋, 也讓煮飯多了點變化(可參考這網站: https://www.mccormick.com/spices-and-flavors/recipe-mixes/mccormick-one)
--看書, 看劇, 在線上與股友聊天, 看年報, 整理財報內容
--研究園藝, 在家裡養了很多綠色植物
--整理家裡, 做收納, 移動家具
--晚上喝點小酒, 解壓助眠(不過要注意有可能會胡言亂語😅)
🌻Docusign(DOCU), Crowdstrike(CRWD)的電話會議內容已整理好. 有興趣的讀者可以到部落格那邊去看:
🌻U.S. 10-Year Treasury Yield Slips Below 1.5%
🌻俄亥俄州 躍全球太陽能重鎮
顧問公司Wood Mackenzie統計,去年美國太陽能新增發電量創新高,且2030年前將再增加三倍。First Solar表示,俄亥俄州太陽能面板園區未來主要供應美國市場。近年太陽能產業多數零件來自中國,尤其在去年疫情爆發後,美國重大產業過度依賴海外供應鏈的風險激增,令拜登政府誓言重振美國製造業,並大力推動綠能產業發展。
"其中一個受益者是CardFree Inc.,該公司為餐飲經營者設計和運營線上和移動點餐系統。CardFree的首席執行官Jon Squire稱,該公司的應用軟體讓餐館能夠更好地預測和管理收到的訂單,以優化人員和產能調配。"
🌻現金太多 美銀行業者向企業喊話:別來存款
最近花了不少時間看報紙, 發現報紙還真好看, 除了學到不少財經知識外, 華爾街日報(WSJ)有些文章都挺有深度的. 有時候還一邊看一邊畫重點.
Anyway. 發現這個中文網站, 會翻譯一些WSJ的好文章. 值得書籤(bookmark)起來:
🌻去年很多EV方面的新公司或是小公司. 這篇文章的觀點挺好, 說做EV, 要能夠scale(規模化地拓展)也很重要: https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-electric-vehicle-stocks-are-stuck-in-reverse-11622709998
"Still, the classic Silicon Valley disruption story isn’t playing out in the auto industry as once expected. With their big batteries, EVs are shaping up to be an industrial product that benefits from the kind of industrial scale 20th century manufacturers are good at. This advantage may not persist as other, software-based automotive technologies take off—in-vehicle internet and ultimately automated driving. But these are probably questions for another year."
Lordstown Motors的預警凸顯電動汽車初創公司的資金難題
這兩天看了一部電影and一本書的評論, 發現觸及的主題是一樣的: 信任.
電影是Disney Plus上面的"巡龍使者: 拉雅". 書是一本新書"The Power of Giving Away Power".
我發現一個團體要把事情做好, 重要的不是每個人的能力有多強, 而是彼此能否信任. 當大家都有共識(英文有個片語是, "on the same page"), 有同樣的目標的時候, 事情會好辦很多. 但這其實不容易做到(就像電影中的Raya一樣, 還必須先犧牲自己, 才能說服夥伴.)
Anyway. 覺得這題材挺有趣的, 也是生活中常碰到的事情. 分享給大家.
"巡龍使者: 拉雅"影評: https://movie1314.pixnet.net/coblog/post/353485640
"The Power of Giving Away Power"書評:
Pictures: 網路, Amazon, earningswhispers.com
crowdstrike台灣 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
台灣的疫情增溫中. 祝台灣的讀者們健康平安.
這周末進了城, 對於一些事物有了一些想法(如, 為什麼Chipotle的東西百吃不厭, 進城一定會想要吃他們家的食物?) 週四的時候會分享.
🌻http://xn--farfetch-9k0m444a0n4he6dutj2w6f.com/(FTCH)於上週發表財報了. Morgan Stanley給的評語是"High Quality (高品質的) Business On Sale(拍賣中)". 有興趣的讀者可以研究看看.
"In Noise, Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony, and Cass R. Sunstein show the detrimental effects of noise in many fields, including medicine, law, economic forecasting, forensic science, bail, child protection, strategy, performance reviews, and personnel selection. Wherever there is judgment, there is noise. Yet, most of the time, individuals and organizations alike are unaware of it. They neglect noise. With a few simple remedies, people can reduce both noise and bias, and so make far better decisions."
"Wherever there is judgment, there is noise."
-->非常同意這句話. 這其實也是我一開始盡量不在財報結果裡面放入個人看法的原因之一, 因為我希望大家自己去做閱讀後, 自己做判斷, 畢竟培養自己的判斷力, 是投資很重要的一環.
🌻Jerry Yang對Zoom Video (ZM)的看法:
"In my view, by launching an app store of sorts, Zoom can create an ecosystem that is a defensible barrier to competition."
印象中沒錯的話, Crowdstrike(CRWD)也是有這樣的做法.
🌻新發現的網站, 專門講美國車市. 網站創辦人在車市超過20年經驗. 目前覺得他對車市的看法挺令人啟發. 像這篇他的議題是, 當車商都在抱怨目前的車輛存貨不夠時, 是不是也因為是如此, 他們目前的獲利比較高? (供給與需求的概念). 而如果供需恢復正常的話, 他們的獲利還會比較高嗎?
"Broadly speaking, these conditions reflect what might be regarded as the best of all possible worlds for any business–high demand and limited supply. Even better, new research from Kelley Blue Book suggests that consumers understand the current conditions. They expect to see less selection and higher prices when they shop for a car. Sixty percent of new vehicle buyers say they plan to buy a vehicle despite less selection and higher prices.
It should also be noted that the current highly profitable nature of the car business in the current moment doesn’t largely owe to disciplined management decisions on the part of dealers. Rather, it’s a positive outcome of COVID-19, the chip shortage and a host of other factors that have brought a level of equilibrium to demand and supply that many car business veterans like me have never seen in our careers.
And yet, it seems like many dealers are longing to return to the way things used to be. They would feel better if they had higher numbers of new and used vehicles on the ground. They would prefer to suffer less discomfort and stress from current reconditioning backlogs and the need to convince some customers to order vehicles or purchase the less-desirable vehicle that’s available on your lot."
"From now on, when dealers ask me when the chip shortage might end, and new and used vehicle supplies will return to normal, I’ll respond with a different question: Are you sure that’s what you really want?"
Source: https://www.vauto.com/learning-center/blog-dale-pollak-all/missing-the-import-of-current-retail-automotive-conditions
Pictures: earningswhisper.com, Amazon.com
crowdstrike台灣 在 數聯資安 的推薦與評價
台灣 又一國際資安盛會登場 數聯資安✖️ Crowdstrike @ InfoSec Taiwan 2020 下午將由Crowdstrike 技術顧問Peter Fan 為大家分享 The First Step For ZeroTrust ... ... <看更多>