(支聯會2020年8月19日聲明 Statement by Hong Kong Alliance, 19 August 2020 )
以齡記出版的《高中新世紀通識:現代中國》為例,原版列出「維權運動」的原因時,提及當局「認為維權運動造成社會動盪,因此我們大多以打壓的方式處理,例如拘禁維權人士、封鎖網上相關言論等…」,修訂後改為「維權運動可能造成社會動盪,民眾應以理性的方式和我們反映問題及表達不滿,例如通過國家信訪局網站作出申訴…」。 可是事實上,上訪者多遭遇截訪、關押甚至酷刑,受屈者即使循司法程序尋求公義,亦經常遭到有關當局的滋擾和逼迫,造成更大和更多的冤案,如此的修訂資料無疑是文過飾非,為當局的惡行塗脂抹粉。
該書在修訂「六四事件」資料時的手法同樣拙劣不堪。 原版提及觸發事件的「貪污問題」和「官倒現象」等起因,以及過程中的「軍隊清場」和「武力鎮壓」等解說如今完全被刪除,甚至「六四事件」字眼也被抹掉,修改為「造成民眾普遍不滿,更削弱政府管治效能,威脅中國社會穩定」云云,閃爍其詞,簡直完全抹煞事件始末的客觀和準確陳述。這樣的修訂手法不僅是偏向性混淆事實,更有意掩飾,不惜篡改真相,將血跡斑斑的「六四」屠殺慘劇,避重就輕的寫成維穩篇章,其政治意圖昭然若揭,卻是有違教育專業原則。
須知歷史教學是認識和探究的學習過程,有關教學材料的整理、編製和鋪陳須持平公正,盡量展示和引述正反兩方面資料,從而引導學生以多角度討論、思考和判斷。 歷史教學並不是政治宣傳,而歷史教材因此絕對不是以「政治正確」掛帥,經修改以凸顯黨國政策和正面形象。 極權國家慣常以操控的教育手段「修改」歷史,從而「捏塑」人民的歷史記憶,「箝制」人民的思想,以配合其管治策略。 香港人,特別是香港教育界,必須有所警覺。
為此,支聯會抗議教育局的審核教科書機制淪為政治審查工具,並強烈譴責掩飾真相的歷史教材修訂。 歷史絕對不容當權者肆意抹煞,支聯會當前運作的「六四紀念館」,以及籌建中的網上「六四記憶。人權博物館」,正是要好好保存有關的寶貴和真確歷史資料,讓史實和記憶傳承下去。
(Statement by Hong Kong Alliance, 19 August 2020)
Hong Kong Alliance strongly condemns the Education Bureau for distorting history
Stop erasing the truth of the Tiananmen Massacre
Media have reported that after Liberal Studies textbooks were sent to the Education Bureau for review through a ‘voluntary submission scheme’, publishers have cooperated with the so-called ‘optimization comments’ policy, downplaying, whitewashing, distorting, and even deleting many teaching materials deemed ‘sensitive’ in the Modern China unit, including the ‘human rights movement’ and ‘June 4 incident’.
For example, take ‘High School New Century Liberal Studies: Modern China’ published by Ling Kee. The original version says the authorities ‘believe the human rights movement has caused social unrest, so they mostly deal with it in repressive ways such as detaining human rights defenders, blocking relevant online comments, etc’. This was revised to ‘[the] human rights movement might cause social unrest. [The] public should report problems and express dissatisfaction with [the authorities] in a rational manner, for example, by making a complaint through the website of the National Public Complaints and Proposals Administration…’ However in reality, petitioners are often intercepted, imprisoned and even tortured. Even if the aggrieved seek justice through judicial procedures, they are often harassed and persecuted by the relevant authorities, resulting in more injustice. Such revised information is undoubtedly a whitewash to cover up the authorities' evil deeds.
Revisions of information pertaining to the ‘June 4th incident’ in the book are also problematic. While the original version gave ‘corruption’ and ‘official profiteering’ as triggers of mass protests in 1989 and made reference to ‘clearance by the army’ and ‘suppression by force’, this has all been deleted in the revision. Even the words ‘June 4th incident’ have been erased. Instead, the proests are described as having ‘caused public dissatisfaction, weakened governance effectiveness, and threatened the stability of Chinese society’, which is evasive and completely obliterates the objective and accurate account of the incident. Such revisions are not only biased, obscuring the facts, but they even try to conceal and distort the truth. The blood-stained tragedy of Tiananmen Massacre becomes a chapter on stability maintenance. The political intentions are obvious. They violate the principles of education.
It is important to note that history teaching is a learning process of recognition and inquiry. The collation, compilation and presentation of teaching materials should be balanced and fair, presenting and citing both pros and cons, so as to guide students to discuss, think and judge for themselves from multiple perspectives. History teaching is not political propaganda. History textbooks should therefore definitely not be modified to highlight party-state policy and improve its image. Totalitarian countries often use control over education as a means to ‘modify’ history, thereby molding people's historical memory and suppressing people's thinking in conformity with their governance strategy. Hong Kong people, especially the Hong Kong education sector, must be vigilant.
Therefore, Hong Kong Alliance protests that the Education Bureau’s textbook review mechanism has become a tool for political vetting, and strongly condemns revisions of history textbooks that conceal the truth. History must not be arbitrarily erased by those in power. The goals of the currently operating June 4 Museum and Online Tiananmen Massacre Memorial Museum under development by Hong Kong Alliance are precisely to preserve the relevant precious and true historical materials so that historical facts and memories can be preserved and passed on.
#教育局 #政治審查 #歷史 #六四真相 #六四屠殺 #通識科 #篡改歷史 #六四紀念館 #六四記憶人權博物館
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Continue ReadingThe Argentina crisis that the government defaults to pay debt / invest manly.
Government bonds seem like risk free assets (Risk-free asset)
But now there is one country where the government can't afford to pay the debt.
That country is Argentina
How does this come to be?
Investing man will tell you about it.
If you want to know the way of the world economy, you need to understand
World economy 1,000 years. 6th typing.
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Year of July. Prof. 2010 Argentina's public debt is at 4.9 trillion baht.
Or about 44 % of GDP
Year of July. Prof. 2019 Argentina's public debt is at 11 trillion baht.
Or about 93 % of GDP
Increasing public debt is creating a heavy problem for Argentina now called Argentina the sick people of South America.
Some may not know that once in the early 20th century, Argentina was one of the world's most wealthy countries.
Because Argentina's farming industry is growing greatly from lands, fertile and climate suitable for agriculture sector.
This story is made in July. B.E. 1913 Argentina is addicted to 1 of the 10 countries with the world's highest population income.
However, time has passed 106 years
In the year. B.E. 2019 Argentina's per capita income falls to 66 of the world.
The beginning of economic fragility of a country is born from 2 main causes.
1. Political unrest, which comes from the Revolution of the military and corruption of cuddle Politicians.
2. Policy implementation of many leaders in the past who wanted to create a nationalist and bring in printing and budget spending, large amounts of balance.
When things are like this, it causes financial burden to the country.
Argentina has experienced various problems like a strong patient.
So how does this affect Argentina?
Year of July. Prof. 2019 The country's inflation rate is at 54 % highest in almost 30 years.
And the 5th highest in the world
During the year of July B.E. 2009-2019 Argentina has a budget deficit every year, making Argentina one of the world's longest budgeted countries.
The government's debt burden is increasingly composed to high-level inflation. This is why the Argentine peso goes down quickly.
If we exchanged $ 1 for Argentina pesos
Year of July. B.E. 2009 will exchange for 3.8 Argentina pesos
Year of July. B.E. 2019 will exchange for 60 Argentina pesos
The country's money is almost 1,480 % weaker. Many people may think that one side of peso money should help the export sector of the country, but it doesn't seem like much. Because today, the export sector is just 14 % of the country's exports. GDP value only
Peso's weakening of money makes the central bank have to use the reserve to keep the money from severely weakening.
But this has reduced the central bank reserve substantially from 2.1 trillion baht in July. B.E. 2018
Only 1.2 trillion baht left now.
Argentina needs help from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) worth over 1.8 trillion baht, which is the most critical country's subsidy in IMF history.
However, another bad joke is
Currently, the public debt burden that the Argentina government has is 80 % in foreign debt and most are in the picture of US dollars.
The weakness of Argentina peso compared to US dollars makes the country's debt increase because more Argentina peso is required to pay the same debt.
We can imagine that 10 years ago
If we owe $ 1
We will spend just 3.8 Argentina pesos to exchange $ 1 to pay back debt.
But come today, we're spending 60 Argentina pesos to exchange $ 1 to pay back debt.
This kind of thing has happened to Thailand in July. Prof. 1997 Many people remember that we need to spend 2 times more money to pay the same debt.
But Argentina is now not 2 times more debt, but ten times more debt..
The Argentina government currently has foreign debt for over 2 trillion baht and recently, the Argentina government has just defaulted to pay the debt (Default). Pay interest in stock loan amounts of over 16,000 million baht.
The government has previously negotiated restructuring debt with creditors to pay down interest and delay debt repayment, but it is rejected by creditors. Now the Argentine government needs to revisit the new offer to negotiate with creditors again.
Which now doesn't know what the final conclusion of this story will be.
But for sure, if the Argentina government can't afford to pay debt to the creditors, the story may be worse than we see now.
While Argentina's debts pay interest for the 9th Argentina in country history after Argentina has experienced total 8 moratorium defaults since Spain independence in July. Prof. 1816 or 204 years ago
This may be a lesson for many countries to learn things from countries that have experienced problems in order to avoid and not follow those countries.
Thailand now seems far from being Argentina
But be careful because everything, if careless, it can always happen..
If you want to know the way of the world economy, you need to understand
World economy 1,000 years. 6th typing.
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Shopee: https://shopee.co.th/product/116732911/6716121161
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