Beyond the usual touristy spots lie the heritage buildings in Hong Kong.
This fortified Hakka village is built in the mid-1800s and it's one of the best preserved villages.
Located in Shatin, it has a few courtyards, guard towers and an ancestral hall dedicated to the Tsang clan. Free to enter but be respectful and quiet as the residents who live there.
Apparently, Prince Charles has visited this historical building when he was a student!
📍 Tsang Tai Uk (Big House of Tsang), Shatin, Hong Kong
同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Shiney,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The Sinking City พากย์ไทย แปลไทย Charles W. Reed อดีตทหารเรือของกองทัพเรือสหรัฐฯและทหารผ่านศึกผู้ผันตัวเองมาเป็นนักสืบเอกชนเดินทางจาก Boston ไปยัง Oa...
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第29集小人物上籃 - 裁判 Joey Crawford 退休, Jimmy Butler 一個半場得了40分, D'Antoni會加入太陽嗎? 球員位置的重要性, 持球權的重要性
NBA最有名同時可能也是最有爭議的裁判 Joey Crawford 宣布將在這球季結束後退休。從 1977 年就在聯盟開始當裁判了,現在絕大多數的球員那時候都還沒出生。他最有名的兩記搶戲行動是有一次在球員投罰球時嘗試要蓋球員火鍋,第二則是吹判坐在板凳上的Tim Duncan技術犯規 “因為他在笑”。他曾說過前球星Charles Barkley是全聯盟他最喜歡的球員之一,因為Barkley從不忌恨。但是諷刺的是,Charles Barkley痛恨Crawford的原因就是因為他”永遠會記仇”。非常看不慣NBA裁判不公平吹判尺度的小人物Hans不會想念他。
Jimmy Butler 前一陣子在一場比賽的下半場得了40分,破了由Michael Jordan保持的公牛隊史半場39分紀錄。小人物Hans認為這個創舉難得的原因是因為Butler在防守端也瘋狂的賣命,蠟燭兩頭燒還能夠有這樣的表現難度實在很高。另外很不容易的層面在於Butler的進攻模式並不是如勇士射手Curry或Thompson那種三分猛開花的得分。要兩分兩分累積到40分難度相對更難。
最近敗不停的鳳凰城太陽隊傳出下一季會挖角現費城76人進攻教練Mike D’Antoni, 因為太陽目前在西區是和湖人比墊背比混亂的球隊。前鋒Markieff還用毛巾丟教練Jeff Hornacek,前一陣子又折了後衛大將Eric Bledsoe。高層老闆還放話現在的年輕人無法從逆境中站起來。小人物Hans認為或許上一代的人看到年輕球員會覺得抗壓性不足愛抱怨等等,但是每個世代都有每個時代的正和負面的特質,很多特質所謂的好壞都是一體兩面,不能要馬會跑又要他不愛吃草。至於D’Antoni會不會去太陽? 小人物Fu認為以現在太陽的狀況來說,會去的機會很高。小人物Hans則認為,若是D’Antoni去了太陽,到了今年夏天是自由球員的林書豪很有可能會跟著去太陽。
為什麼呢? 因為最近美國媒體寫了一篇關於籃球位置的文章。在這個小球趨勢,球員位置越來越不清楚的比賽當中,球員放在什麼位置有差嗎? 這篇文章舉了幾個例子,顯示如熱火長人Chris Bosh打大前鋒和中鋒時的的表現有很大的落差。數字顯示,Chris Bosh打大前鋒時,每48分鐘只能得到12分左右,但是打中鋒時候卻能夠得到26分,而球隊也會因為他打中鋒時每100個控球權多得6分。小人物Fu認為這是因為熱火的中鋒Hassan Whiteside因為缺乏外線能力,所以當他在場上時,Chris Bosh在禁區的進攻火力會被Whiteside的防守者堵塞。
至於拓荒者的後衛CJ McCollum, 則是另外一個有趣的例子。習慣和Damian Lillard搭配後場的CJ,在Lillard不在場上而他需要打控球的時候,真實命中率(true shooting%)只有46%,但是如果他回到比較自然的得分後衛時則這個數字上升到57.7%。這當然跟Damian Lillard 有強大吸引防守能力非常有關,但是或許拓荒者可以考慮找一位類似Steve Blake等板凳控球在Lillard下場休息時後來和CJ搭配,以最大化CJ的得分能力。
最後一個例子,回到D’Antoni會不會去太陽的問題,則是黃蜂隊的林書豪。今年的林書豪就是打典型的Combo guard,帶領板凳時候打控球,第四節和先發一起衝刺時候打二號。數字顯示,當他打控球時,每36分鐘能平均19分7個助攻,真實命中率高達57%,但是當他打得分後衛的時候,每36分鐘只能得12分3助攻。小人物Fu認為林書豪就是一個需要球才能夠發揮的球員,所以重點其實不是他到底打什麼位置,而是進攻的過程當中球有沒有給他發揮,而不是當一個單純的射手。偏偏黃蜂隊的先發控球Kemba Walker卻是一個得分後衛活在一個控球後衛的身體裡,林書豪能夠發揮的空間就受到壓縮。所以季末林書豪到底會不會隨D’Antoni去太陽呢 ?
小人物Fu提到籃球持球權的重要性。如果我們把進攻籃板當作是一個球權的延伸,那麼其實兩隊在一場比賽中所得到的球權次數是很接近的。也就是說,每一個球權是如何結束,如何被用掉,就會決定一場比賽的結果。如果球隊的進攻中心是環繞著如Kemba Walker 這種低效率的得分模式,那進攻的投資報酬率就會非常低。從高階統計分析的角度來說,投三分就是一種高投資的進攻,籃下上籃也是,罰球也是。所以沒有意外的,最愛玩數字的火箭隊,去年的進攻模式就是這一切的極致。
最後小人物Fu提出了本周的潛水小人物 – 丹佛金塊隊的Will Barton,他也是小人物Fu心目中的最佳第六人。今年的Will Barton場均16分,三分球4成左右,可以抓6個籃板左右,一上場就是衝,也會衝入禁區要犯規。算是一個很負責任的替補球員。
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Preserved from the utilitarian Chinese by the head-hunting custom of the aboriginal population, it is sincerely to be hoped that these forests may not be destroyed by the progressive Japanese.
-- Ernest Henry “Chinese” Wilson
1918年1月22日,英國植物學家與探險家威爾森(Ernest Henry “Chinese” Wilson)踏上基隆港碼頭,展開為期六個月的臺灣山林探險。這是威爾森第四次來到東亞(但是第一次來到臺灣)。自1899年以來,在英國費區園藝公司(Veitch Nurseries)、哈佛大學阿諾德樹木園(Arnold Arboretum)等機構的資助下,他已調查了雲南、四川、日本、朝鮮、琉球(當時為日本殖民地)等地的森林。這一系列的探險,除了反映當時歐美植物學界對東亞植物地理學與分類學上的研究興趣外;更重要的,是為歐美園藝界與林業界引入具觀賞與商業價值的東亞樹木。威爾森在這兩方面均取得了重大的成就。在其近二十年的採集生涯中,威爾森總共引進約兩千種的東亞植物,且幫助當時的植物地理學者進一步認識東亞植物相在演化上的地位。1917年底,當威爾森向日本政府申請來臺調查植物時(當時臺灣是日本的殖民地),日本政府很快地批准了他的申請,且動員在臺的統治與學術網路,確保威爾森能在最短的時間內走訪臺灣的山林。就日本政府而言,像威爾森這樣的國際知名學者的來訪提供了絕佳契機,讓日本得以向世界展示日本林業與林學研究的發展。威爾森下船後的第一個行程便是會見當時的臺灣總督安東貞美及總督府林業部的金平亮三。1918年一月25日,威爾森在下榻的臺灣鐵路旅館(Taiwan Railway Hotel),寫了來臺以後的第一封信給他的老闆:阿諾德樹木園的director與哈佛大學的植物學與園藝學教授Charles Sargent:
Word was sent down from Tokyo to the authorities here and an English speaking secretary met me on the ship at Keelung and escorted to Taihoku, the capital, afterwards he acted as interpreter when I called on the officials. The governor general, Baron Ando, is a particularly genial old soldier and gave me a very cordial welcome. The officials, one and all, promise every assistance and there is no doubt but that they mean it. A Mr. Kanehira, who speaks English and is one of the heads of the forestry department has been detailed to accompany me to Ari-san and will probably go elsewhere with me also. He is very nice fellow and I fancy will make a genial companion. Everything here is under government control and those in its good graces can do much.
的確,在金平亮三及其助手佐佐木舜一的引領、以及數十名日本警察與原住民挑夫的協助下,威爾森的臺灣採集之旅進行地異常順利(儘管威爾森還是認為台灣的山區非常的陡峭與野蠻,旅行並不容易:“The country is very steep and savage and travelling over it is hard work.”)。在不到半年的時間內,他繞了臺灣一整圈、 走訪了奇萊山區、參觀了著名的三大林場(阿里山、八仙山與太平山)、 攻頂玉山、採集了大量臺灣杉、巒大杉、臺灣冷杉、紅檜、扁柏等珍貴樹種的種子與上萬份植物標本、並拍攝了近上百份的照片。1918年四月,在其來臺的三個月後,威爾森自豪地向哈佛的Sargent報告:
One objective I had in mind on visiting the island was to see, if possible, every conifer known to grow there. Dr. Hayata in Tokyo assured me this was impossible but the local authorities took a more favorable view and thanks to their good services complete success has crowned our efforts. I have seen, photographed and collected ample material of every species and variety of conifer known from Formosa.
1922年,威爾森在阿諾德樹木園的機關報(Journal of the Arnold Arboretum)上發表了一篇題為福爾摩沙木本植物相的植物地理學概要(A Phytogeographical Sketch of the Lingneous Flora of Formosa)的文章。在福爾摩沙的山上,威爾森寫道,是東亞最美的森林(the finest forests of eastern Asia),與在加州之外已知的最大與最高的針葉樹(最大的針葉樹是扁柏,最高的針葉樹是臺灣杉;在這裡威爾森的比較基準是加州世界爺)。福爾摩沙的確是東方之珠(Formosa is indeed the “Pearl of the Orient”),在文章的結尾,威爾森指出,而閃爍在這真珠上的光芒,是由樟科與殼斗科組成的常綠林,是巨大的紅檜與扁柏,以及高聳的臺灣杉。在生物地理學領域,立基於先前在中國西南的探險經驗,威爾森挑戰了早田文藏的說法,認為臺灣的植物相不只與日本有密切的關連,與中國西南乃至於美國也有密切的關連。就威爾森而言,臺灣杉與加州特有的世界爺在演化上必然是近親,而他預期在中國西南應該可以發現相近的物種。從後見之明來看,威爾森的觀察完全正確:臺灣杉並不只分布在臺灣,中國西南也是臺灣杉的分布範圍;而中國西南特有的水杉,也被證實是臺灣杉與世界爺的近親。
除了臺灣植物相在演化上的獨特地位外,威爾森也是初次體會到什麼是西方世界中聞名已久的Formosan headhunters。事實上,威爾森來臺的1910年代後期,臺灣總督府正完成其長達五年的理蕃戰爭。在強大軍事力量的後援下,臺灣總督府強迫臺灣原住民讓出蕃地,好租給日本資本家經營。在這樣的脈絡下,威爾森充分的體會到當時日本殖民官僚所稱的蕃情不穩,以及日本殖民政府要將蕃地納入統治的野心與決心。在一封給Sargent的信中,威爾森對當時蕃界的觀察是這樣的:
These guard lines are of many parallel strands of wire charged every night from 7 p.m. (all day and times of actual trouble) with underground mines at intervals and connected by wire one with another to prevent the savages digging under the guardlines.
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The Sinking City พากย์ไทย แปลไทย
Charles W. Reed อดีตทหารเรือของกองทัพเรือสหรัฐฯและทหารผ่านศึกผู้ผันตัวเองมาเป็นนักสืบเอกชนเดินทางจาก Boston ไปยัง Oakmont ตามคำเชิญของ Johannes van der Berg เพื่อค้นหาสาเหตุของภาพฝันร้ายที่รบกวนเขามาหลายปี โดยภาพฝันร้ายนี้ได้กับหลายคนใน Oakmont Reedได้รับการว่าจ้างจาก Robert Throgmorton หัวหน้าผู้มีอิทธิพลและแข็งแรงของหนึ่งในครอบครัวชั้นนำของ Oakmont ผู้ซึ่งได้ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับปรากฎการภาพหลอนนี้อยู่เพื่อที่จะหาสาเหตุของน้ำท่วมที่ทำให้เกิดภัยพิบัติในเมือง ในขณะที่ Reed ทำการสืบสวนเรื่องนี้และเขาได้ใช้พลังนักสืบที่ดูเหมือนจะมอบให้โดยนิมิตของเขาในการเปิดเผยเรื่องราวลึกลับที่อยู่ใน Oakmont
ณ เมือง Oakmont ที่ประกอบไปด้วย 7 ย่าน (Advent, Coverside, Grimhaven Bay, Oldgrove, Reed Heights, Salvation Harbor, and The Shells) ทั้งหมดได้รับผลกระทบจากน้ำท่วม ผู้เล่นจะต้องใช้เรือเพื่อความปลอดภัยในการออกสำรวจเพื่อไปยังพื้นที่ที่น้ำไม่ท่วมโดยที่ผู้เล่นสามารถว่ายน้ำได้ถ้าจำเป็น แต่น้ำนั้นสามารถสร้างความเสียหายให้กับตัวละครเราได้ ในการเล่นนั้นจะมีระบบประกอบอาวุธและเครื่องมือต่าง ๆ และบางครั้งต้องใช้พวกมันสู้กับสัตว์ร้ายและทำลายภาพหลอน เนื่องจาก Oakmont เป็นสถานที่โดดเดี่ยวที่มีทรัพยากรลดน้อยลง กระสุนได้เปลี่ยนเงินเป็นสกุลเงิน หากใช้กระสุนที่มากเกินไปก็อาจจะทำให้ผู้เล่นไม่สามารถแลกเปลี่ยนสิ่งของที่ต้องการได้ ทรัพยากรสำคัญอีกอย่างคือพลังในการสืบสวนซึ่งใช้ในการสร้างฉากอาชญากรรมขึ้นใหม่และระบุเบาะแส มันสามารถ regenerates ด้วยตัวเอง แต่สามารถเติมได้เร็วขึ้นด้วยยารักษาโรคจิต เพื่อใช้ในยามฉุกเฉิน
The Sinking City is an open-world detective game with a third-person camera perspective. It features an open investigation system in which the outcome of the player's quests will often be defined by how observant the players are when investigating different clues and pieces of evidence.
Charles W. Reed, a U.S. Navy sailor and Great War veteran turned private investigator, travels from Boston to Oakmont at the invitation of intellectual Johannes van der Berg to discover the cause of the nightmarish visions that have been plaguing him for years, visions which are shared by numerous other people and most commonly occur in Oakmont. Reed is hired by Robert Throgmorton, the influential and physically striking head of one of Oakmont's leading families who has also been studying the visions, to help uncover the cause of the Flood plaguing the town. While Reed pursues this investigation and others using extrasensory powers of observation seemingly bestowed by his visions, uncovering the shadowy history and seedy underbelly of Oakmont along the way, he must guard his sanity as it is eroded by the town's darkness, otherworldly creatures attracted to death called Wylebeasts, and the use of his own powers.
The town of Oakmont is made up of seven districts (Advent, Coverside, Grimhaven Bay, Oldgrove, Reed Heights, Salvation Harbor, and The Shells) which have all been affected by flooding to various degrees, and the player must use a boat to safely traverse the flooded streets to reach drier areas. The player can swim if necessary, but the water is infested and can fatally damage the player's health and sanity. The player also assembles an arsenal of tools and weapons, and at times must use them to kill otherworldly creatures and dispel hallucinations. However, as Oakmont is an isolated place with dwindling resources and deteriorating social order, bullets have replaced money as the preferred currency; expending too many bullets can leave the player unable to barter for desired items. Another major resource is sanity, which is spent on investigative powers used to reconstruct crime scenes and identify clues. Sanity slowly regenerates on its own, but can be replenished faster with antipsychotic drugs. Disturbing scenes and encounters can cause sudden, sharp drops in sanity, affecting the player's perception of the surrounding environment, and complete loss of sanity is fatal.

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Once the Toronto Raptors started running, the Philadelphia 76ers could not slow them down.
Alvin Williams and a host of reserves led a second-quarter assault and the Raptors rarely relented in a 100-85 over the Philadelphia 76ers, who suffered their fifth straight road loss.
Williams had 14 points and 13 assists and did a credible job on NBA scoring leader Allen Iverson, who managed just 18 points on 7-of-23 shooting before sitting down for good midway through the third quarter.
Williams handed out 11 assists in the first half, when Toronto raced to a 63-39 lead and made the 76ers look like the Eastern Conference's worst team rather than its best. He scored eight points in a 29-3 second-quarter run during which the Raptors repeatedly beat the defensive-minded Sixers downcourt for dunks and layups.
"We've wanted to push the ball more and more by controlling the ball," Raptors coach Lenny Wilkens said. "It allowed us to push the ball upcourt and we hit our shots."
"I haven't been in a game where a team had 35 points on the fast break in the first half, plus they had 22 assists and only one turnover," Sixers coach Larry Brown said. "They manhandled us. We took bad shots and we didn't guard. Everybody on their team made a significant contribution."
Reserves Keon Clark and Chris Childs scored 11 points apiece and also were in the middle of the explosion in the second quarter that gave Toronto a 59-33 lead. The Raptors also got a spark from backup forward Jerome Williams, who scored six points in the period.
"Alvin distributed the ball really well and I thought Chris and Alvin played well together," Wilkens said. "When you run and push the ball, you get into a rhythm. Guys were catching the ball and making shots."
"Everyone had energy tonight," Clark added. "It wasn't just myself or Jerome coming off the bench. ... Tonight was the smoothest offense we had all year. Nobody was forcing or rushing anything. We still need to be consistent."
Vince Carter scored 26 points for the Raptors, who never trailed and defeated the Sixers for the third consecutive time, becoming the only team thus far to take the season series from Philadelphia.
"They hit shots and we just did a bad job," Iverson said. "They outhustled us, and we rarely get outhustled."
The Raptors (41-33) won for the fifth time in six games and moved one game ahead of Orlando for sixth place in the East.
The Sixers (51-23) have lost seven of their last 10 games and fell one game behind San Antonio for the league's best record. The magic number for clinching their first Atlantic Division title since 1990 remained three.
Iverson's layup gave Philadelphia a 30-30 tie with 9:46 left in the second quarter before Toronto's onslaught began with consecutive fast-break dunks by Carter and Antonio Davis.
A jumper by Childs made it 40-30 with 7:46 remaining before a free throw by Philadelphia's Tyrone Hill only briefly slowed the deluge.
For the next five minutes, Williams thwarted Iverson at one end and scored or set up teammates at the other. Dunks by Clark and Jerome Williams preceded a 3-pointer by Childs that capped the explosion at 59-33 with 2:33 to go. Philadelphia called three timeouts during the burst.
"I thought we played good team defense, especially on Iverson," Alvin Williams said. "The guys were making shots and as a point guard, it made my job easier. They asked me to stick him (Iverson) and I did my best to make his shots difficult."
Any chance the Sixers had of getting back into the game ended when the Raptors scored the first 11 points of the third quarter, opening their largest lead at 74-39 on a tip-in by former Sixer Eric Montross with 8:39 left. Brown emptied his bench shortly thereafter.
Montross was a surprise starter for Charles Oakley, who was suspended one game by the NBA for hitting Sixers forward Tyrone Hill with a thrown basketball during Tuesday's shootaround. Montross had season highs of six points and 11 rebounds.

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On May 29, 1997, Utah Jazz point guard John Stockton hit a 3-point shot over Houston's Charles Barkley as time expired to send the Utah Jazz to the NBA Finals for the first time in NBA history.
"I don't think I can describe it," Stockton said after the game. "It was a tremendous feeling."
After losing Games 3 and 4 in Houston during the series, the Jazz were on the brink of losing Game 6 in that city before mounting a comeback to set up Stockton's game-winner.
Here is a recap of the events leading up to the shot in Deseret News sports writer Richard Evans' original game report:
"The Jazz had just 2.8 seconds to make their game-winning play, after Clyde Drexler's 16-foot bank shot was rebounded by (Karl) Malone, who quickly called timeout. As the teams lined up after the timeout, Houston guard Sedale Threatt said he'd take the first guard through. That was Jeff Hornacek, leaving Drexler on the much-smaller Stockton. Hornacek had told Russell to fake a pass to him, which he did, freezing the defenders for a moment. Malone set a pick on Drexler, allowing Russell to pass to an undefended Stockton, some 35 feet from the basket. Stockton dribbled once and fired, as Charles Barkley rushed at him."
Although Stockton himself said he was foggy on the details leading up to one of the most iconic plays in franchise history, teammate Antoine Carr said that as it unfolded, Stockton didn't miss a beat.
"As soon as I saw he was wide-open and he took that little dribble, it was money," said Carr. "That was pure cash."

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Jan 29, 2018 - On Sunday, Felicity Jones was spotted emerging from John F Kennedy International Airport in New York City alongside Charles Guard, ... ... <看更多>
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