係Vinexpo試了有法國南部Languedoc 嘅Lafite 之稱嘅Mas de Daumas Gassac, 同第二代揸fit人Basile Guilbert 講解佢d酒嘅特色,又遇到好多好友,探咗Yves代理嘅Couvelier Los Andes, 試咗d有個性嘅香檳。仲好有囗福,食到劉校長嘅鮑魚,又支持吓Cin Cin app, 實在太多朋友,好豐富嘅體驗!乾杯!
Had a great chat with Basile Guilbert, the 2nd generation of Mas de Daumas Gassac, which is also named as the Lafite in Languedoc. Met many good friends, including Yves, who represents Couvelier Los Andes, and tried some interesting champagnes. It's really lucky to have a chance to eat Principal Lau's braised abalone at Vinexpo! I also visited Cin Cin app as well! What a wonderful experience at Vinexpo! Cheers!
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