Finally I'm a @dnalifelabs certified practitioner👨🎓
Understanding nutrigenomics is going to be essential when it comes to building a personalized and precise wellness plan
I choose to be at the forefront here by grasping current available knowledge from this area of science now and applying it on myself as part of my biohacking journey
Keeping up to date and discerning the research on genetics so that it can be applied to further bulletproof the plan will be necessary as this area of science is growing rapidly 📈
With a deeper level of understanding of the human being and by integrating my knowledge from other realms such as nutrition medicine which I'm pursuing, I'm confident I can serve many in a truly personalized and precise way when it comes to wellness, health or fitness consults and talks
Thank you @drs_mark_and_michele_ for imparting such a great deal of knowledge to all of us at Singapore recently🙏 @ Singapore Sports Hub
certified fitness practitioner 在 Hero Tai 祖雄 Facebook 的精選貼文
站在純粹靠運動來減肥的角度,最好的辦法一定是心肺運動,因為要驅動身體用脂肪作為能量最佳的途徑就是提高心跳,以前總是認為有氧運動比較好,因為脂肪燃燒需要氧氣的介入,但後來研究發現就算是無氧運動也有After Burn的功效(就是指運動當下雖然身體得不到充足的氧氣但運動停止後身體得到充足氧氣是有持續燃燒的效果)所以近期才會有很多宣導每天幾分鐘就能瘦身的運動,類似Tabata,HIIT,HVIT等的間歇運動短片,這些都是有科學根據的!
中華人民共和國人力資源和社會保障部認證 一級公共營養師
Certified Nutritionist - Seal of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, The People’s Republic of China
中華民國肥胖研究協會 認證 體重管理士
Certified Healthy Weight Junior Manager – Chinese Taipei Association for the Study of Obesity Taiwan, R.O.C.
美國 NSPA 認證 體能專家
Certified Conditioning Specialist (CCS) - National Strength Professionals Association
FISAF 國際體育有氧體適能聯盟 認證 專業基礎核心訓練師 & 體適能指導員
Certified Core Fitness Leader (FCC) & Certified Fitness Instructor (FFI) - FISAF(Federation of International Sports, Aerobic and Fitness)
西餐烹調丙級廚師 - 中華民國技術士證
Class C skill category on Western Culinary -Technician Certificate, Republic of China
中華民國 台北市游泳協會 認證 C級游泳教練
Certified Swimming Coach - Chinese Taipei Swimming Club
中華民國紅十字會認證 合格急救員
Certified Standard First Aider - The Red Cross Society of The Republic of China
NLP 運用心理學 執行師 & 教練
Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coach & Practitioner
certified fitness practitioner 在 Hero Tai 祖雄 Facebook 的精選貼文
💙Facebook Link:
❤️YouTube link:
Webtvasia Taiwan
中華人民共和國人力資源和社會保障部認證 一級公共營養師
Certified Nutritionist - Seal of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, The People’s Republic of China
國際健身協會 (IFA) 認證 運動營養師
Certified Sport Nutritionist - International Fitness Association
中華民國肥胖研究協會 認證 體重管理士
Certified Healthy Weight Junior Manager – Chinese Taipei Association for the Study of Obesity Taiwan, R.O.C.
西餐烹調丙級廚師 - 中華民國技術士證
Class C skill category on Western Culinary -Technician Certificate, Republic of China
美國 NSPA 認證 體能專家
Certified Conditioning Specialist (CCS) - National Strength Professionals Association
FISAF 國際體育有氧體適能聯盟 認證 專業基礎核心訓練師 & 體適能指導員
Certified Core Fitness Leader (FCC) & Certified Fitness Instructor (FFI) - FISAF(Federation of International Sports, Aerobic and Fitness)
中華民國 台北市游泳協會 認證 C級游泳教練
Certified Swimming Coach - Chinese Taipei Swimming Club
中華民國紅十字會認證 合格急救員
Certified Standard First Aider - The Red Cross Society of The Republic of China
NLP 運用心理學 執行師 & 教練
Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coach & Practitioner