Samsara @ BIFAN !
Hsin-Chien Huang's latest work, “Samsara Ep.1” was selected in the BeyondReality XR category of the 25th 부천국제판타스틱영화제 Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFAN). It will be shown at the terminal 1 of the Incheon International Airport on July 1, one week before the opening of the festival.
The festival has picked this venue on purpose to let visitors from around the world go on a VR journey to experience Taiwan’s “Samsara” via this virtual platform.
Stay tuned to see “Samsara” take BIFAN by storm!
黃心健2021新作《 #輪迴》上集(Samsara Ep.1) 入選第25屆富川國際奇幻影展 ( Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival , BIFAN) Beyond Reality項目!即將在BIFAN開展日期(7/8)的前一週 7/1 起在韓國仁川國際機場第一航廈✈️ 進行實體展出囉!
期待與世界旅人們,在BIFAN一同 Stay Strange吧!請大家持續關注今年BIFAN旋起的「台」風🥳🥳🥳
▍《輪迴》預告片 線上看 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-la9znTocw
▍官方網站連結 🔗 https://beyondreality.bifan.kr/archive/films/samsara-ep1
#environment #Ecology
#Warfare #EmbodiedCognition
#BIFAN #Bucheon #interactiveart
#virtualreality #virtualrealityexperience
#vrart #vrartist #valveindex #newmediaart
⭐️Instagram官方帳號上線啦,追蹤起來 https://reurl.cc/vqeyMo
⭐️黃心健連結傳送門 🚪 https://linktr.ee/HsinChienHuang
「bucheon to incheon」的推薦目錄:
bucheon to incheon 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的精選貼文
Hsin-Chien Huang 's latest work, “ #Samsara Ep.1” was selected in the “Beyond Reality” category of the 25th 부천국제판타스틱영화제 Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival.
The theme of BIFAN this year is “Stay Strange!”
After the pandemic raging for almost a year, the distance between people has become farther and stranger. Still, BIFAN thinks that this unfamiliarity represents a signal of making progress. People have strived to cope with this dramatic change and make ways to new lives, echoing the background story of “Samsara”: human beings in the future try to adapt bodies to new changes in the environment and pollutions by transforming DNA.
BIFAN has gathered a total of 258 works from 47 countries this year. The 176 works among those will be screened in 8 theaters throughout Korea. Online viewing is also available via the Watcha/Watcha Player platform, allowing international audiences to enjoy as well.
The “Beyond Reality” category of BIFAN will also roll out more than 80 XR and VR productions, which will be shown at the first terminal of the Incheon International Airport on July 1, one week before the opening of the festival.
Known for its energy and creativity, BIFAN is also a world-renowned fantastic film festival, gathering many film lovers across Korea. Sit tight to see this year’s BIFAN take the world by storm.
黃心健2021新作《 #輪迴》上集(Samsara Ep.1) 入選第25屆🇰🇷富川國際奇幻影展 ( Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival , BIFAN) Beyond Reality項目!
今年BIFAN的主題為 Stay Strange!
今年的BIFAN集結來自47個國家共258件作品,並在韓國🇰🇷8 個影院播映其中176 部電影,也提供線上觀看平台 Watcha/Watcha Player,讓國際觀眾可以跨國界觀賞電影!
而BIFAN 的「Beyond Reality」項目將推出80多部XR和VR作品,並在開展前一週7 月 1 日起在韓國仁川國際機場第一航廈展出!
持續關注今年Bifan旋起的「台」風哦 🥳
▍《輪迴》預告線上看 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-la9znToc
#黃心健 #HsinChienHuang
⭐️Instagram官方帳號上線啦,追蹤起來 https://reurl.cc/vqeyMo
bucheon to incheon 在 莎拉韓情 사라한정 Facebook 的最佳貼文
終於去挑戰 💪 排了很久在 To do list 的仁川 Square1 長長滑梯。由商場的4樓滑至1樓!😆 到訪當日為星期日,但輪候人流不多。有坐墊提供,滑得非常快,很刺激~ 不過滑下來後有點頭暈呢…… 🙈 身高120-140cm小童需戴上安全帽,未滿120cm或體重100kg以上則不能滑。
平日 17:00~19:00
周末 14:00~19:00
🚐 首爾團|仁川富川私人包車團
Seoul Tour|Incheon Bucheon Private Tour
*推薦加機場接送 (多達4種水果採摘體驗、18個景點自由選)
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