Who were the women in Friedman’s Curve?
Dr. Friedman’s study focused on 500 first-time mothers who gave birth at term in 1954. Their age ranged from 13 to 42 years old, and 70% were between the age of 20-30. More than half of the women had forceps used on them during delivery (55%), and only nine people (1.8%) gave birth by Cesarean. There were 14 breech births (2.8%), four twin births (0.9%), and four stillbirths or newborn deaths. The babies ranged in weight from 4 lbs. 9 oz. to 10 lbs. 6 oz., with most babies falling into a normal weight range (5 lbs. 8 oz. to 8 lbs. 13 oz.). Pitocin was used to induce or augment labor in 69 people (13.8% “Twilight sleep” was common practice at the time, and so 117 of the women (23%) were lightly sedated, 210 (42%) were moderately sedated, and 154 (31%) were deeply sedated (sometimes “excessively” sedated) with Demerol and scopolamine—meaning that 481 (96%) of the women were sedated with drugs (Friedman 1955)