BTW, 這篇文章, IMO, 是 TL;DR
ASAP(as soon as possible 盡快)
BID(break it down 細分明細)
BTW(by the way 順帶一提)
COB(close of business 下班時)
EOB(end of business 下班時)
EOD(end of day 今天以內)
DOE(depending on experience 視工作經驗而定)
ETA(estimated time of arrival 預計到達時間)
FAQ(frequently asked questions 常問的問題)
FTE(full-time employee 全職員工)
FWIW(for what it’s worth 無論如何、不管有沒有用)
FYI(for your information 供你參考(郵件常用)
FYR(for your reference 供你參考)
FYU(for your use 供你使用)
IAM(in a meeting 會議中)
IMO(in my opinion 個人淺見、在我看來)
LET(leaving early today 今天提早走)
LMK(let me know 讓我知道、通知我)
MoM(month over month 月度比較)
MTD(month to date 月初到現在)
OOO(out of office 不在辦公室)
OT(over time 加班)
OTP(on the phone 通話中)
PA(performance appraisal 績效考核)
POC(point of contact 首要聯繫人)
PTE(part-time employee 兼職雇員)
PTO(paid time off 帶薪休假)
NDA(Non-disclosure agreement 保密合約)
NRN(no reply necessary 不需回覆)
NSFW(not safe for work 不適合工作場域)
RFD(request for discussion 請求討論)
RSVP(Répondez s’il vous plait 法文的請回覆)
TBA(to be announced 待公佈)
TBD(to be determined 待決定)
TCC(teleconference call 電話會議)
TED(Tell me, explain to me, describe to me)
TL;DR(Too long didn’t read 太長,沒讀)
TOS(terms of service 服務條款)
TYT(take your time 別著急、慢慢來)
WFH(work from home 在家辦公)
WIIFM(what’s in it for me 這對我有什麼好處?)
WOM(word of mouth 口碑傳播)
YTD(year to date 年底、今年之內)
CDO(chief data officer 首席數據長)
CEO(chief executive officer 首席執行長)
CFO(chief financial officer 首席財務長)
CIO(chief information officer 首席資訊長)
CMO(chief marketing officer 首席行銷長)
COO(chief operating officer 首席營運長)
CPA(certified public accountant 註冊會計師)
CSO(chief security officer 首席安全長)
CSR(corporate social responsibility 企業社會責任)
CTO(chief technology officer 首席技術長)
CFP(certified financial planner 註冊金融理財師)
GC(general counsel 首席法律顧問)
HR(human resources 人力資源)
PM(project manager 專案經理)
PR(public relations 公共關係)
R&D(research and development 研發)
break down會計 在 國立臺北大學National Taipei University Facebook 的最佳解答
【 2016哈佛營 | 學員及北大講師報名倒數六天】
"To see is to believe." Not until I had the honor to participate in HTLC2015 did I realize how talented Harvard students and how extraordinary these Taiwan high school students are. Cooperating, chatting, exchanging viewpoints and playing with Harvard students directly; for me, it is much more than just “broadening the horizons” can describe.
On the other hand, instructing high school students made me feel contented, while some were quite mischievous but indeed intelligent who showed their appreciation in return. Not only were we guiding the high school students, theses students chosen from thousands of candidates also taught us as well, which forced us to progress in a short time.
In addition to Harvard students and other NTPU students, we encountered TAs, the incredible friends as well as reliable partners, from different colleges in Taiwan and even other countries. We laughed together, wrecked our brains on the challenges that were deceivingly insurmountable but were then conquered together, played together, and served as the fountain of vigor of one another, many of these changed my life attitude. When knocked down by frustration that daunted me, all the three parties- NTPU students, Harvard students, and TAs, gave me a hand, which helped me to polish myself. When someone was faced with the tasks he or she couldn’t break through, we rejected to sleep with an eye to helping the individual even though we were all exhausted, as it had been midnight. It was the moment all of us gathered in one room to examine the classes and granted creative no less than helpful suggestions to one another that impressed me the most.
I would and won’t forget the memory HTLC2015 blessed me, which will still played the role that reminds me to refine myself because I know there are a bunch of friends there, maybe on the other side of the globe, also progressing themselves. HTLC2015 not only compelled me to grow but flung my door up to some life friends I always appreciate.
官方網站: http://www.htlcinfo.com/
學員報名網址: http://goo.gl/zMyjJr
北大講師報名網址: http://goo.gl/Vo9Xao
break down會計 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
[托福和雅思單字表+mp3] Business and Commerce
Audio file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o6p57ufhkkpr66l/business%20and%20commerce.mp3
Desktop file: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1lrfdY58oh1
Use the audio file to improve your pronunciation of these words. The file can also be used as a simple listening and spelling test!
老師雖然每次在提供單字表時都會附上中文解釋(課堂上補充搭配的片語),但這只是方便學生更快知道這個單字最通用的意思,不代表是它最完整的涵義及用法。除此之外,有心的同學應該進一步使用其它工具查詢,最好是單字,配詞與句子一起背 (死背一個單字是無用的),再透過經常使用單字的方式,加強自己對單字的認知和應用。當然,你也可以利用老師或字典提供的單字音檔,進而增加自己對單字的辨識能力和發音!
英文單字學習 I: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tq2ym9m3ihsbuy6/vocabI.pdf
英文單字學習 II: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eu51xclk7qxb211/vocabII.pdf
Free Online Dictionaries 免費線上字典和辭典: http://tinyurl.com/kzctz56
account (n.) 帳目;帳單;帳戶
accountable (adj.) 負責的
accountant (n.) 會計師
acquire (v.) 獲得
administrative (adj.) 行政的
advertising (n.) (總稱)廣告
agenda (n.) 議程
agreement (n.) 同意;協定
alternative (adj.) 可供選擇的事物、方式
announce (v.) 宣佈;宣告;公諸於眾
approach (n.) 方法
approval (n.) 贊成;同意
assess (v.) 評估(財產價值);評定
asset (n.) 有用的東西;優點;長處
assign (v.) 分配
attorney (n.) 律師
audit (n./v.) 審計
balance sheet (n.) 資產負債表
balance (n.) 餘額;差額
bankrupt (a.) 破產的;倒閉的
bankruptcy (n.) 破產
benchmark (n.) 基準;水準點;標準
bid (v.) 出價;投標;喊價
board (n.) 理事會;委員會;董事會
bond (n.) 債券
brainstorm (v.) 腦力激蕩,集思廣益
break a contract (v. phr.) 違約
breakthrough (n.) 突破;重大進展
bureaucracy (n.) 官撩主義
buyout/buy out (n./v.)買進全部產權;收購全部
capital (n.) 資本; 資金
carry out (v.) 執行;貫徹;
commerce (n.) 貿易
commercial (adj.) 商業化;商用的
commodity (n.) 商品;農產品
competitor (n.) 競爭者;對手
compromise (v) 妥協; 折衷;和解
concede (v.) 容忍;容許;讓步
conclusive (a.) 決定性的;勿庸置疑的
conference (n.) 會議;協商;討論會
conglomerate (n.) 企業集團
consensus (n.) 一致的意見;共識
consolidate (v.) 結合;合併;強化
consumer (n.) 消費者;顧客
contract (n.) 契約;合同
contractor (n.) 立契約人;承包商
contribute (v.) 貢獻
convention (n.) 慣例;常規;大會
converse (v.) 談話;交談
convince (v.) 使信服
corporate (adj.) 企業的; 團體的
corporation (n.) 公司
cost-effective (a.) 符合成本效益的
credibility (n.) 信譽
credible (adj.) 可信的;可靠的
credit (n.) 信用;信譽;功勞
criterion (n. / pl. = criteria) 規範;標準
currency (n.) 貨幣;流通;通用
cut down (v. phr.) 削減;縮短
dealer (n.) 商人;業者
debit card (n.) 存款戶持有的借方卡
debt (n.) 債;債務
decision making (phr.) 決策
decline (n.) 衰落;衰退 (v.) 下降
deductible (n./adj.) adj.=可抵扣/n.= (保險)扣除條款
deduction (n.) 扣除;扣除額
default (n.) 不履行, 違約, 拖欠
deficit (n.) 赤字;虧損額
demand (v.) 要求 (n.) 需求
demonstration (n.) 示範;實證
deposit (n.) 付押金;付保證金
devaluation (n.) 貶值
diplomacy (n.) 外交手腕;交際手段
discrepancy (n.) 差異;不同;不一致
dispute (n.) 爭端;爭執;糾紛;
dissuade (v.) 勸阻
due (a.) 應付的;到期的;該發生的
earnings (n.) 薪水;工資;收益
embezzle (v.) 盜用;挪用;侵佔(公款等)
employee (n.) 僱員
employer (n.) 雇主
endorse (v.) 背書;支持;贊同
enterprise (n.) 企業
entrepreneur (n.) 企業家;主辦人
estimate (v.) 估計;估價
evaluation (n.) 評價
exempt from (v. phr.) 被免除的;豁免的
expand (v.) 擴張;擴大
expenditure (n.) 消費;開銷
expense (n.) 消耗;消費
export (v.) 輸出;出口
finance (n.) 財政學;財政; 財源
firm (n.) 公司;商行
fiscal (a.) 財政的;會計的
fluctuation (n.) 波動;起伏;漲落
advertising (n.) (總稱)廣告
franchise (n.) 〔經營某公司商品或服務的〕特許經營權
forward (v.) 送到,轉號
franchise (n.) 經銷權;加盟權
free ride (n.) 搭便車
fund (n.) 基金;專款
gross (adj.) 總共的;全部的
haggle (v.) 討價還價
hedge fund (n.) 對沖基金(也稱避險基金或套利基金)
headquarter (n.) 總公司;總部;司令部
holding (n.) 土地;財產(常用複數)
import (v.) 輸入;進口
in exchange for (phr.) 換取
influential (adj.) 有影響
integrate (v.) 統合;整合
internship (n.) 實習
inventory (n.) 詳細目錄;清單;存貨
invoice (n.) 發票; 發貨清單
joint venture (n.) 合資投機活動; 企業
launch (v.) 開辦;展開;發起;開始
lease (v./n.) 租約, 租契, 租賃
long-range (a.) 長期的;遠程的
marketing (n.) 市場營銷
merge (v.) 合併;併吞
monopoly (n.) 壟斷;獨佔;專賣
negotiate (v.) 談判
obligation (n.) 義務
on behalf of (phr.) 代表
order (v.) 匯單;訂貨;訂單;匯票
organization (n.) 組織
outsourcing (n.) 外包
overdue (a.) 過期未付的
patent (n.) 專利 (v. =取得…的專利)
payment (n.) 支付;付款
pending (adj.) 未決定的;待決定的;
pension (n.) 養老金
persuade (v.) 說服;勸服
petition (n. / v.= petition for) 請願
phase (n.) 階段
postpone (v.) 延遲;延期
preliminary (a.) 初步的,開始的
premise (n.) 前提
procedure (n.) 程序
profit (n.) 利潤;收益;營利
propose (v.) 提議;建議
proposition (n.) 提案;建議;計畫
prospect (n.) 展望;期望
prospectus (n.) 計畫書;說明書
prosperity (n.) 繁榮;成功;興隆
purchase (v./n.) 購買
quota (n.) 定量;定額;配額
quote (v.) 報價
R&D (n.) 研發
reach consensus(phr.) 達成共識
real estate (n.) 房地產
receipt (n.) 收據
reconcile (v.) 調和;調解
remuneration (n.) 報酬;酬勞
rent (n.) 租金,租費 (v. ) 租用
retail (n.) 零售; (adj.) 零售的
return (v./n.) 回報
revenue (n.) 收益;歲入;稅收
rewarding (adj.) 獎勵的
rival (n.) 競爭者;對手;匹敵者
salary (n.) 薪資
scheme (n.) 設計;圖謀 (v.) 計畫
seminar (n.) 研討會;討論課;講習會
settlement (n.) 協議;支付
shareholder (n.) 股東
shipment (n.) 一批貨
skills and expertise (n.) 技能和專門知識
social security (n.) 社會保障
solution (n.) 解決方案
statement (n.) 聲明;陳述
stock (n.) 公債;證券;股票
stockbroker (n.) 證券和股票經紀人
strategy (n.) 戰略
subsidiary (n.) 子公司
supply (n.) 供應品;供應物;庫存
surplus (n.) 盈餘 (adj.) 過剩的量
tariff (n.) 關稅
tax (n.) 稅 (v.) 向……課稅
temp work (n.) 臨時工作
thrive (v.) 茂盛;興旺;繁榮
trade (n.) 貿易; 交易;商業 (v.) 交換;進行交易
trademark (n.) 注冊商標
undervalue (v.) 低估價值;看輕
voucher (n.) 保證人;憑證;折價券
warehouse (n.) 倉庫;貨價;大商店
withdraw (v.) 收回;取回;撤回;提款
yield (v.) 產生(效果,收益等)(n.) 產量;收穫量;收益
Related Words 相關詞彙:
Office 辦公室詞彙音檔: http://tinyurl.com/n584mo6
Business Idioms 1: http://tinyurl.com/lcjs5g7
Ancient Trade: http://tinyurl.com/m38ahxx
Complete List 完整托福和雅思單字表+mp3: http://tinyurl.com/lk3fglc
break down會計 在 展群CK - 特許稅務師、註冊會計師專業團隊- Home | Facebook 的推薦與評價
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