然後home sick的話都已經習慣了😛現在留學沒有以前那麼可憐😢打個電話都要盡快講完要講的東西⋯科技真的幫助不少👍跟爸媽都差不多天天都有一通電話📞😆其實最想不到的看來就是回家會跟家人吵架~因為大家都有一段時間沒有見面😓大多性格上的問題都難在電話傳輸😂最後然變到吵架。
1️⃣Many of my friends and family have that illusion about my English should be PERFECT after studying abroad for five years. 🇺🇸 Mehhhh... absolutely not 🙄 sometimes I still don’t get the American joke at some points. I’ll look pretty confusing 🤨 okay!
2️⃣Second point, do you have home sick? 🏠👨👩👧 yeah this is the most common question we’ll be asked once we are home... ummm... I will tell them exactly what they’re not looking for 👉 NOOOOO!! I almost call my parents every single day. We keep contact. We stay in touch. Technology helps a lot when we live far away from each other. We’re still connecting, no worries 😌 next question👉❓
3️⃣ I’m just living the way I am. 😝😝😝if you wanna appreciate someone’s lifestyle then I would highly encourage you to speak to your mom 👍 😝because your family raised you since day 1 you are born including changing diaper, protecting you away from dangers, carrying you when your legs hurt😔
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