《2830 Days On Road》MY KING
#Pai #Thailand
Yesterday 26.Oct was the ninth king of Thai's cremation anniversary mourning. he was a impressed musician while he was alived, I felt quite sad that last night was my first time to hear this also his music work.
Three days ago (23. Oct.) was the fifth king's death day and about two weeks ago (13. Oct.) was the ninth king's one. The whole October I feel deeply sad as same as the Thai people do.
The 7-11 does not open for whole day, no entertainment anywhere, all those shops inclusive the bank, the post office, the ATM, the school, the drink shops are not on...
#暗 #Shooot
#這樣我怎麼買酒啊 #UntilHowLongICanGetMyDrink
#還好nEmo整個背包都是食物跟酒 #ThanksGodAllInMyBagIsOnlyFoodAndDrinks
#寮國的威士忌700ml一瓶台幣27塊 #WhiskeyFromLaosWas1DollarPerBottle
#伏特加35塊 #Vodka1DollarAnd20Cent
#快沒了怎麼辦 #TheyAreAllSoonFinished
#我希望不要再有泰王逝世了 #NoMoreDeadThaiKing
#我已經夠悲傷了 #ICouldntBeAnyMoreSadder
#派府 #泰國
#環遊世界3600天 #3600DaysOnRoad
#WhellowTravel #白色黃色旅行
#AStoryTeller #有故事的女人
#CoupleOnRoad #情侶旅行