第二屆 #台美 🇹🇼🇺🇸 印太民主治理諮商
前幾天於美國在台協會 AIT舉行
台北與 #華府 以視訊進行總結會議
國務院民主、人權暨勞工局 #戴斯卓 助卿
#JW部長 💥也特別預錄影片致詞
(部長致詞影片 https://reurl.cc/n0y76e)
JW部長致詞表示 💬
台美過去一年在 #印太地區 持續深化合作
促進 #自由 #民主 #婦女賦權 及 #良善治理
並且嚴正強調 ✊🏻
這次的會議也邀請了 #美國國際民主協會 #國際共和研究所 #國家民主基金會 #自由之家 臺灣民主基金會 Taiwan Foundation for Democracy 等公民社團參與
台美兩國將持續與 #理念相近國家 合作
共同維護 #民主價值
促進自由、開放、繁榮的印太區域 👊🏻
魔法部新聞稿 👉🏻 https://reurl.cc/GrQen3
#真朋友 #真進展
A global pandemic is no excuse not to touch base with #RealFriends and to focus on #RealProgress when it comes to #democracy, #transparency, #HumanRights, #GoodGovernance and #WomensEmpowerment, which is why the Second US-Taiwan Consultations on Democratic Governance in the Indo-Pacific Region was held yesterday!
#US Assistant Secretary of State Robert Destro and representatives from the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute (IRI), the National Endowment for Democracy and Freedom House took part online, while the #Taipei contingent of the meeting, including #AIT and various Taiwanese civil society organizations, met in person.
In his stirring opening remarks, MOFA Minister Joseph Wu stated that the #TaiwanModel of #PandemicPrevention this year has borne out AIT Director Brent Christensen’s comments last year pointing to Taiwan as a model of good governance for the #IndoPacific region. He also called for Taiwan’s democratic allies to be vigilant and proactive in their preparations to face the rising threat from China’s authoritarian expansionism, in order to uphold peace and prosperity in the region.
You can watch his speech in full here: https://bit.ly/35JE7Nb
「touch base meeting」的推薦目錄:
- 關於touch base meeting 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於touch base meeting 在 Positiff English 職場英語教室 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於touch base meeting 在 Chez la Vie Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於touch base meeting 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於touch base meeting 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於touch base meeting 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳解答
touch base meeting 在 Positiff English 職場英語教室 Facebook 的最佳解答
Play it by ear 冇定計劃 到時先算
- to improvise
- to decide what to do when you know what is happening, rather than planning in advance
Kevin: Are you ready for the singing show tonight?
Crystal: Not really, didn't prepare much. I'd just play it for ear and see how it goes.
Vanessa: Hey wanna catch up for a drink after work?
Tiff: I might not be able to make it. I might have to work overtime tonight. Let's just play it by ear.
Victor: Same here. Not sure what time my meeting ends. Guess I'd play it by ear too.
We'd see.
I'd let you know.
Rain check 下次先 再傾再約
- maybe we should wait and do it at a later date
Irene: Would you like to get lunch with me today?
Karen: I'd love to, but I'm pretty swamped and might have to work through lunch. Rain check for tomorrow?
Irene: Sure. We'd see. Let's touch base tomorrow morning and we'd see.
touch base - to get in touch 再搵你 睇睇點
Other examples:
Sorry, I m busy. Could I have a rain check?
Thanks, but I think I'd better take a rain check.
Can I have a rain check on your BBQ party?
I’d love to. But I have a date tonight. Can I take a rain check?
Other Ways to Say “Rain Check”
"Rain Check" synonyms list:
Another time
Other time
Next time
Another day
At a later time
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touch base meeting 在 Chez la Vie Facebook 的最佳解答
佢堅稱要上埋第二節Zoom (不是硬性規定要上)
其實只係短短10分鐘touch base meeting
anyway, 我尊重佢嘅決定
💝 Edible Beauty 👩🏻🍳 Bake with Vie 💕
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