郎世寧(Giuseppe Castiglione,1688-1766)生於義大利米蘭,從小學習繪畫,在1715年(康熙五十四年)抵達中國後,以繪事技藝供職於清宮,他特別擅長運用西洋技法描繪奇花異卉與珍禽走獸,來看一幅他描繪紅褐色小狗在庭園的可愛模樣。
#神筆丹青 #郎世寧
【清 郎世寧 畫花底仙尨】陳列室:204
Special Exhibit: Portrayals from a Brush Divine: A Special Exhibition on the Tricentennial of Giuseppe Castiglione's Arrival in China
【Long-haired Dog Beneath Blossoms】(Gallery: 204)
Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione, 1688-1766), Qing dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink and colors on silk, 123.2 x 61.9 cm
This painting depicts a small reddish-brown dog by a lake rock and peach blossom in a garden setting. The blossoms come from an old peach tree growing in the lower right corner and extending out of the composition. Even a few new sprigs with blossoms emerge from the dense and gnarled roots, suggesting that the tree is still full of life. In the background is a large decorative lake roke, its convoluted form complementing that of the old tree. The rendering of the little dog is quite precise and endearing, a sense of motion inherent in it despite the stillness. In mid-step, its attention appears to have been caught by something outside the composition, making it stop to look back. Giuseppe Castiglione used extraordinary refinement and realistic techniques to portray the anomal, conveying not only its three-dimensionality but also the luster of its hair. Capturing both the subtleties of formal likeness and inner spirit, the latter became an especially importan t criterion for determining the second lunar month of Yongzheng’s fifth year (1727) to a painting of a small “date-red” dog, most likely refering to the one here.