你的選擇是「I live」(我完全買單)、「I like」(我喜歡)或是「I wonder」(我懷疑)。然後你要在原本的解答上面做修正,一樣計時8分鐘。
【Got a problem that can’t solved because too many stakeholders and too hard to decide? Try this framework to get a decision in one hour!】
Have you had the following problem - you have an idea that you want other stakeholders to follow or decide. You can’t/don’t want to force people to follow the rules you build, but too many stakeholders and no many points of view and just can’t get a decision made?
Try this!
List all of the question and sub questions (roughly each main question has three sub questions below), separate people to groups and each group has about 4-5 people, each group has one question and one Coordinator.
Now, count down 8 mins. Yes, in 8 mins, your group need to think out solution - ideally 1-2 sentences. Coordinator writes down answer on the white board/paper.
Time’s up! Now, your group move on to the next white board. Now, you look at the question and answer from the group who just left. Coordinator should explain what they did. Of course, this question is different from your previous question.
Now, your job ideally is not creating a new answer; instead, you start with “I live (loving it)”, “I like” or “I wonder.” And you guys discuss why you gave the answer and make adjustment of the answer that last group provided.
And so on and so forth until you arrive back to your original board.
Ok, now, you see all adjustments other group did for on top of your answer. You guys make final discussion and adjustment.
Ok, time’s up. All people sfo discussion. Each coordinator present the final answer each group came out with! Here we go! This is the answer! 👏🎉🎉🎉
#Decision #Leadership #Teamwork #Solutioning #執行力 #行動力 #領導力 #團隊合作
solutioning 在 矽谷阿雅 Anya Cheng Facebook 的最讚貼文
1. 讓大家寫下最想問的問題
2. 貼在胸前
3. 讓大家在大會議室走動,遇到相似的問題就聚在一起,變成一組一組
4. 每組分享自己的問題,主持人記在板子上
5. 接下來的會議時間有討論到類似主題就提醒大家當時的問題和同意的解答!
【More Efficient in Annual Meeting - Way to Have Employee Ask Hard Questions】
Companies all have annual leaders meeting. All participants have some questions. How to get participants to consolidate questions? How to let people ask those questions in an open and healthy environment? How to make the process more interesting? How to make those questions be constructive and easier to get solution?
Easy! Here is how:
1. Ask everyone to write down their top question
2. Stick the question in front of them
3. Have everyone walk around the conference room and see if other people have similar question. When they do, make a group themselves
4. Each group shares their question, and the coordinator writes it down
5. Whenever next few hours/days people discuss about related question, remind people the question and discussed solution
#領導力 #Leadership #Solutioning #解決困境 #開放文化 #OpenCulture