【#圖看天下Infograph】全球首份學術自由指數公布,香港連同巴基斯坦、土耳其等地,被列為近五年倒退最嚴重的地方,中國自然是學術自由最差的國家之一。此研究反映現行大學排行榜何其荒謬,才出現中港大學排名上升、學術自由倒退之現象。高教公民Progressive Scholars Group將聯合「險境學者」,倡議改革大學排行榜,將學術自由納入評判標準。
In the first Global Academic Freedom Index, Hong Kong together with Pakistan and Turkey etc. was assessed as places that experienced most serious backsliding in 5 years and China was of course one of the worst countries. This research indicated how ridiculous the existing university rankings were, with Hong Kong and China's rankings risen and their academic freedom eroded. The Progressive Scholars Group will work with Scholars at Risk to advocate the incorporation of academic freedom as an indicator of university rankings.
📖 https://www.gppi.net/2020/03/26/free-universities
▋延伸閱讀 Further reading
PSG “2019 Hong Kong Academic Freedom Report”
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Progressive Scholars Group will internationalize the issue of Hong Kong’s academic freedom by way of partnering with overseas academic freedom organizations through citizen diplomacy, including requesting THE and QS to incorporate academic freedom as an indicator of their university rankings and submitting the list of people who were reported to attack academic freedom to sanction institutions. Please look forward to our follow-up actions!
To track the state of academic freedom in Hong Kong, Progressive Scholars Group released the “2019 Hong Kong Academic Freedom Report”. The report covers an internet survey and list of academic freedom events. Please read the email attachment for the full research report.
📖報告全文Full report:https://bit.ly/31yoHJn
Major research findings include:
• 67.9%受訪者表示,相比一年前香港的學術自由「大幅倒退」和「輕微倒退」。這個趨勢情況令人憂慮。
67.9% of respondents expressed that when compared to 1 year ago, the state of academic freedom in Hong Kong has been “significantly decreased” and “slightly decreased”. This trend is worrying.
• 「撥款機構」、「大學管理層」及「香港政府官員」,被受訪者視為最影響他們現時工作職位的學術自由程度的三個因素。
“Funding bodies”, “University management” and “Hong Kong government officials” have been regarded by respondents as the three major factors that have influenced the level of academic freedom in their present positions.
Major recommendations for actions include:
• 爭取將學術自由列為THE和QS大學排名指標
Requesting THE and QS to incorporate academic freedom as an indicator of their university rankings
• 連結海外學術自由組織
Partnering with overseas academic freedom organizations
• 將涉嫌侵犯學術自由者的名單提交制裁機構
Submitting the list of people who were reported to attack academic freedom to sanction institutions
Together we will defend our academic freedom!
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#ProgressiveScholars #Resist #GlobalSanction #AcademicFreedom #Freedomofspeech #Freedomofexpression
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Progressive Scholars Group released the “Silencing Millions: Unchecked Violations of Internationally Recognized Human Rights by the Hong Kong Police Force”. Written by a team of political, historical and legal scholars, this 212-page report advocates for international inquiry for police brutality. Let’s give the police a “Happy New Year” 👊👊👊
Progressive Scholars Group released the “Silencing Millions: Unchecked Violations of Internationally Recognized Human Rights by the Hong Kong Police Force”. The report aims at documenting the violations of internationally recognized human rights by Hong Kong Police from June to December 2019.
📘英文報告全文English full report:https://docdro.id/0EA2Bhy
📗中文行政摘要Chinese summary:https://docdro.id/whd3Oxb
📒結論中文譯本Conclusion Chinese translation:https://docdro.id/RbumrSc
Main points of the report include:
• 本報告詳盡分類、討論和解釋香港警察如何在2019年示威中涉嫌違反國際法的執法準則、人權標準和各種國際規範。香港警察暴力之嚴重程度和規模,在已發達社會中極為罕見。
This report categorizes, discusses, and explains the possible breaches of international law of law enforcement (LOLE), international human rights laws (IHRL), and various international standards and rules by members of the Hong Kong Police Force during the 2019 Protests. Most important, the scale and intensity of the abuses committed by the Hong Kong Police Force have been unprecedented in developed societies.
• 由於香港政府和中國政府持續拒絕對警暴問題進行獨立調查,加上本地的監察制衡機制已被認為缺乏能力進行和意願調查,國際調查將是唯一出路。
Due to the HKSAR government and the PRC government’s refusals to launch any independent inquiry to police brutality, as well as the inability of the local check and balance mechanism to launch any meaningful investigation, international inquiry will be the only way-out.
• 本報告建議國際機構盡快展開調查,包括聯合國安理會、聯合國人權理事會、國際刑事法院、聯合國人權事務高級專員辦事處等等,這些機構都具備啟動獨立調查之權力。此外,自由世界國家應參考美國之《香港人權與民主法案》和《全球馬格尼茨基人權問責法》,調查和制裁違反人權之香港警官;英國亦應根據該國《2001年國際刑事法院法案》之權力,調查香港警隊中的英國藉警官。
This report recommended that the case should be investigated by competent international bodies such as the United Nations Security Council, Human Rights Council (UNHRC), or the International Criminal Court (ICC), or the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), as they are all empowered to launch independent inquires. In particular, Free World countries should follow the example of the United States to pass legislations similar to the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act” and the “Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act” so as to impose sanctions on those police officers who have violated human rights; the United Kingdom should also make use of its “International Criminal Court Act 2001” to initiate an investigation on the Hong Kong Police Force personnel who were British nationals.
International inquiry, the only way-out!
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#PoliceBrutality #InternationalInquiry #hongkongprotest #hkpolice #popo #policestate #fightforfreedom #standwithhongkong #ProgressiveScholars
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