Is that one of those days where I just wish I could be on my own, doing things like this! Taking photos and feeling all cute 🤣!
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[紫砂茶壺]CLSA 變成一間大陸國企中信里昂,預咗啦下話,其實比預期中遲啦。好快名都改埋你
原文:How China’s Top Broker Tamed the ‘Insane Asylum’ of Hong Kong Finance(
1. 相當好嘅文,當然係要科水。話時話埃汾耐唔耐有啲gift subscription(完全合法,因為我係付費訂戶),耐唔耐都在Patreon抽獎。不過不定期,你當bonus好了。無論如何支持下埃汾個Patreon(一星期至少三篇港美市場評點,一個月一舊水唔使,開張一個月已500人訂!仲有兩篇免費試睇。
2. 廣告賣完,講返個來龍去脈。首先早排在Whatsapp講開CLSA某神級人物,原來過咗檔我都唔知(證明我已經離開呢個圈)。然後早兩日見到WSJ呢篇文,今日又見有港媒講,咁就three times a lady,一定要寫
3. 想講,CLSA(里昂)係一間好特別嘅公司!行內人,做股票應該知,但行外人未必知。我一時都醒唔起有乜其他行業可以相比。可能係AND1?定係NetFlix?卒之諗到,其實CLSA,即係以前英超溫布頓!癲佬兵團!
4. 全部比喻都不倫不類(其實可能AND1最似樣),但無非想表達,CLSA係一間真係有「企業文化」,與眾不同嘅公司。講大,佢唔係最大。賺錢?唔係最賺錢。人工?亦唔係最高。但,就係唔撚同。做過CLSA係真係型啲,特別係Research Analyst (我當然冇做過,見都冇得見,係咁上下水平。我最勁就只係去到見德意志銀行或者瑞信嗰啲級數)
5. 文章嘅題起得好好,Tamed,馴服佢。馴服咗呢間Insane Asylum,痴線佬集中營(定避難所)。咁畀人馴服咗嘅CLSA仲係咪CLSA?唔打茅波唔拎牌嘅溫布頓仲係咪溫布頓?就當然唔係嗰回事,但買嗰個其實未必介意,或者都控制唔到
6. 寫得真好,正如上面講,CLSA咪就係癲佬兵團。當然佢地未係溫布頓咁癲,但好多都係啲主流一線大行撈唔掂,或者唔想跟果套嘢嘅鬼才去落腳。咁你知啦,一線大行,梗係搵錢為先,扼殺創意,一定係咁。即係以前TVB咁,流水作業嘛。但亞視先有開心主流派。
7. CLSA,就真係CLS的。CLS固然係Credit Lyonnais Securities,但重點係A,Asia,呢間公司由第一日已經同其他行唔同。其實間公司係香港創立嘅!創始人係Jim Walker與同埋胡漢輝(原來我公司樓下間利昌金舖就係佢,失敬)。之後先到里昂入股。留意最初幾個高層都係SCMP記者,唔係金融出身,亦令到間公司由頭到尾就唔同
8. CLSA最出名,應該有幾樣嘢,幾樣嘢都同佢地與眾不同嘅文化有關
9. 首先,CLSA係一間以Research Analyst 出名嘅公司,十分少見。後來我去唔止一間公司,啲高層對Research不滿指手劃腳,都係會想「參考」CLSA,但當然學唔嚟啦。畀你抄到嘅就唔係真正企業文化
10. CSLA嘅Research,都係以比較出位見稱。但出位唔係嘩眾取寵,或者特別中。但總之就係有啲同人地唔同嘅嘢。例如佢地好早已經用漫畫做封面,甚至專門請一team人去畫。
11. 仲有咩出位嘢?例如佢地會去寫丁蟹效應(,真架,全英文,跟足普通報告嘅format 同flow.做嚟做乜?冇架,過癮咯!但換著第啲行,少不免就畀老細問:整嚟做乜?對生意有乜幫助?只係為你地啲友自己過癮?
12. CLSA仲有咩出名?當然係里昂風水指數。應該大家都略有所聞,啲分析員定阿頭仲要著晒風水衫出嚟講。有乜科學根據?冇架!只係過癮。但吸到注意。當然而家仲有估,不過好似冇咁多人留意,冇計,共產黨唔講風水
13. 仲有乜出名?應該係CLSA嘅投資日。間間行都搞,我都搞過,但人地搞得就係唔同。佢搵咩人嚟講?你以為搵格林斯潘之類(我在北京都聽過格老講,大陸行咪搵佢,佢亦樂於咁呃飯食)?錯,佢搵泰臣,搵碧咸,搵Rihanna 嚟講。夠唔夠型?(其實CLSA都搵過格林斯潘,仲搵過克林頓,可惜冇搵萊溫斯基)
14. 寫咗成千幾字,就講間公司點與眾不同。唔使最大唔使最賺錢但係要過癮要型要特別。引返原文嘅英文,It was probably the noisiest voice and the most colorful voice” in the region. The firm prided itself on being non-hierarchical and freethinking.
15. 文中亦都引返,舊CEO提過Insane Asylum,一線大行生存唔到嘅人,CLSA歡迎你。公司唔講階級,新職員一樣參加最高層會議。
16. 不過俱往矣,其實一路都有人質疑呢套文化生唔生存到落去,畢竟做大事三個條件,銀紙,銀紙,同埋銀紙。CLSA一路強項都係Research同Equity Trading,但好早已經畀人質疑係咪過時。咁加速呢套嘢玩完嘅,當然係大陸佬入股。
17. 時為2013年,中信證券買起里昂。而家都7年,差不多了。借來的時間,借來的地方。最近一兩年就加速「中信化」,「去里昂化」
18. 諗都諗到,CLSA呢套企業文化,同直屬國務院嘅中信,點融合?佢地啲友連華爾街主流大行都頂唔住,何況中信證券?再加上中國國進民退,中美關係又惡化(下刪一萬字)等等。所以都係嗰句,遲早要嚟,7年已經比預期內。
19. 正如文章所謂,而家嘅CLSA,就變到好似一間國企咁。咁但,佢真係一間國企嘛,咁先正常。
20. 一貫作風,買咗返嚟,開頭梗係唔郁住,相敬如賓。咁開頭都真係冇乜干預。但過去一兩年,啲鬼佬高層就陸續出走了,好多分析員亦走埋,大陸佬上場。係咁架啦
21. 亦可能因為咁,見到CLSA在行內投票啲排名都跌咗,乜乜AsiaMoney最佳Research之類,當然你亦可以話得啖笑,埃汾都玩過,明顯拎唔到獎就話得啖笑
22. 仲有,WSJ都冇提嘅,我講。咪話早排whatspp同朋友講起CLSA某神級人物?正係Chris Wood.唔識Chris Wood你都唔好話自己出嚟行。做analyst做到有Wikipedia page喎(。呢位外型似莫扎特嘅仁兄,在我入行前(即係,15年前),已經係神枱級人馬。佢份weekly newsletter Greed & Fear極出名。當年我直頭視佢為奮鬥對象。結果?咁個撚個打NBA都當佐敦高比或占士偶像啦,踢波個個都視C朗美斯為奮鬥對象啦,咁樓下個阿叔變咗C朗未?
23. 但原來Chris Wood都走埋,走咗成年幾我都唔知。都話我已經離開咗呢個圈(其實從來都冇入過,你踢澳門聯賽又話同C朗係同一個圈咩)
24. 但,講到尾,賺唔賺到錢先?似乎都係不錯,至少暫時係。某程度上多得中美交惡,唔少美國上市嘅中資返嚟香港上,甚至原本想去美國嘅都唔去,留在香港。投行過去一年呢啲上市費相當好搵。而在Asia ex Japan,2020上半年,投行收入最高嘅,就係中信證券。因為多中資公司上市。
25. 呢個當然亦有人講香港市場日漸中國化,但,一路都係架啦。得罪講句,以前又有幾國際?咪又係匯豐一隻?怡和都收埋皮啦,下話?咁以前都不過係英國化啫。但英殖年代當然係英國化,正如回歸後當然係中國化。唔同一堆日本定印度公司嚟香港上市咩。
26. 篇文最初講,「紫砂茶壺」,新一代應唔知係乜。就算知咩係紫砂茶壺,應都唔知紫砂茶壺as a metaphor.但我都係嗰句,一葉知秋,CLSA咪反映香港金融,金融咪反映成個社會。係咁架啦,借來的時間,借來嘅地方。天要下雨娘要嫁人。係架,金牌小龍抄咗都唔似鼎泰豐。但有乜所謂呢?反正鼎泰豐大陸仲賺錢過台灣。
27. 所以都係鐵律,買返嚟,點會唔拆你塊招牌?我地唔係講緊香港電台下話?商業機構,當然係邊個畀錢邊個話事。舊文[誰大,誰惡,誰正確](寫過,「最初係A,B,吞併咗就A+B,但記住分莊閒,最後就變成A自己。B個名掉落屎坑。例子太多。隨口講都講到,摩根士丹利添惠,摩根大通,瑞士信貸第一波士頓,瑞銀華寶,匯控獲多利,法國巴黎百富勤。當然仲有,星展唯高達,匯豐獲多利。」
28. 變味?咪變味咯。如果只係想賺錢嘅,咁入股幾個巴仙做財務投資得啦。但自己渣莊就係過癮嘛,所以點解明明創業死亡率極高,餐廳好多都執笠,但依然好多人仆到去做。因為過癮。咁但過癮,多數係有代價。所以我從來都唔信咩返工會開心,如果返工好開心,應該公司收你錢,唔係出糧畀你
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JOBBIE GOING BANKRUPT VERY SOON💸💸💸…(A gift at the end for you)
In the midst of all the incoming covid-19☢ chaos, many of you would be wondering how is a small Malaysian peanut butter🥜 brand like us doing. Frankly and thankfully we’re doing much better than a lot of other businesses. We have support from many many many kind Malaysians capable of loving like mother Theresa.👩❤👨🙏😇
Due to the lockdown, all of our suppliers have closed down. Suppliers for the raw peanuts, glass bottles, label stickers, boxes, you named it they closed it. We tried many options and wanted to collaborate and help out all the other desperate SME’s like us. Unfortunately, despair was the only thing we saw in their eyes 👀as some silently count the days to their demise…It made us think, ARE WE NEXT? 💔☠🙈
In all desperation we have come up with a solution, a last resort, the season finale. We will be running a pre-order only for all our peanut butter for the next 45 days 📆
That’s true and we perfectly understand by now if you wish to stop reading and leave, but if you have not…the reason is very simple. As greedy as a fat-well-suited-capitalistic-businessman🐖, we need sales aka money💰 more than ever before. Every dollar and every cent we will have to find a way to get it from anyone we can find. By doing a 45 days preorder it'll help us keep afloat and negotiate better ways to deliver and fulfilling orders faster before we "meet our maker"!
Madihah, Lucas, Hanz, Victor, Debbie, Joseph🧕🧔👱♂🤵🙋♀🙋♂
These 6 people are as human as you are. They…like you go to work every day, punch their cards, finish their jobs, go back home 🏠 to their families 👪, sleep 😴and repeat. You guessed it right, these are the people working in a small company called Jobbie. They; like you, have dreams and fears of their own, they pay their taxes and bills, like you they need money to survive (sorry for being so realistic and materialistic but that’s the brutal truth 😢).
We do not want to 🔥 any of our employees, we do not want to leave this beautiful home of ours called Jobbie. As selfish as it sounds we really need all the help YOU can provide… 🙏
“WELL WHAT’S IN IT FOR ME”? You might ask…💁♀
Sadly speaking were not a big corporation🏢 yet, we can’t give big promos, or raise funds like a IPO company and give you our company shares because it might not be worth anything much at the moment (we don’t even know if we’ll survive the next few weeks). What we can do is provide our most sincerest gratitude and make sure we produce the best high quality peanut butter to you once all these lockdown is over! (Also a small gift from us right at the end of this post) So if you’re up for it, read on!
No matter how many loansharks🦈 the founders have to seek, we’ll definitely return and refund your payment in cash 🤑(online bank transfer) if we can’t fulfill your orders within a maximum wait time of 45days from the time you placed your orders, we’ll refund everything. Your trust and satisfaction is our top priority🙇♂🙇♀, even if we have to lose everything we’ll never betray your faith and compassion for us! In 45 days time.
If you’re not wearing your sarong, eating your freshly ground 100% all-natural peanut butter and watching Netflix in a maximum of 45days, your money will be transferred back to your bank account safely!
If everything ends differently from what we have planned so far and we could not rise from this battle…🔫⚔💪
This year 2020 marks the 6th year since Jobbie was born, we started from 0 selling in a mall that organised weekly small bazaars, stationed in a small booth right in-front of a public toilet🚽 (because the rental for that location was the cheapest). With a humble beginning starting from a 600sf flat, to a 900sf condo, to a 2000sf shop lot.🍻🎉🎊
The point is we do not blame any MakCik Kiah, Doreamon or government bodies. We started this with eyes wide open🤓, understanding its great potential to serve all Malaysian 🇲🇾with the most healthy and delicious peanut butter, together with all the risk and danger that came along with it! If this beautiful dream ends in the next few weeks, the only thing we want to tell you is…
“It has been an amazing ride serving many wonderful people like you (That’s if you’re still listening to our grandpa story up till now) for the past 6 years, we are immensely thankful for each and every one of our customers whom had been with us, allowing us to grow and learn while we improve by making many many mistakes 😄.” Even if you have bought a single bottle from us, we want to say “THANK YOU"! 💞💓
After the MCO, if we survive this you’ll definitely see us using the money you supported us with and putting it back in the product to provide you with the best quality while keeping it as affordable as we can. It will be the best peanut butter ever! #MakePeanutButterGreatAgain
You won’t see any of us driving a big BMW 🚘or wearing a expensive AF Rolex ⌚watches anytime soon. Heck even now the 3 founders are driving a 20 year old proudly made in Malaysia Proton Waja 🐅and a car that makes all dream possible-Myvi ✈️🚀🚢!
Many of you have told us you noticed our peanut butter tastes more potent/rich, our glass jars are getting thicker/heavier, our packaging looks more cantik as the years passed by. It’s all only possible because we reinvested every dime 💰back to thinking ways to make your lives better.
5 years from now we’ll definitely redefine natural 🍃peanut butter together and make our healthy PB that you chose the preferred choice. And commercial peanut butter that are injected💉 full with artificial BS that are harmful will be something everyone should avoid. All these would be possible with the warm hands you have so kindly reached out to us during these cold and unforgiving times! It’s us versus the world and all its cruel odds now! 🇲🇾⚔️🌎
As promise here is the gift 🎁
Promo code : LASTJOBBIE
Discount : RM10 off store-wide (no minimum order)
Period : 7/4/2020- 30/6/2020
Website :
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