跑者的訓練量俗稱「跑量」,單位是「公里」,所以月跑量三百是指一個月總訓練距離300公里。在力量訓練圈的「訓練量」(Training Volume)常是「總反覆次數」 (Total Repetition)的同義詞;而「月總量」就是指一個月的總反覆次數,像我們會建議初跑者的月跑量最好不要超過100公里一樣,在做重訓時,有沒有一個區間可以讓大家參考呢?下面是《The System》的作者群建議:
從帳面上來看,750這個數字分配到一個月十二到十六次課表當中,看起來似乎很小,但我們這們所定的750這個數字比較像是「基本量」,而非下限,如果總反覆次數低於750下,就不會為運動員的成長帶來實質的影響。表 4.14 中的數值並不是意味著高水平或菁英運動員在四週內的總反覆次數永遠不會有低於1,000次情況發生,那只是維持成長的基本量。對運動員的恢復能力影響最大的是訓練量,因此這些範圍中比較需要注意的是上限的數值。若月總量超過上限值,恢復能力將快速到受到侵害,而且侵害的速度比任何其他因素都快。
The absolute floor of volume for a novice athlete is 750 total exercise repetitions per month, and the ceiling for the elite athlete is 1,600 total reps. During our time in the former Soviet Republics, we witnessed athletes performing even higher monthly training volumes. However, as we found later, that was often with the benefit of performance-enhancing substances that allowed for more rapid recovery.
In a single cycle, the total number of repetitions pertains to all exercises performed in the key movements. This means 750 total repetitions are spread between the different exercises among the range of training intensities we want to emphasize.
On the surface, these can seem like small numbers when we consider they may be spread out over 12 to 16 training sessions. That 750-rep total is really more like the basement rather than the floor of total volume—any less than 750 will not budge the needle on gains. That does not mean advanced or elite-level athletes will not have cycles that dip below 1,000 reps. These ranges should be more prescriptive of the ceiling of higher volumes to avoid exceeding. Pushing monthly volume beyond these ranges erodes recovery more rapidly than any other factor.
An elite-level athlete can use a month with a total volume of under 1,000 reps, as will often be the case when returning to training. However, a novice athlete can rarely exceed the 1,000-rep ceiling without risking an injury or a significant overtraining effect.
Many coaches worry their athletes will not do enough work to promote gains in strength and power. They do not want to “waste” a month by aiming too low on total volume and leaving some gains in the tank. That is a natural feeling when adopting this method, and each of us went through the same mental struggle.
Strength coaches in America are not hard-wired to accept less than maximum. However, trust us when we say that without fail, these ranges have proven to be the most effective in generating progress with almost no risk of overtraining.
Fine-tuning where your athletes fall in a volume range takes skill, experience, and consideration of their medical and training history, biological and training age, and gender.
The bloody trail of our mistakes can save you a lot of added stress: When in doubt, it is always better to err on the side of less volume than too much.
The total volume number does not include accessory work or exercises of “local effect.” Those exercises are more targeted muscle strengthening or exercises to support the main movements.
We are mainly concerned about the most physically taxing exercises that demand more of an athlete’s attention to technique—hence, the volume restrictions.
Although the accessory work is not included in the volume calculations, you still cannot go wild, adding as much as you want. Always remember this: efficiency first.
同時也有10部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過360的網紅大和きり,也在其Youtube影片中提到,もう涙に意味なんかないんだよ。 (English version is below.) 初めまして。大和きりです。 TVアニメ 『約束のネバーランド』season2OP 秋山黄色様のアイデンティティをカバーさせていただきました。 アニメ終わってしまったね…(T_T)寂しい 皆が幸せになる終わり...
「mainly 意味」的推薦目錄:
- 關於mainly 意味 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於mainly 意味 在 PrideLab Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於mainly 意味 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於mainly 意味 在 大和きり Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於mainly 意味 在 Suzukawa Ayako ch Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於mainly 意味 在 Youji Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於mainly 意味 在 Today we celebrate the day of Vishwakarma Puja. The festival ... 的評價
- 關於mainly 意味 在 埃及人憂「夏天已非夏天」氣候正義恐在富國角力中犧牲 的評價
- 關於mainly 意味 在 javascript - Crbug/1173575, non-JS module files deprecated ... 的評價
- 關於mainly 意味 在 Mv3d github 的評價
mainly 意味 在 PrideLab Facebook 的最佳貼文
作為今年無參與嘅組織 .. 睇住個map
覺得社區攤位今年嘅位置好好多 起碼係入場必經之路呀
而且所有攤位都係背光呀 #知唔知嗰個圓形廣場幾x曬呀
Busking 應該無上年個 DJ 轟機咁嘈
之前嗰兩年係睇住個map 又無指示 想搵都要頂住陽光搵路
進步係自己同自己比較嘅 . 肯聽肯改都算有心搞呀
又老老實實 商業贊助真金白銀贊助
無佢哋派咁多野 呢個活動又無咁多人去啦
方便參觀嘅人一網睇晒唔會漏之餘 ..
有人話想私下補矱點知就出現公開信 公平咩
又實在公開信好呀 .. 籌委成員咁多人 ..
人地封信都寫咗路線唔同嘛 .. 本身唔熟 有意見同邊個講呢
你當意見書 自己內部檢討咪得 諗返有咩可以溝通返 改善返
主持都衝埋出來回應又話唔代表pinkdot #點解留言唔見咗
有時 #更小眾的小眾 呢個字真係好似刀刃
小眾就小眾 仲要分邊d更唔更需要被聽見 呢d係平等咩?!
而移工同志聲音 先後喺 HKPride 同 PinkdotHK 被指被滅聲
無辦法啦 香港勝在有 #左膠 .. 堅欣賞佢哋嘅堅持同埋寫長文能力
老實講 基於語言障礙 我哋呢種講廣東話嘅組織係少同移工接觸
但PinkDot同一眾企業明明好英文 應該好多機會可以再協作吧
到底由依家到下年PinkDotHK (如果有)
跪求左膠跟進報導 😂
當初想做都無問香港人以及香港同志要唔要 PinkDot
做一件事唔係為人認同而做嘅 係自己想要先開始做
有意見嘅 聽到覺得合理 能力所及咪改善求進步
呢句hashtag唔係我講咖 我睇訪問係PinkDotHK籌委講嘅
#加油喔 #火上加油 #搞組織定搞運動最緊要係keep住團火呀 #燃燒吧
ps. 每年PinkDotHK 睇相就覺得 #高溫燒滾了我一切 #好熱血
(10月26日補:這兩天我分別再跟相關的移工、pink dot朋友討論了事件,稍後將作出進一步的補充。但有件事必須先說的,由朋友口中了解到,有pink dot一方的人受到了猛烈的攻擊,尤其主持受到很多私下的攻擊,甚至影響到其朋友及家人。無論如何,這封信是為了引起公共的討論,pink dot與我聯絡的朋友也在很努力很努力地跟進處理,整件事的發生都是由日積月累的社會結構性問題引起,也由於問題之深遠普遍,行文帶有強烈的情緒,這些情緒引起了意料之外的反應,是我做得不好的地方。在此,請求大家停止一切針對個人的攻擊。)
致Pink Dot籌委的公開信
前天Pink Dot發生了一件令人非常失望的事。我認為籌委方要為此道歉及檢討,也有些問題是同志運動裡值得討論的,因此決定要寫一封公開信。(以下的內容僅代表我個人,完全不打算代表裡面提及的團體及個人的意見。)
事情是這樣發生的。當天下午三點半左右,三位來自Gabriela HK的菲律賓移民家務工上台,那是一個菲律賓草根女性組織的香港分部,也是移工驕傲遊行(Migrant's Pride)的籌辦團體之一。發言的移工說著說著,她身旁的主持就忽然插入一個問題,問她怎樣用他加祿語說今日大會的主題。我猜想,大概那位移工理解了另一個意思,因此說了一句稍長的句子。發問的主持驚訝地問你肯定嗎,然後另一邊的主持則笑著以「我不會嘗試說這句了,但謝謝Annabell。也讓我們在11月18日支持他們的移工驕傲遊行」來打完場。
為什麼主持覺得可以這樣中斷人家的發言?我也知道活動已經超了時,可是發言的移工也是花了自己的寶貴時間、延遲了去開會的時間在等候啊。每個星期日移工組織者們都是那麼忙,不光要處理自己的私事,還有一個一個會議接續著要開,很多人連放假休閑的時間都沒有,但她還是抽時間來了。到底主持憑什麼這樣去輕視人家?如果讓她說完,可能也只是花多半分鐘或者最多一分鐘的時間,總共也就只是兩分鐘到兩分半鐘,難道Pink Dot的時間是時間,移工的時間就不是時間?
對於主辦方的失誤,Annabell沒怎麼抱怨。對著我說起發言還未完時,她是笑著的。大概是有點遺憾,又有點為著未提到我們這些本地支持者而過意不去。起初我想,既然她沒說什麼,就由他去吧。可是,想到移工的努力,與旁人的輕視踐踏,是那麼不成比例,再想起在Pink Dot見到的種種,憤怒就禁不住燃起。
因為感覺路線有所不同,此前我沒去過Pink Dot,但是,也從來沒公開說過Pink Dot什麼壞話。我想,如果有人覺得這方法可行,那他就去試吧,反正大家各有各做也沒什麼問題,沒必要也沒可能要求所有人走同一條路。昨天,見到有些相熟的民間團體去擺攤,大家都有種互相理解,便笑著打打招呼。
(當日的地圖 http://pinkdot.hk/map/)
我很想知道,Pink Dot的主辦方是怎樣看待這些民間團體的呢?請了人家來,就應該好好對待啊,難道Pink Dot只是把團體當作多元的裝飾嗎?難道邀請移工來就只是想有多點顏色嗎?
籌辦Pink Dot的有不少是同志運動的參與者,很多人是義務參與,勞心勞力,即使再憤怒,我也還是想去相信,這些安排失當不一定有惡意。只是,誰有多少發言時間、誰有多少空間,就是在告訴人們,什麼是值得重視而什麼不是。即使沒有惡意,也確實會造成影響。想起移工發言被中斷那刻的錯愕、當主持人打完場時她再拿起發言稿看那些未說完的話卻又不得不放下,想起民間團體被擠在那狹窄的過道、人們掂行掂過,我真的很想問,到底Pink Dot是為了什麼而辦?
Annabell: Good day everyone. I am Annabell of Gabriela Hong Kong, the alliance of filipino women migrant in Hong Kong. Our advocacy is to fight for the right and welfare for migrant workers. For the past 3 years, Gabriela was the co-organizer of Migrant Pride.
Migrant’s Pride launch its first pride march at November 2015 to promote the right and welfare of lgbt migrants and the community, a call to stop violence against women as migrants are composed mainly of lesbian, equality and fight against homophobia and discriminations. This was participated by almost 300 hundred members of the lesbian migrant groups and organizations, local hong kong supporters, students and advocates.There are 3 main organizations that is headed the event, the Gabriela Hong Kong, the Filguys-Gabriela and the Filipino Lesbians Organization (FILO).
In 2016, Migrant’s Pride theme with rise for pride, rist for justice, to end homophobia and discrimination. Our mobilization total almost 700 hundred. And the Asian Migrant Coordinating Body took part on leading this event ensuring national(ity) participation......
(大家好,我是Annabell,來自Gabriela Hong Kong,一個在港的菲律賓女性移民聯盟。我們的倡議是爭取移民工的權利和福利。過去3年, Gabriela都是移工同志驕傲遊行的合辦者。
移工同志驕傲遊行第一次是在2015年舉行,目標是促進同志移工與及整個社群的權利和福利,呼籲停止對女性的暴力(很多移工都是女同志)、平等、與及對抗恐同和歧視。那次有近300個同志移工、組織、本地支持者、學生和倡議者。活動主要由三個組織籌備,Gabriela Hong Kong、 Filguys-Gabriela 和Filipino Lesbians Organization (FILO)。
mc1: Annabell, a quick question. How to say our slogan this year "it's love" in tagalog?
Annabell:說了一句我也不懂得打的他加祿語 (大概是誤解了主持想她說our slogan this year is love的他加祿語)
mc2: I’m not going to try to say that, but thank you annabell. And let’s support them on the 18th november for their migrant pride.
Annabell: (廣東話)唔該晒!
mainly 意味 在 翻譯這檔事 Facebook 的最讚貼文
剛剛在批踢踢英文板看到有人問([1]):原來英文中,一國的總統可以稱另一國總統為「his/her 國名形容詞 president」?真有這個用法?並指出有兩個媒體這麼寫:
1. (某新聞網站的圖片說明 [2]) Cuba's President Raul Castro, left, stands with his U.S. President Barack Obama.
2. (美國之聲VOA學英文網站的文字稿 [3]) Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou told his Chinese president Xi Jinping that he was worried about China’s missiles deployed across the Taiwan Strait.
但我認爲這英文的說法是不恰當的、是錯誤的,適當的說法應該是: his U.S. counterpart、his Chinese counterpart 才對,差了一字,含義大變。改成 counterpart 就讓雙方變成對等關係,這也才是外界對國家領袖的認知:關係對等。
馬英九的例子,則找到答案:各位聽一聽同一網頁中語音檔的唸稿,記者「巧妙地」把 his Chinese president Xi 唸成 Chinese president Xi,沒有不該有的 his,這表示該記者發覺文字稿有誤;或者也可能,記者本來製播時就是唸 Chinese president Xi,卻被哪個聽寫人誤寫還是惡搞,加上足以引起爭端的 his?這區區一個小字,錯得可真要命唷!
Leaders from Taiwan and China met Saturday for the first time since the end of the civil war in China, more than 65 years ago.
The meeting was an effort to create goodwill between the two sides. In the past seven years, ties between the sides have increased. However, some Taiwanese say those ties have not resulted in economic gains or greater security.
China claimed sovereignty over self-ruled Taiwan when it formed the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Relations were icy until 2008. The two sides agreed to link the two economies.
Today in Taiwan, people are unclear about the benefits of the relationship. The island’s economy shrank in the third quarter of this year.
Many Taiwanese wanted progress from the meeting. Liu Yi-jiun is a public affairs professor at Fo Guang University in Taiwan. He said there were high expectations because these two leaders had never met. He said, after two years of planning, political and economic concessions were promised but none were seen.
Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou told his Chinese president Xi Jinping that he was worried about China’s missiles deployed across the Taiwan Strait. <== 這句話無故多了個「his」
He also said people in Taiwan were frustrated that China was blocking Taiwan’s foreign relations. China has 170 allies compared with 22 for Taiwan. This difference lets China keep Taiwan from developing its diplomacy further.
In response to Taiwan’s concerns about missiles, Xi Jinping said Saturday China’s missiles were not aimed at Taiwan.
However, economic concerns remain. Taiwan has signed free-trade agreements with Singapore and New Zealand. Both countries have relations with the two sides. But China has blocked Taiwan from joining the United Nations or other international organizations.
Taiwanese officials say deals with China have created 9,600 jobs among a population of 23 million. Agreements that opened tourism brought a total 2.8 million mainland Chinese to the island last year. That is up from almost no tourism in 2007.
Trade deals also have helped increase total imports and exports to $130 billion last year.
China remains Taiwan’s largest trading partner. And it is the top receiver of Taiwanese foreign investment.
Some people complain the benefits of 23 deals with mainland China covering trade and other areas are reaching mainly the owners of big companies.
In Taiwan’s capital markets, investment from China amounts to only a fraction of the island government’s quota, or the amount permitted.
Tseng Ming-chung is Chairman of the Financial Supervisory Commission in Taiwan. He said Friday that the Taiwanese government has approved almost every application for investment from China.
He says the amount of money is extremely small. He adds that the Taiwanese government is not refusing applications. Tseng says mainland Chinese institutions cannot freely set up qualified domestic institutional investors.
China insists on eventual unification with Taiwan. However, public opinion polls show most Taiwanese oppose that goal.
Nathan Liu says the future of relations between the sides is unclear.
“…They think that at least by the end of Ma’s term the two sides should at least reach some kind of agreement,” he said. He noted that, an understanding that the sides are going toward common goals is needed, although it may not be a signed agreement. “This is not complete yet,” he said.
President Ma Ying-jeou has supported closer ties with mainland China. But he and his KMT party have lost support. He must step down next year because of term limits.
A backlash against economic deals with China started mass street protests in March 2014. That anger has given the island’s top opposition party candidate a lead in opinion polls ahead of the January presidential election. Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party has been highly critical of President Ma’s dealings with China.
Experts say the Saturday leadership summit appears not to have done enough to change voter opinion.
I’m Mario Ritter.
Ralph Jennings reported this story from Taipei. Mario Ritter adapted it for Learning English. Kathleen Struck was the editor.
mainly 意味 在 大和きり Youtube 的最讚貼文
(English version is below.)
TVアニメ 『約束のネバーランド』season2OP
Official Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kiri_mri_/?...
Official Twitter : https://twitter.com/kiri_mri_
Thank you for watching.
I'm a Japanese Singer-songwriter.
This channel mainly posts covers of anime songs&Vocaloid songs.
Please subscribe to my channel!
『The Promised Neverland』 Season2 Opening Theme
Identity/Kiiro Akiyama
covered by Kiri Yamato
■アイデンティティ - 秋山黄色
(「約束のネバーランド 」Season2 オープニングテーマ)
■TVアニメ 約束のネバーランド season2 ノンクレジットOP
#約束のネバーランド #秋山黄色 #アイデンティティ

mainly 意味 在 Suzukawa Ayako ch Youtube 的最佳解答
The content of the video was partially modified. I'm sorry if you leave a comment on the previous video! I am very happy with the comments from each country. We will continue to deliver fun videos to everyone!
Thanks to people from other countries too!
Thank you for watching my video!
I used a translator, but I'm sorry for the wrong grammar and pronunciation.
It seems that YouTube can not be viewed due to viewing restrictions in China and some countries
I think that the meaning of the "bye-bye" hand sign differs in different countries, but it is based on Japanese standards.
Νομίζω ότι η έννοια του σήματος "bye-bye" διαφέρει στις διάφορες χώρες, αλλά βασίζεται στα ιαπωνικά πρότυπα.
میں سمجھتا ہوں کہ "بائی بائی" ہاتھ کے نشان کے معنی مختلف ممالک میں مختلف ہیں ، لیکن یہ جاپانی معیار پر مبنی ہے۔
من فکر می کنم که معنی علامت دست "خداحافظ" در کشورهای مختلف متفاوت است ، اما بر اساس استانداردهای ژاپنی است.
私の本 第1作「鉄分多め。」
I'm Suzukawa Ayako.
I'm from Chiba prefecture in Japan.
I am giving various videos with my interests, videos with my son, mainly on railway related.
In July 2014 a boy, the first child, Hitachi was born.
In December 2017 a boy, a second child,Tokiwa was born.
It is loose feeling, but thank you.
My published book, “A Little More Iron.”
second book,"Tokyo railway
Ayako Suzukawa’s Game Playthrough:
Ayako Suzukawa’s Twitter:https://twitter.com/kinokostar_suzu
Ayako Suzukawa’s Instagram:http://instagram.com/suzukawaayako このチャンネルは鈴川の家族ビデオブログです。

mainly 意味 在 Youji Youtube 的最佳解答
勝者敗者いずれにしたってダメ ウサギはバカで油断しちゃっただけ
ある意味カメはさらにそれ以下 敵のミス待ちってそれでいいのか?
I'll do the both team. I picked hare for American and tortoise for Japanese copy. We'll take turns like the same as league or salmon, if we have many players who want to join.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ 日本語 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
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# レギュラーマッチについて
* サーバーを日本に変えるため、リスナーさんに先に潜るようにご協力をおねがいしています。
* 合流・抜けは完全に自由です!
# リーグマッチ(サーモンラン)について
* サーバーを日本に変えるため、メンバーが揃ったらぼくは同じ部屋に入り直すことがあります。揃っている方々はそのまま残っていてください。
* 参加希望人数が多い場合は2戦したら一度抜けてください。
* サーモンランはたつじんの方限定でお願いします。
* 参加者が4人以上の場合、連戦ではない3人が揃わなければ早いもの勝ちで連続で再度入室できますが、その場合はこちらの合図をお待ち下さい。
* 一度退室した方は今のメンバーが交代する時に早いもの勝ちで入室できます!
# レーティングプライベートマッチとは?
* この配信専用のレーティングツールを使い、プラベのチーム分けやステージ選択などを速やかに行うシステムです。
* レートは通常非公開です。基本は両チームの平均レートが近くなるようにメンバーが振り分けられます。
* アサリ以外の全ルールで遊びます(例外あり)。まれにナワバリもやりますが、レートは他ルールとは別です。
* 参加条件としてのウデマエは不問ですが、ガチマッチのルールはしっかり把握しておくことを強く推奨します。初心者で敢えてこのプラベに参加する方は強靭なメンタルのご用意をお願いします。
* 参加者希望者が11人以上いる時は、試合終了後にぼくが指名した方が抜けて下さい。抜けてる間に部屋の外で待機している方は入って下さい。抜けた方たちはまたすぐに入り直して下さい。
* 回線が落ちたプレイヤーが居た場合、無効試合にするかはその場で判断します。もし無効試合になったらすぐ次の試合に移れるようにご協力をお願いします。
* やめたい時は最後に行う試合が始まるよりも前に一言下さると助かります。急に抜けなきゃいけない場合でも一言は下さい。
* 武器編成はできるだけ偏らないようにして下さい。似た武器を使いたくても自分から譲るくらいのお気持ちで!
* レートはプラベが終わったらその時のメンバーの分を公開します。知りたい方は一言下さい。
* レートは毎月1日にリセットされます。悪しからず。
~~~~~~~~~~~~ English ~~~~~~~~~~~~
{ Greeting }
My name is Youji. I'm full Japanese who living in U.S. Nice to meet you. I use a chargers at most of the time.
[My Friend Code] SW-3516-9899-0870
[Password] 0547
* If you sent a friend request, you MUST to tell me your name on Switch!
* I need to organize my friends sometimes, but you may resend it when you play next time.
{ Rules }
These actions will be warned. If you ignore, then you might be banned. Depend on the case, there might be no warning.
* Taunting / Squidbagging
* Dirty language / Disrespect others
* Leaving league or private without saying anything
* AFK while playing the game / Disconnect on purpose
* Posting the same or similar message over and over
* Advertising
* Any other inappropriate talks
{ About Stream }
I play Regular, League or Rating Private mainly. I play Salmon occasionally.
# About Regular Battle
* You may join anytime and much as you want! It’s totally your choice!
# About League Battle (Salmon Run)
* I start with pair, then team. It's first come first serve.
* Please leave once after 2 battles.
* Salmon Run is for Profreshional players only.
* If there are less than 3 players who can play after you, then you may join again. Yet please wait until my announcement.
* Even you leave, you may come back after the next turn.
# What is Rating Private Battle?
* It’s a PB with rating tool that helps to making team and selecting maps.
* The rates are not shown usually, but it is working at behind the scene.
* We’ll play all rules besides Clam Blitz (with exception.) We play Turf War sometimes, but I use a different set of the rates.
* There is no conditions of your ranks, however I STRONGLY recommend you to understand each rules of ranked battle. As is if you want to join and you're a beginner.
* If there are 11 players or more who wanted to play, I'll let know who needs to leave. Meanwhile, players who waiting at outside may come in. Players who left from the room might come back in ASAP.
* If someone disconnect, I’ll decide on the spot is it no contest. If so, please cooperate to move on to the next game ASAP.
* It’s helpful if you let me know you want to leave before the last game you want to play. Even you on rush, please say something.
* If you want to use a similar weapon as your teammate, please let that person to use it.
* The rates will be show after the Private Battles, if you want to know.
* The rates will be reset 1st of the month.
Let’s enjoy together!
Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/youjiman

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