Alhamdulillah, with the first round of #KamiKitaCare:COVID-19 campaign reached its target, we are now launching another round of #KamiKitaCare:COVID-19 campaign with a new target. Your contribution in the first round of the campaign has helped 16 families and more than 30 families is waiting to be verified and helped. Jazakumullahu khayran katheera everyone!
This round we aim to raise RM50,000 for another 50 families and more, in shaa Allah. The collection will help to help pay their rents, utility bills and buy essential groceries as an immediate help. We aim to not only provide one-off and temporary aid for the families but also assists in reaching out to the respective welfare centers around them for a long term assistance. in shaa Allah
You can be a part of this campaign with every bit that you have. If you can, please give generously and help us reach our target to support the families during these tough times. Check out the link in Bio to contribute.
Don't forget to share this campaign with your friends too and together we take care of each other! Jazakumullahu khayran katheera
Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah, pusingan pertama kempen #KamiKitaCare: COVID-19 telah mencapai sasarannya, kami kini melancarkan pusingan kedua kempen #KamiKitaCare: COVID-19 dengan sasaran baru. Sumbangan anda dalam pusingan pertama kempen telah membantu 16 keluarga dan lebih daripada 30 keluarga kini menunggu untuk disahkan dan dibantu, in shaa Allah. Jazakumullahu khayran katheera para penyumbang sekalian!
Sasaran kempen kali ini adalah untuk mengumpul sebanyak RM50,000 dan membantu lebih dari 50 keluarga lagi membayar sewa, bil utiliti dan membeli barang keperluan asas sebagai bantuan segera. Di samping bantuan secara one-off dan sementara bagi keluarga yang terlibat, kami juga berhasrat untuk membantu mereka berhubung dengan badan kebajikan terdekat untuk bantuan jangka panjang. in shaa Allah
Anda boleh menjadi sebahagian daripada kempen ini dengan membuat sumbangan dan menyebarkan kempen ini di media sosial. Klik link di Bio untuk menyumbang.
Reposted from @officialmizznina #Repost @minqalbyfoundation
kamikitacare 在 Noh Salleh Facebook 的最佳貼文
Bismillah! Proceeds go back to #KamiKitaCare for our Malaysians in need 🤲 #Repost @bymizznina
Assalamualaikum & a very blessed month of Zulhijjah to all,
Our best-selling Travel Sejadah is back!
Introducing our latest Easy-carry Sejadah Collection - Aswad Wa Abyad 2.0 in the shade 💙Deep Sea💙 released exclusively for this year's Raya Haji 🕌
Our sejadah are:
➡️ Made from high-quality water-resistant material
➡️ Super easy to fold
➡️ And cleaning is a breeze!
➡️ RM69.90
For every purchase, part of the proceeds will go to the #KamiKitaCare campaign, a collaboration with Persatuan Kembara Insani to help those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic by settling their rents, utility bills & groceries 🙏🏻
Target: RM 25,000.00
Beneficiary: 50 families
Get yours now & help at the same time 💛
Jazakumullah Khairan Katsiran 🤲🏻
#ModestDemeanor #MDByMizzNina #KamiKitaCare
Reposted from @officialmizznina