你知道The Maccabeats人聲樂團嗎?2010年,這個無伴奏人聲樂團改編英國饒舌歌手泰歐克魯茲〈炸藥〉一曲的歌詞,用來訴說猶太光明節的故事,因此在Youtube上爆紅。他們以傳統猶太教為靈感,改編了小賈斯汀的作品、音樂劇《漢彌爾敦》裡面的歌曲。一起來聽聽看他們的版本吧: https://goo.gl/JTRVmp #JewishAmericanHeritageMonth
Have you heard of the Maccabeats? In 2010, the a capella group went viral on Youtube when they adapted the lyrics of the song “Dynamite” by English rapper Taio Cruz to tell the story of Hanukkah. Inspired by traditional Judaism, you won't want to miss their songs covering music from Justin Bieber, Hamilton the musical, and more. Have a listen: https://goo.gl/JTRVmp #JewishAmericanHeritageMonth