現代服裝源於歐洲,今天 #艾薩克Isaac 介紹男裝搭配架構中「服裝正式休閒比重」的「正式」,簡單藉由現代服裝源由,輕鬆掌握基本 #正裝服裝原則!
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What to wear to a formal event? Why Japanese have a rich culture of modern wear?
Following our first video: The Menswear Framework, today we'd share with you " Formal " of "Proportions of Formal to Casual". Today you will learn how to dress formal wear right!
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本集重點Points of the Video:
00:17 正式服裝是怎麼來的呢?History of Formal Wear
01:35 正式服裝 Formal Wear
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