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➡️ 涉嫌非法運送彈藥 陸扣留FedEx機師
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fedex stock 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文
P.S. 這篇文章會有點hardcore(硬).....大家周末無聊的話看看就好😅. 也歡迎熟悉這些個股的讀者來討論交流(這是我的土法煉鋼抓重點法, 未必正確.......也只是拋磚, 希望能引玉☺️).
做個股分析, 重要的就是抓到重點&題材, 這應該也是分析師會做的事情. 以下我用兩個例子, 來說明最近抓到的重點(希望也沒錯).
Case study 1: Zscaler(ZS)
這家是目前火紅的雲端資安股. 資安不是我的強項, 但我最近也開始做了點研究. 這家我一直不知道投資的重點除了"雲端"之外, 營收嚇嚇叫外, 還有甚麼強項? 每次看資訊也都有隔靴搔癢的感覺(如: 它很好, 但是它的好是強在哪裡? 它跟其他公司有何不同? 不同處真的是不同嗎?)(恩, 我的問題一向很多😅) 直到我看到了這一段, 突然讓我有"That's it!"的感覺:
Zscaler builds walls around data, not applications. The San Jose company makes cloud-based, next-generation firewalls.
The idea turns traditional network security on its head. Most enterprise security solutions have been built around a security appliance, where threats are pushed to siloed servers. Unfortunately, that model is hopelessly broken.
Plus, appliances are expensive and do not scale well. The only way to add more capacity is to buy more appliances. Unfortunately, that increases bottlenecks and latency; the anathema of the hybrid and cloud-based infrastructure that dominates modern enterprise computing.
More important, appliances have not stopped hackers.
Zscaler claims to operate the world's largest Security-as-a-Service stack, processing 35 billion requests, with 125,000 unique security updates every day. And its cloud architecture means every client, from powerful workstations and laptops, to smartphones and tiny Internet of Things devices, get the same level of security.
When Zscaler finds a threat anywhere, it blocks it everywhere. In the process, customers get better performance and lower costs than security appliances.
(出處: https://www.thestreet.com/investing/stocks/cybersecurity-provider-zscaler-right-product-at-right-time-15035014)
其實年報中也有提到上面的一些資訊, 不過沒那麼明顯.
這樣一看, 不是就很清楚ZS的特色與優勢是甚麼了嗎?
Case study 1: Atlassian(TEAM)
另外一個case study是Atlassian(TEAM)(這家我之前有稍微提過). 應該是所有軟體公司, 都會僱用業務人員來推銷產品. 但是我在找資料時, 發現TEAM靠的是口碑與線上行銷, 並沒有雇用任何業務人員. 而這也讓他們能夠把行銷費用省下, 專注在研發上(TEAM的研發佔營收比, 是所以Saas公司中算高的).
這個亮點一開始無法得到驗證, 沒想到後來看到Morningstar竟然認為這點是形成護城河的原因之一: "Distinct Sales Approach and Strong Products Drive Narrow Moat for Atlassian."
1. 有時候從公司的結構, 策略, 去找公司的獨特處, 這樣有時候會更能找到insight(有興趣者可以去研究FedEx成功的秘密). 要不然所有的資安公司對我來說都一樣(=防毒), 而我不知道投資重點到底在哪裡.
2. 其實創新的公司, 可能就是要去找它跟原本(傳統)產業有何不同. 畢竟那可能是它們致勝的關鍵.
3. 如果注意到公司有跟產業其他公司有不同處, 雷達就要起來了. 這也是專注在一些產業的好處--能夠去看到這種細微的差異. 久了也能夠增加持股的信心.
4. 對任何資訊永遠保持懷疑的態度. 不要只滿足於表面的資訊.
Anyways. 希望這兩個case study能讓大家知道我做個股分析時, 是怎麼找重點的.
fedex stock 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
There have been some high-profile warnings, such as Apple, Constellation, FedEx and Lennar.
Analysts expect that most of the bad news is out on earnings, but if the results and comments are worse than expected, the market could easily retest its lows. On the other hand, if earnings are better than expected, they could act as a positive force to help fend off further declines, strategists said. (分析師認為大部分的財報壞消息都已經priced in了, 但是如果財報結果比預期還低, 那大盤可能會再測之前的低點)
For the fourth quarter, which for many companies ends in December, 72 S&P 500 companies have issued earnings warnings, twice as many as have issued positive guidance, according to FactSet. Earnings growth rates have been revised lower by companies in all 11 S&P sectors.
fedex stock 在 FedEx is probably the most gamed stock in the market 的推薦與評價
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