來自歐洲議會 #5大主流黨團、 #20個會員國 共 #62位重量級歐洲議會議員 公開聯名致函,這封信對象是立陶宛總統、總理及國會議長,同時副本歐盟高層,針對中國近來的威脅、恐嚇與霸凌(太離譜了 真的太離譜了),展現與立陶宛團結一致的支持,並強調台灣在國際社會中扮演至關重要的角色,所有歐洲聯盟會員國均有權利與台灣深化經濟、文化與外交關係。
此外,歐洲議會副議長 #卡斯塔多 也表示支持立陶宛與台灣深化關係的決定,他也是歐洲議會最近通過挺台報告的一大推手呦~~
卡斯塔多在臉書表示,針對歐盟強化對台關係, #歐洲是時候該大力支持了 ,他最近接受義大利媒體「宣言報」訪問表示,台灣與歐盟共享多元 #民主 #自由 及 #尊重法治 精神,而違反人權及具侵略性的外交政策,歐盟都不能坐視不管保持沉默。
62 cross-party MEPs signed an open letter to #Lithuania’s President Gitanas Nausėda, Speaker of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen and Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė expressing their support for the people of Lithuania amid the threats, intimidation and bullying behaviour they’ve suffered at the hands of the PRC.
The letter, which was also forwarded to the leadership of the #EuropeanUnion, condemned the pattern of using “de-facto trade sanctions” against countries in an attempt to coerce them into geopolitical acquiescence. The letter called for the EU to reiterate the right of all its member states to conduct their economic, cultural and diplomatic relations with #Taiwan as they see fit, adding that Taiwan has a vital role to play in the international community.
This comes as European Parliament Vice President Fabio Massimo Castaldo took to Facebook to say it was time for Europe to strongly support bolstering relations with Taiwan, following an interview with Italian daily il manifesto in which he condemned human rights abuses in China and emphasized Taiwan as an important partner in the Indo-Pacific region.
Taiwan strives to be a force for stability and good in the international community and we’ll continue to safeguard our values of #democracy, #freedom and respect for #HumanRights and #RuleOfLaw, shoulder to shoulder with our #LikeMinded partners in Lithuania and the #EU.
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europeanunion 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文
中國對立陶宛的脅迫不僅 #明確違反國際外交準則,更是對立陶宛主權明目張膽的攻擊。立陶宛所面臨的難民潮及來自中、俄等國的假訊息等複合式威脅,#正是威權政權打擊民主國家的縮影。
這封由 #歐洲福爾摩沙俱樂部 (包含歐洲26國、歐洲議會及加拿大) 共同主席及核心國會議員所寫的信件,#強力聲援立陶宛與台灣發展關係,同時 #籲請歐盟積極力挺,並 #請北約就立陶宛遭受來自中國及俄羅斯的複合式威脅表達聲援與支持。
MOFA would like to thank the co-chairs and members of the #FormosaClub in the #EuropeanParliament and national parliaments for their joint letter to the leadership of the #EuropeanUnion and #NATO expressing their solidarity with Lithuania, in light of the campaign of political and economic pressure targeting the country over its decision to allow the establishment of a Taiwanese Representative Office there.
The letter highlighted the PRC’s recall of its Ambassador to Lithuania and its demand that the country’s ambassador to Beijing also be recalled, along with what it referred to as “blatant economic coercion.” This includes an announcement halting all direct freight trains to #Vilnius, and a bar on exports of key raw materials to the country. The letter also noted attempts in Chinese state media to rally Russia and Belarus to “punish” Lithuania.
The co-chairs expressed their support for Lithuania’s right, as a sovereign nation, to develop economic and cultural ties with Taiwan and called China’s retaliatory actions “a flagrant violation of international diplomatic norms” and a “brazen attack on Lithuania’s sovereignty,” adding that Taiwan is a #LikeMindedPartner of the EU and a global leader in public health.
Michael Gahler Klaus-Peter Willsch #LordRogan Bob Stewart Georges Dallemagne Samuel Cogolati Julien Uyttendaele Marek Benda Michael Aastrup Jensen Jüri Jaanson Mikko Kärnä John McGuinness TD Lucio Malan Matas Maldeikis #JānisVucāns Waldemar Andzel Poseł na Sejm RP Paulo Rios Peter Osuský Boriana Åberg Eloy Suárez Lamata Andrey Kovatchev #StefanSchennach Gerald Loacker Ralph Schallmeiner Fiona Fiedler Senator Michael D. MacDonald Željko Pavić Pia Kjærsgaard Eric Bothorel Député Dr. Bősz Anett Smári McCarthy Enver Hoxhaj Sven Clement #RaymonddeRoon Wybren van Haga - BVNL Gábor Grendel Anja Bah Žibert Andreas Glarner-Seite
europeanunion 在 公民不下課 Facebook 的精選貼文
. 歐盟對外關係上,始終試圖在美國之外走出另一條平衡、多邊的道路,也因此歐盟始終希望以對話而非對抗的關係,來處理與中國的外交策略。但隨著這幾年局勢的變化,包含新冠疫情、香港、新疆等,中國似乎越來越不理會與歐盟的人權對話機制,甚至以市場抵制的做法來威脅歐洲企業。近來,中國外交官在歐洲多國踰矩的外交行為,更讓歐中關係雪上加霜。近日,主持任內最後一場德中政府對話會議的總理梅克爾更是語重心長的表示希望這不會是最後一場的德中對話。台歐關係會在歐中關係急轉直下的情境下得利嗎?歡迎分享你的看法喔!
#socialclassonline #國際關係 #歐盟 #中國 #人權 #台灣 #InternationalRelation #EuropeanUnion #EU #China #HumanRights #Taiwan #學測 #指考 #讀書 #升學 #時事 #社會議題 #社會科 #考題
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・歐洲動態,2020,2020年 歐中關係關鍵年
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The European Parliament is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union. It is 705 members, from 27 EU countries, in 7 political ... ... <看更多>
europeanunion 在 European Commission - Facebook 的推薦與評價
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