#throwback 我係WINE.Luxe Magazine月刊嘅酒專欄 - 「夏天搖距試高質香檳」由於疫情,其實很多不同國家的葡萄酒活動及不同品牌的葡萄酒試酒會亦已相繼取消。沒有實體試酒會活動,酒商亦靈活變通,改為網上試酒會活動,跟釀酒師或莊主一同試最新推出的佳釀。於網上試了法國著名香檳莊Krug 香檳推出新型號Krug Grand Cuvee 168eme Edition香檳及另一法國著名香檳Dom Pérignon亦推出了新年份2010年年份香檳。#cheers!🥳🥂
#throwback! My wine column in Wine Luxe magazine - “Virtual Tasting of Premium Champagne this Summer”. Due to COVID-19, there are many country’s wine events and winery tastings got cancelled. People cannot meet in person to taste wine and interact together. But wine people are smart and change the tasting into virtual tasting, so that we can still connect with the winemakers or winery owners to taste wine together. Attended the renowned premium champagne Krug Grand Cuvee 168eme Edition online tasting as well as another renowned premium champagne Dom Perignon 2010 vintage champagne online virtual tasting. Cheers!🥳🥂
#champagne #champagnetasting #virtualtasting #krug #krug168eme #domperignon #domperignon2010 Krug Dom Pérignon #premiumchampagne #champagnechevalier #occhk Ordre Coteaux Champagne #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #wineluxe
domperignon2010 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最佳解答
我係明報副刊嘅酒專欄- 「外賣美酒佳餚wine pairing同cocktail pairing!」
大家繼續 #StayAtHome 抗疫,安在家中享受一頓足不出户的wine pairing 及cocktail pairing 體驗。介紹咗人氣新餐廳fusion美饌 Andō Hong Kong配 LAIBA Hong Kong手工雞尾酒; Roganic Hong Kong 米芝蓮套餐帶回家配年份香檳 Dom Pérignon; 高質越南美食 安南 An Nam Hong Kong配亞洲風情雞尾酒 BAR DE LUXE; 以及歐式創意料理 Amelia Hong Kong配意大利Masi Wines Amarone 美酒! #Cheers!🎉🍷🍸
My wine & spirits feature in Ming Pao Daily feature - “Takeaway Gourmet wine or cocktail pairing!” We all continue to #StayAtHome , let’s enjoy a sumptuous takeaway with wine & cocktail pairing! I’ve recommended the new fusion restaurant #AndoHongKong pairing with #LaibaHongKong craft cocktail; 1-star Michelin restaurant #RoganicHK pairing with #DomPerignon2010 ; high quality Vietnamese cuisine #AnNamHK pairing with #BardeLuxe craft cocktail; and #AmeliaHK pairing with Italian #Masi Amarone wine! Cheers!🎉🍷🍸
#wine #foodandwine #winepairing #cocktailpairing #ccwinevoyage #cocktail #mingpaofeature #詩詩酒樂園 #明報副刊
domperignon2010 在 詩詩酒樂園 CC Wine Voyage Facebook 的最佳解答
#這不是廣告 😆😆 由於疫情,我係明報副刊寫咗一篇外賣美酒佳餚稿同大家分享,一路寫一路堅想試Simon Rogan at Home,於是上網order🐦。一星米芝蓮外賣,有QR code可以scan咗教你點翻熱,其實你有焗爐會好味啲。真係好食,唔叻煮飯都會變大廚!😂好玩!大家有興趣試吓!HK$300/位3道菜,真係冇咁嘅Michelin-skill自煮!當然星級美食要配年份香檳去襯啦! #Cheers! 🥳😋🥂
#ThisIsNotanAd 😆😆 Due to coronavirus, I wrote an article about Takeaway Gourmet wine & cocktail pairing in Ming Pao Daily feature. While I’m writing it, I really wanna try the #SimonRoganatHome & I ordered online finally! 1-star Michelin takeaway with QR code to show u how to reheat, it tastes better if u’ve an oven. It’s really yummy, u can be a great chef even if u don’t know how to cook! 😂 it’s fun!! Try if u r interested! HK$300/pax with 3-course, u really can’t do this Michelin-skill at home! I’d insist to pair Michelin cuisine with vintage champagne to match the quality! Cheers! 🥳😋🥂
#foodandwine #takeaway #RoganicHK #SimonRoganatHomeChallenge Roganic Hong Kong #DomPerignon2010 Dom Pérignon #yummy #covid19 #ccwinevoyage #詩詩酒樂園 #champagne
domperignon2010 在 數量唔多。 Dom Perignon 2010 6支起$1200/支。 包運費 專注 ... 的推薦與評價
Dom Perignon 2010 Dom Perignon 近排貨源緊張,價錢持續高漲做個靚價錢比大家,數量唔多。 Dom Perignon 2010 6支起$1200/支。 包運費 專注香檳,紅酒免問, ... ... <看更多>