#塔利班提名一名聯合國特使,使大會陷入困擾。聯合國官員表示,塔利班提名一名大使在聯合國代表阿富汗,這為該全球組織本已微妙的外交困境注入了新的變化。被推翻的政府特使Ghulam Isaczai迄今仍保留其職位。
#拜登誓言將在氣候變化方面的援助加倍,這是領導人面臨的關鍵問題之一。拜登總統表示,將尋求將旨在幫助發展中國家應對氣候變化的援助增加一倍,將他在4月份做出的承諾,提高到 2024年每年約 114 億美元。
#抗議者譴責巴西和伊朗的領導人。隨著世界各國領導人就最緊迫的問題向聯合國大會發表講話,抗議者週二走上紐約市集會外的街頭,活動人士抗議巴西總統波索納洛的環境和經濟政策,批評人士稱,這些政策導致亞馬遜雨林遭到破壞,並導致巴西普遍存在飢餓現象。還有抗議者手持伊朗國旗、身穿#FreeIran 襯衫和帽子,舉著標語譴責稱伊朗是犯罪政權。
#100 萬觀眾收看了聯合國直播,收看韓國流行天團BTS。
#嬌生公司宣布,該公司施打第二劑疫苗可增強了其對Covid-19 的保護。嬌生公司報告稱,在一項臨床試驗中,研究人員發現,在美國,兩劑疫苗對輕度至重度 Covid-19 的防護力為94%,高於單次注射的74%。兩次注射顯示對防止重症的療效為 100%,但外界對該估計的確實狀況仍有很大的不確定性。
#哈爾濱這個擁有 1000 萬人口的城市中,傳出一名居民確認感染新冠病毒後,週二下令關閉健身房、電影院、浴室、麻將館和其他休閒場所。這些措施正在執行中國政府的“零容忍”方針。
#紐約市下一任市長熱門人選Eric Adams,推動讓關閉的旅店,變成無家可歸者的永久性住所。
#希臘央行公佈的官方數據顯示,希臘是最早放鬆對旅客的冠狀病毒限制的國家之一,今年夏天外國遊客激增。希臘銀行的數據顯示,希臘在今年前七個月吸引了450 萬外國遊客,比2020年同期增長了 51.4%
#墨爾本的建築工人抗議強制接種疫苗。多達 2,000 名抗議者湧入該市的中央商務區。發佈在社群媒體上的視頻顯示,工人們向警察投擲瓶子並點燃照明彈,而身著防暴裝備的警察則發射橡皮子彈並使用胡椒噴霧。
*【谷歌斥資 21 億美元打造曼哈頓辦公大樓】
谷歌宣布,將斥資 21 億美元在哈德遜河濱水區購買曼哈頓辦公大樓,這是近年來美國辦公大樓的最高價格之一,為受疫情影響低迷的房地產市場帶來一絲樂觀的情緒。佔地 130 萬平方英尺的物業,目前正在翻新和擴建。該公司在紐約市擁有 12,000 名企業員工,是加州總部以外最大的衛星辦公室,計劃未來幾年在該市再招聘2,000名員工。
同時也有23部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6萬的網紅This is Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,[有字幕] 台灣民主的真相 | How Democratic is Taiwan? Recently, Taiwan was ranked as the most democratic country in East Asia and the 11th most democratic country...
「democracy country」的推薦目錄:
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- 關於democracy country 在 The Most & Least Democratic Countries in the World - YouTube 的評價
democracy country 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
Discovering the truth behind President Tsai Ing-wen’s thesis is the responsibility of intellectuals and the media. Six months ago, prosecutors sought to charge Professor Hwan C. Lin, Professor Ho De-fen, and Dr. Dennis Peng with defamation. It was the first time an acting president brought forth a lawsuit against scholars.
For two years, anyone who doubted Tsai Ing-wen’s thesis, or even questioned it, were ridiculed by the media and legally persecuted. But, aren’t government leaders in a democratic society obligated to have the authenticity of their credentials tested? Why does the opposite prevail in Taiwan? Why can a leader who has their credentials questioned forgo providing proof and can, instead, use the judicial system to suppress those that question them?
The hallmark of a dutiful scholar is how willing they are to uphold academic integrity. A desire to authenticate Tsai’s degree is a basic reaction for anyone who considers themselves part of the academic circle. However, after Tsai sought legal action against the three scholars, the public came to understand that “questioning Tsai’s degree will get you sued.” Such a precedent is an affront to academic integrity, and an insult to intellectuals everywhere.
Can Taiwan deem itself a proud democracy if its head of state is allowed to use privilege to elevate themselves their whole life, and then escape criticism when questioned? Can Taiwan say it’s the proud democracy it claims to be when judicial mechanisms are used to enact acts of academic fraud? Martial law has been abolished for decades, and yet this country still operates like a dictatorship. Today is about transitional justice in the academic realm. Transitional justice begins when we can face our mistakes. Here, justice begins when Tsai faces her own academic fraud.
Today’s press conference is about rallying the public to stand up against authoritarianism. We call on Tsai Ing-wen to do her duty as head of state and divulge the truth about her thesis. If she refuses to do so, then the other purpose of today is to reveal the evidence we have found that uncovers that truth.
It’s time the lies ended. We will hold a press conference at the Legislative Yuan tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. Eat News will broadcast the entire event live: https://www.eatnews.co.uk/video/20210909-1/
#DennisPeng #PengWengjen #HwanCLin #HoDefen #TsaiIngwen #LSEThesisGateScandal
democracy country 在 元毓 Facebook 的最讚貼文
“There is a lack of discussion, and of a clear sense of what the threat is,” said Bush, who argued in a recent book that Taiwan’s democracy has failed to address how the country can survive and preserve its “good life”.
“What we have seen is avoidance of the underlying reality, of real choices.”
“The government should be raising people’s awareness of the military threat. But instead of doing real things, they just talk, telling people to hate China and love the US and Japan,”
Tsai Hui-chun, the retired teacher, believes that although she has no desire for Taiwan to become part of China, it will eventually happen.
She said: “When they come one day, what could we do about it anyway?”
democracy country 在 This is Taiwan Youtube 的最讚貼文
[有字幕] 台灣民主的真相 | How Democratic is Taiwan? Recently, Taiwan was ranked as the most democratic country in East Asia and the 11th most democratic country in the world.
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#台灣 #台北 #Taiwan

democracy country 在 Namewee Youtube 的精選貼文
Dua minggu yang lepas, ada beberapa orang-orang EXTREMISTS dari Pemuda Perikatan Nasional membuat laporan kepada polis, menuduh saya menghina orang Melayu kerana poster filem [BABI] saya, dan dia juga menjemput wartawan dan media ketika membuat laporan polis… Come on lah, kenapa pulak nak panggil wartawan bila report polis? Adakah siapa pernah panggil wartawan bila buat laporan polis? Adakah? Kamu semua ingat mamat ni betul-betul mahu tolong orang Melayu ke? Atau dia hanya ingin nak jadi famous je? Dalam video hari ini, saya ingin membantah PUKIMAK ini ...
關於國盟青年團的極端分子到警局報警+抗議黃明志[你是豬]電影海報事件。警方目前已經展開調查,林北這一趟回去不知道會被關到什麼時候了… 今天,我就來回應一下這些王八蛋… 啤酒拿來先…
I use to think that all I need to do is to work harder to create my artwork, make movies, make music, and be recognized on international stage, and then one day I can become an honor of my country. But in the end, I realized that they don’t even know how to appreciate me and my effort. The police would rather listen to the extremists’ opinions and arrest me without using their professional judgement and sense. All because of a poster. It makes me feel extremely disappointed and ashamed of them. I hope everyone will share this video to more people to let the world know the current situation in Malaysia. Please cherish democracy and treasure creative freedom. Please don’t be like Malaysia.
Part 2 Namewee membantah Seniman ! Youtube 高清版:https://bit.ly/2KM6kwF
Trailer【你是豬|BABI】預告 :https://youtu.be/_ZuZiHMSXtE
Behind The Scene【你是豬|BABI】幕後花絮 : https://youtu.be/Leo6Z5aLXiE
Movie Theme Song【你是豬|BABI】電影插曲 Movie Theme Song【Happy Family】:https://youtu.be/tdnfe3lALd8
Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:
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#Namewee #黃明志 #Babi #你是豬

democracy country 在 吳鳳Rifat Youtube 的最讚貼文
身為一個外國人也是台灣公民的我,這14年來親眼見證台灣的民主、自由、人權、安全。這次全世界遭逢本世紀最嚴重的公共健康危機,台灣防疫及醫療的優異表現, 讓更多國際社會注意到台灣。但很可惜許多國際組織還是見不到台灣的身影,很多國家還是不敢跟台灣有更深厚的關係。這次我用國際共同的語言英文,再次呼籲國際社會應該團結一致!不管你在哪裡,一起為台灣發聲!我們不放棄,早晚世界會聽到我們!🇹🇼
#Taiwancanhelp #聯合國 #WHO
I have been living in Taiwan for 14 years,all those years I witnessed democracy,freedom,human rights,and safety。Because of health crisis whole world is going through all countries noticed taiwan‘s efforts to control spread of Corona virus in our country。However taiwan still needs to have recognition from more countries especially international organizations。In this video I speak in English to reach more people to let them know about Taiwan’s efforts for international society。Never give up and speak up for Taiwan。Sooner or later world will hear our voice 💪
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democracy country 在 The Most & Least Democratic Countries in the World - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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